
James Hook And The Mirror Of Darkness

Once upon a time, there lived a normal couple in a normal colony of a normal city of New York. They were very happy with their lives and only wanted a child. They decided to go to the orphanage next week, but who knew that God was listening to them that day and decided to drop a child on their front door. And this child would change the future in an unimaginable way.

Destango · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter # 19

Mr. Gon suddenly placed his hand on James's mouth. Then Ms. Karen slowly opened her eyes and seeing those two she was a little shocked. "W-What happened?", asked Ms. Karen.

Mr. Gon said, "You passed out Karen. How many times have I told you to take better care of yourself". Then both started having a conversation and were really enjoying each other companies while blushing at some aspects.

James decided to leave them and was about to go when he noticed a nurse looking happily at them. She said, "Such lovebirds are they; the whole academy knows about their crush on each other except themselves. And neither have the courage to say it".

"Maybe I can do something with the help of my friends", thought James while leaving the infirmary. Ryan was waiting for him outside and as soon as he came out, Ryan took him by the arm and they went to the main hall to have lunch.

After lunch, Mr. King (Homeroom teacher of the Blue Beetle), a strong, muscular man with blond hairs, beard and a mustache. He took all the students back to the training grounds where now there were long tables and stands, holding all types of weapons. Swords, axes, daggers, spear, bow, guns, staffs, you name it.

Mr. King said with a loud voice, "Welcome all students, to weapon trainings. Now, I know. that many of you will think that we have magic, so why bother learning the use of a weapon. Well, when you will be out in battle and your mana will close to empty, this weapon training will be the thing that will save you"

After a brief moment he said, "Now I won't force you if you don't want to learn it, then choose a good old staff. But some spells can modify themselves when using a weapon. So go on and choose, but remember, once you finalize a weapon, you can only change it next year"

James thought that many people would choose a staff, but it was the other way around. Some people were picking and choosing really quickly, probably they thought it through.

Ryan picked a spear and Angelina picked a staff.

Adam picked the most unique weapon, a scythe. Probably he was the only one who picked it. James wasn't able to locate Tera in the crowd of 500 peoples. They were arranged in the order of their houses but still it was difficult. James didn't have to worry about the mana deficiency, but spell modification really picked his interest.

So, he decided to choose the most common weapon, a single wielding long sword. After every person had chosen a weapon

Mr. King then said, "Now you have chosen your weapons, you will be given one month to train. After one month, a tournament will be held which will only be a weapon battle, no magic. Now its just a friendly tournament with no prize, so no funny business" He was especially looking at the members of Black Blaze.

James heard from Ryan that they caused a mess in the absence of the headmaster when he was with him. Then he said, "Now after the other classes, make sure to head to the library to get a technique book for your weapon. Dismissed!"

It was now time for rest. Some went back to their dorms, some remained at the training grounds to practice mana and some went to the library to get the technique book.

James thought that this would be the best time to learn other houses magic so he also remained in the training grounds.

He first looked at a student from Black Blaze who was casting Black Flame. "Eyeing on other, James?", said someone from behind.

James looked behind and it was Adam. His scythe was hanging on his back and he had a black, dusty book in his hands. He was still wearing the mask on his face for some reason.

He went to the library to get the technique book, but how did he managed to come back so fast? James was about to ask him this when he replied, "I used the Dark Arts Movement spell, Shadow Movement".

James noticed that Adam was also sweating

from the use of mana. Adam said, "That's why I want to master my weapon as soon as possible?".

James thought, "How the hell is he telling what I'm thinking!"

Hi. This is the author. Thankyou for the support you have given me so far.

I need a bit of your help regarding the novel.

Do you think that I should add an evil organisation?

This will be totally seperated from the antagonist. However. the antagonist may take advantage of the organisation in some cases.

Tell me what you think about this idea

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