
Jaeger Academy

The Diamante empire has been living in peace for six years after the great war that was caused by Dyrothy Augusta Sinclair, a rebel who has betrayed the empire and it's people. But that peacefulness didn't last long when a bunch of notorious criminals broke out of the magic prison and murdered four innocent children. Just as when Ronan thought he was at the end of his life, he found himself alive again and is set on bringing justice and peace with determination to eliminate those murderers.

JangShi · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: The Evergreen Elementary School

"Any questions?" Emily asked, pushing the bridge of her glasses up, her eyes looked around the whole room and landed on Hazel, who was raising her hand in the air.


"But aren't nobles supposed to be the only ones that could join the Academy?" Hazel asked.

"Why do you say so?" 

"Because, nobles are far more superior than lowlifes. They're much stronger in terms of powers and much smarter." Hazel said in a matter-of-factly with arrogance. 

Clearly, she was trying to purposely make fun of the commoners inside their classroom, including their teacher who only placed the book down silently then she fixed her gaze on the ten years old Hazel.

"Then, why aren't you strong?" Emily asked catching the proud Hazel off guard.

"Listen here, brats..." She turned her attention to all the students. "Title has nothing to do with you joining the Academy. What can your title do when you're just a pain the ass?" She asked, directing her gaze to Hazel who shrunk back in her seat, embarrassed. 

"Noble or not, as long as you have the guts to fight for the kingdom then that's enough."


"What could she possibly know?" Hazel murmured in annoyance, rolling her eyes thinking that Emily wouldn't hear her but boy was she wrong.

"Yeah..." Emily scoffed. "What could I possibly know about the Academy? I may not know a lot but there's one thing I know." She paused. There was a deafening silence that passed by before she continued her words.


She could see the look of fear in the faces of her 10 year old students but she cared less. 

Teachers were suppose to be patient and calm but she was different. She didn't like sugarcoating her words to her students so she slaps them with reality even though they're just kids.

"Why do you ask such questions Hazel? Are you thinking about joining?" She asked, darting her eyes to Hazel who shyly nodded in response.

"Why?" She asked but Hazel couldn't think of any answers. She just sat silently, she felt cold sweats rolling down her forehead and down to her back. She gulped, opening her mouth to answer but she couldn't.

"Are you ready to die for the emperor? Kill for the sake of protecting the empire? Do you want to be praise? Do you want to be called a hero?" 

Hazel hang her head low, not being able to answer all those questions. Emily turned to all the students.

"Listen here, If you plan on joining, thinking you'll just sit still and look like a princess then, it's better if you just stick to your noble yet boring life." Emily ended then took her book into her hand. 

The look of disappointments in their faces says a lot.

They had high hopes.

The bell rang, and her eyes landed to a pink-haired boy whose head was on top of the table. He was loudly snoring as well.

Annoyed by this she approached the boy. Each student she passed by gulped, nervous of what she might do if they ever moved.

"Hey." Her voice was cold enough to send shivers down their spines. She tried to nudge the boy awake but he didn't show any signs of waking up, instead, he looked so happy while he was sleeping. Without any other choices, she slammed her palm on the desk making the poor boy jolt up, shouting,


Emily gritted her teeth as she glared at the boy furiously. "Do you think we're cooking or something?!!!" She shouted making Ronan shiver then he stood up bowing his head.



Shivers ran down his spine while he trembled in her presence.

Every student who passed by mocked and laughed at Ronan who was standing in front of the schools statue, under the suns heat with books in his right and left hand. There were two books on top of his head too. He wasn't allowed to move or else Emily would add another book on his hands and head.

"You'll be standing there until I tell you to go." Emily simply said before leaving Ronan alone, murmuring as she went away with her brows furrowed in annoyance.

"Teacher!!" Ronan cried but Emily just ignored him. It was a complete torture.

"So cold of her." He cried.

"Sigh Look at this imbecile." Ronan's eyes moved in front of him and saw his one only best friend.

"Cliff!" He had a big smile on his face, seemingly delighted and the presence of his best friend.

"I've warned you many times, Ronan! It's better to poke a sleeping lion than to sleep in Teacher Emily's class." Cliff crossed his arms, clicking his tongue while glaring at his friend.

"But you know how I hate math class!" Ronan pouted.

"So, you don't care whether you'd die or not?! If you wanted to die that badly then let me kill you myself!" Cliff fumed, his fist slowly lighting up with a blue hue.

"No! Please don't kill me!" Ronan pleaded trying to keep himself steady or else there will be another punishment.

"Come on, Cliff. Ronan is suffering already, shouldn't you feel sorry for him instead?" May chimed in, walking towards them with a gentle smile on her lips.

"May!" Ronan felt relieved when he saw May approaching.

"I brought you lunch, I'm sure you haven't eaten yet." May stood beside him and fed him the bread since he couldn't move.

"Thank you~ You're such a goddess!" Ronan praised while savoring the bread in his mouth.

"Tsk! Why would I feel sorry for him?" He looked to the side with a red tint on his cheeks, denying the fact that he was clearly worried about him.

"He's just worried about you." May whispered to Ronan. He grinned while he looked at Cliff who was now clearly annoyed, glaring daggers at him.

"Wipe that stupid look on your face! You're making me want to punch you!" Cliff lifted his fist. Blue light escaping through his fist.

"Don't!!" Ronan cried.

Emily sighed as she looked out the window watching the three kids. She had that wistful look in her eyes, she could recall those fun memories she had when she was a kid. The corner of her lips curved up as she watched.

"Ma'am Emily?" 

The voice cut her off, her face returning back to its usual cold and stern look. 

"What?" She turned to face the woman behind her.

"Someone wishes to speak with you."

Emily's gaze moved to the spot next to the woman. Raising a brow, she coldly stared at the woman.

"You again?"


"Ah! My arms hurt!!" Ronan groaned, stretching his arms then Cliff whacked his head making him yell in pain.

"What was that for?!"

"That's for making me angry!" Cliff retorted before walking past him. The corners of Ronan's lips curved up as he ran towards the boy and slung his arms around his shoulders.

Cliff came from a noble family whereas Ronan was a commoner. Commoners and nobles don't get along. Simply, because they have a huge gap between wealth. Most of the nobles look down on the commoners and most of the commoners despite the nobles because of their arrogant attitude but somehow, it was different for Ronan and Cliff. 

"Get your hands off me!" 

Cliff pushed his arm off his shoulder. Ronan only laughed making Cliff frown at him.

"What are you smiling about?"

"I'm just glad." 

"Glad that you stood under the sun? Haha! I guess you've gone crazy? Did the sun dry your senses?" 

"No, I'm just glad that you were my friend." He said, stopping in his tracks as he turns to Cliff wearing a soft expression on his face.

"Well, as you should!" Cliff proudly said with a smile, walking ahead of Ronan. 

Ronan watched his back before jogging towards him.

"Wait up!"

Just as he was running his shoulder bumped into someone. He stopped to apologize but the boy only shot him a cold glare.

"Watch where you're going lowlife." 

"Oh- Sorry Evan-"

Without letting him finish Evan only ignored him and walked off. 

"What's his problem?!" Cliff gritted his teeth and glared at Evan's back. "I hate his guts! He's so arrogant!" 

Ronan only placed his arm around Cliff.


"Come on, Cliff." 

Cliff turned to him, his brows were furrowed and Ronan swore he could see fire surrounding Cliff who was extremely furious.

"That bastard was rude!!" 

"Just leave him be." He replied, smiling it off. 

Cliff was hesitant whether he's leave it be or just teach Evan a lesson. 

"Fine! Just this once!" 


"Class dismissed." Emily coldly said before walking out of the classroom. 

As soon as she was gone, the students felt like they could breath again. They began to be loud and some went out to take their lunch at the cafeteria.

"Whoo! Lunch time~"

"Hey, I heard they're serving chicken and broccoli."

"Yey chicken! yuck broccoli!"

Cliff stood beside Ronan who was stretching his arms. 

"Hey, idiot."

"Let's go!" Ronan excitedly said, marching out the door enthusiastically.

"Hey Carter!" Ronan turned to face Eleana who was glaring fiercely at him. He swore he could see smoke coming out of her nostrils.

"Where's the task that I assigned you to do last week?! We're past the deadline!"

She referred to the team project they had and Ronan just keeps on forgetting about it. 

"Eleana!!" Ronan jumped towards Eleana dramatically only to be kicked to the side. He crashed to the board, groaning.

"I'm telling you, if I get low grades this year, I'm gonna blame you!" Her voice was enough to make Ronan shudder but he just couldn't help but blush at Eleana's beautiful face.

Well, who wouldn't be fascinated to look at her. Even though she was still ten yet her beauty is captivating. Her blond silky and straight hair fell down to her waist and she had neat bangs that covered her forehead down to her eyebrows. She had captivating round green eyes that looked like shining emerald. She had a very fair skin tone that looked like she never stays outside long.

But the thing is, she was always grumpy, but Ronan didn't care because for him, she was beautiful!

"Yes, I'll work on it."


Eleana stormed out the room with her brows furrowed and her hair bouncing as she goes.

"Oh, Hey Eleana." May greeted only to be ignored. 

She wasn't disappointed since she already expected it, though she didn't know why Eleana hated her even though they started in a great friendship. 

Well, that was five years ago.

"Idiot." Cliff whacked his head.

"She talked to me." He gushed.

He felt like he was somewhere in paradise.

"Can you stop acting like she said 'I love you, let's get married and kiss me.' and get your head out of dreamland!" Cliff slapped him right across the face, snapping him back to his senses.

"Can't you just support me?! After all, soon, I'm gonna be your cousin-in-law." He proudly said.

"We may be friends but stay away from my cousin!" 

"Instead of pushing me away from her! Why can't you help me instead?!"

"Tsk. Too loud." Evan grew irritated of the noise they were making. Without any choice left, he stood from his seat and walked out only to meet May.

"Evan! Are you going to the cafeteria? You should go with Ronan and Cliff." May excitedly approached, beaming at him.

Evan moved his gaze from May to Ronan and Cliff and back.

"Why should I?" With that he walked away.

"Bastard!" Cliff cussed, glaring at the back of Evans head. If his eyes could shoot lasers, the back of the latters head would already have two holes.


"Got scolded by Ms. Emily again?"

Andrea leaned on the wall with her arms crossed in her chest. She had a teasing smile, enough to annoy Hazel.

"Shut up! I really hate that b*tch!"

She clenched her fist, slamming it on the sink. Her brows were furrowed deeply with deep hatred in her eyes.

"Are you even allowed to say that?" Bernadeth leaned on the sink, facing Hazel who turned to glare at her.

"So what?! This is my last straw! I'll make sure that b*tch ends up jobless tomorrow! What can she do? She's just a commoner." Hazel sniggered.

"Why? what are you gonna do?" Andrea stood beside Hazel who sniggered with a suspicious look in her face. 

"Just a little bit of punishment."