
Jaeger Academy

The Diamante empire has been living in peace for six years after the great war that was caused by Dyrothy Augusta Sinclair, a rebel who has betrayed the empire and it's people. But that peacefulness didn't last long when a bunch of notorious criminals broke out of the magic prison and murdered four innocent children. Just as when Ronan thought he was at the end of his life, he found himself alive again and is set on bringing justice and peace with determination to eliminate those murderers.

JangShi · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: A reality or a nightmare?

Emily marched inside the council, ruthlessly knocking the knights who were trying to stop her. When she reached the big doors, she kicked it opened.

"You fuckers! What the hell have you done?!" Emily cussed, glaring at the higher ups and then found a woman standing on the middle of the room. She knew that long silver colored hair very well and it was enough to make her blood boil.

After hearing her voice, the woman in the middle, turned her head to glance at Emily.

"Let's calm our pants, shall we Emily? Or should I say Nessa?" 

She walked briskly towards the woman, grabbing her by the collar.

"Don't fuck with me Ora! You promised you'll have everything under control! So why is Caspian's pawn in that area?! My students—" She paused, gritting her teeth when she recalled the innocent faces of her students.

Her fist that was gripping Ora's collar were turning white. She lifted her hand that were covered with a black glove, raking her fingers through her jet black hair.

"Cliff is in a coma, he is brain dead and Evan still hasn't woken up, Ronan has disappeared without a trace. Probably killed because of your carelessness!" She shouted, pushing Ora.

"Now..." She heavily panted, glaring at Ora and the higher-ups who were inside the room. Her eyes landed on the man who was around his 60's sitting on the center of the ten seats. 

"What are you gonna do, Frederick? Ah I forgot!" She scoffed, laughing bitterly to her self then she looked back at Frederick, disdainfully. "You don't do anything. You just sit back and watch pitiful children murdered." 

"You! Watch your words!" A man who was around his 60's pointed a finger at her, and his voice boomed inside the room.

"You're no exception Walter."

If Nessa was still her younger self, she would be scared but now— She has nothing to be afraid of because she has nothing to lose.

"You kept coming to me to take me back to that damn place, right?" Nessa turned to Ora.

"I am not coming back to that place and you should know better!" She added. There was pain laced in her voice when she said those words.

Ora knew that it would bring unpleasant memories but how long will she keep on running away from her past? How long will she be stuck in that place? That thought itself concerned Ora.

"Then, how long will you keep on running? How long will you keep on worrying about something that has passed? We may not be able to bring those dead people back but we can still protect the ones who are still here. I'll give you time to think about it." 

Nessa clenched her fist then she turned away, storming out the council with heavy footsteps.

Ora only looked at her retreating back, knowing that she can't do anything.

As soon as Nessa was gone, Ora looked up at the higher ups, fiercely. Eyes full of anger and resentment.


Evan groggily opened his eyes, his vision was blurry and he could hear footsteps approaching.

"Young Master!"

The maid rushed outside the room to call the doctor and Evan's father and step-mom.

After recovering for a week, Evan was stuck inside his room, mourning for May's death. He also heard about what happened to Cliff and also Ronan's disappearance. 

Staring blankly at the floor, the maids who were checking up on him grew concern. He wouldn't eat and he always locked himself inside his room and he wouldn't also go to school.

He didn't want to see their empty seats. He felt guilty. If only he hadn't said those things. If only he was kind to Ronan. He gritted his teeth, tears rolled down his cheek and he clenched his fist tightly. 

He began to sob uncontrollably.

He always swore to himself that he'll never cry again after crying at the bank of the river but— He couldn't hold himself back. He blamed himself for everything. 


Evan stood in front of the gate, looking at the school with empty eyes.

He was now in front of the room, debating whether he should open the door or not.


He froze in his place. His fingers began to tremble.

'That voice.' A sweet voice called.

He slowly looked to the side to meet her yellow colored eyes, staring curiously at him then she smiled.

"What are you standing there for? Aren't you going in?"


His eyes widened in surprise as he stared at her. He was dumbfounded at the sight. But he saw her getting killed by that man?! So how is it possible that she's still here?


Bubbles went up and his body was slowly being pulled down. His blue eyes looked dead.

Even though Ronan wanted to move, his body was way too relaxed that he couldn't move a muscle. The water was cold yet warm. He wanted to stay because he felt comforted in the waters.

The warmth he felt was like being embraced by his mother.

Mother? Does he even have one?

'Who's my mother?'

He closed his eyes, feeling comfortable by the warmth. He was getting sleepy.

"Wake up." A woman's voice softly called, urging him to wake up but why? He's comfortable here.

"Wake up!" There was it again but this time there was pain in her voice when she called. Like she was crying.

Ronan opened his eyes and then felt the cold waters were turning warm. The water invaded his mouth and he tasted the salty water.

Was this the sea of despair? Anguish? Somehow, he felt her loneliness.

He slowly closed his eyes and drifted into the darkness.

The sound of chopping woke Ronan up. His eyes slowly opened and he found himself lying on a bed. He looked at the wooden ceiling then he moved his eyes to where the sound came from.

He saw a man's broad back facing him. He could clearly see his muscular biceps and he was tall. Judging from his body, he could say he looks like he's in his early 60's?

He had neck length gray colored hair that was tied.

Somehow, the figure reminded him of his grandfather.

"Grandpa Mann? Is that you?" He called out then the old man turned to face him when he saw the man's face he was discouraged to find that it wasn't the man he expected.

"You're awake kid?" The man looked at the child then he turned to his chopping board again and continued on chopping the meat.

"I found you on my way home. You were unconscious, lying on the cold ground so I took you with me."

Ronan looked at his palm and then suddenly suddenly it hit him. He quickly sat up touching his neck trying to feel if it was still intact.

"I'm alive?" He murmured then he urgently looked at the man.

"Where's Cliff?! H-Have you seen a boy around my age too? He's blonde and he's a bit taller than me." He questioned in a hurry.

The man didn't spare him a glance and replied, "No, you were alone." He placed the knife on the counter and took the meat he sliced.

Ronan looked down and buried his face in his palm. So all of that really happened? It wasn't a nightmare or a bad dream. It really happened. He was starting to lose his mind.

He kept thinking of Cliff that he didn't realize that he was sobbing uncontrollably.

The room was only filled by his cries but the man didn't say anything or did anything. He just let the kid be, letting him pour everything out.


The old man started to eat and Ronan still hasn't touched his food. He kept looking at the meat that was in front of him.

The old man noticed this and he stopped and looked at Ronan.

"Wanna go hunting with me later?" The old man asked.

Ronan weakly lifted his eyes to him then he weakly nodded.

"Then eat. You'll need to eat to get some energy." He encouraged.

"Mister, why did you bring me?" Ronan lowly asked, his head hang low then he clenched his fist that was sitting on his lap.

There was a short silence then the man smiled and stood up and placed a hand on top of Ronan's little head, ruffling his pink hair.

"How about I tell you after you finish your food. Sounds good right?"

Ronan bit his bottom lips, to stop his tears from falling then he nodded.

"Now, eat up and fill your stomach." He said, withdrawing his hand from his head.

Ronan nodded and then he took his spoon and fork and began to eat. Tears rolled uncontrollably from his cheek and it was painful to swallow the food but he forced himself.

The man only ruefully smiled while watching the kid.



Evan was snapped back to his senses after hearing May call his name. She looked at him with concern.

"You haven't touched your food, are you okay? Are you sure you're still not sick?" May asked, placing a hand on his forehead. He immediately caught her hand then he placed it down.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine."

May tilted her head then she let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry for asking you a ridiculous thing. Of course, you're not okay. After that incident with Cliff and Ronan. Sorry for being insensitive." May apologized.

That caught his attention and he quickly turned to May.

"Ronan's death must've traumatized you. I was sad when I heard of it as well." May added making Evan even more confused than he was.

"What do you mean? Ronan's not... someone killed you." Evan looked at May, eyes filled with shock. "You were there. " He breathed out.

"What do you mean I was there? I immediately went home after our argument." May replied then Evan shook his head in denial.

"No, then..." His head began to ache and the noises around them began to muffle.

'Then who was that girl? I'm not mistaken! I'm sure it was you!'

He looked at May then he stood up, getting a bit dizzy.

"I have to go." He said in a hurry.

Before May could stop him, He was already gone, walking fast in the hallway until he crashed into someone and they both fell on their butt.

"Ow!" Eleana groaned, massaging her head then she looked in front of her to see Evan.

She pushed herself up, dusting her skirt and slapping her palms to each other.

"Watch it, Addams." She said with a bit of annoyance in her voice then she was about to walk away when she saw May who was behind Evan.

She coldly glared at May before walking past them.

"Evan, are you okay?" May worriedly asked. Evan gazed at her then he pulled her to a tight embrace.

"W-Wha—! Hey, what if someone sees us, they'll get the wrong idea!" May tried to push him away, blushing wildly in his embrace.

"Can we just stay like this for a moment?" Evan asked, hugging her tight. He wanted to make sure she was here. He wanted to make sure that she's alive. He wanted to feel her warmth.

May gave in to the hug and hugged him back.

"You must be so sad about Ronan's passing. It's okay, time will heal and i'm sure Ronan is watching over us." May comforted.