
JANARA: Born To Save The Universe

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Tamunotonye_Brown · Fantasy
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Ashber is a really beautiful city, it's surrounded by beautiful plants, natural resources and kind people. Most of the people in Ashber are Farmers while others rare animals such as cows, horses, donkeys, birds of different kinds etc.

Every year they grow and expand in wealth, you'll hardly see a poor person in Ashber because everybody is dedicated to work and fend for themselves and their families.

They care and support each other in anyway that they can. In all, the city is peaceful, safe and has a neat environment, a perfect place for humanity.

People from different places come to Ashber to buy their products and also live their.

The king and queen are a blessing to the people, they govern them with love and care. They make sure everybody is doing fine and they try as much as they can to eradicate poverty.

For their Princess nobody has seen her since her one year birthday. The king and queen has kept her away from people, both families and friends. Nobody knows the reason but they know she's in the Castle, heavily guarded from people. Nobody dares to come close

ಥಥಥಥಥಥ17 YEARS AGOಥಥಥಥಥಥ

In the City of Ashber a cry of a pregnant woman was heard, screaming and shouting for help but the midwives were standing and looking instead of helping her. A woman tried to go close but couldn't touch the pregnant woman who was known as Maria the queen the queen of Ashber. It seemed like a tornado was surrounding her, things were flying in the air and the ground was shaking vigorously

She kept screaming and screaming on top of her voice, the wind got too much that the midwives had to run away.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhh ahhhh ahhhhhh" Maria screamed but suddenly stopped, panting heavily and trying to catch her breath.

A cry of a baby was heard and the wind suddenly stopped. Everywhere became calm except the cry of the baby.

Maria looked down and saw the baby girl looking back at her but the surprising thing was that there's no umbilical cord, and the baby was bigger than normal.

"Hi" the baby Waved. Maria thought she was hearing things. She looked her the baby with wide eyes "Hii" the baby said again

"Did I just hear a newly born baby talk" she asked herself

"Mama" she called again stretching her hands to her

"How's this possible?" She asked rhetorically

"You don't want me mama?" The baby asked with innocent eyes.

"Of course I want you, I'm just surprised" Maria said, although she was scared but trying to act strong.

"Okay Mama" the baby said. Maria reluctantly picked her up and looked at her keenly.

"I'm JANARA" the baby smiled

"Hi Princess Janara, nice name for a beautiful girl" Maria touched the tip of her nose lovingly while swinging her slowly.

"I'm a princess?" Janara asked with happiness

"Yes you are" Maria said. She was still a bit scared

"Don't be scared Mama, I wouldn't let anything happen to you" Janara said

"I hope your father wouldn't die of shock when he hears you talking" Maria said while biting her lips

"Don't worry mama, you're the only person that could hear me talk and see my size. The rest will see me as a baby" Janara said

"But how's that even possible" Maria was confused.

The door opened and a woman entered inside

"The queen has given birth!" A woman shouted and the rest of the midwives entered the room

"It's a girl" Another said, she moved closed to look at Janara

"Our Princess" another woman said

"She's so adorable, congratulations my queen" She added and Maria nodded her head. She gently took her from Maria and Janara was really quite.

"Let's clean her up" One of them said and took her from the other woman

"Mama No" Janara said but only her mother could hear her

"Wait" Maria called. "I'll do it by myself"

"But why? we normally do it and besides it's your first baby, you don't have any experience" The woman carry Janara said

"Don't worry about that" Maria insisted

"Hmm, alright then. But at least let's guide you" The woman suggested

"As your queen, I insist that you leave this place immediately" Maria commanded

"Okay my queen" They said and left the place immediately

"Thank you Mama" Janara said and hugged her mom

"Can I ask you something Janara?" Maria asked

"Yes mama" Janara nodded her head

"Why are you so different, I mean just look at you" Maria asked

"I have powers mama" Janara said with a smile. Maria's heart started beating faster

"like super powers?" Maria with shock

"Yes, but I don't know what are my powers yet" the baby shrugged and She was suddenly bigger than before

"You're growing!" Maria screamed

"Seems like it" Janara shrugged

"Oh my God how do I go about this" Maria said with fear and worry lacing in her voice

"Don't worry mama, I'll reduce to a normal size" Janara said and shrunk back to normal, Maria gasped and fainted.
