
Jaden Yuki's Story

This story is about what happened to Jaden Yuki 5 years after his graduation from dueling academy I don't own Yugioh GX! This is my first YuGiOh GX story am I'm trying my best for it be interesting and exciting for all readers to read, review & enjoy. I put in some additional characters from Final Fantasy and made some new cards in this story which does not exist in any of the YuGiOh series, hope you guys don't mind.

My_Anime_World_2311 · Fantasy
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Chapter 14 Joy and Despair


Back at the new dorm in Duel Academy on the same night,

" Who are you? " Zane asked

" I'm the one who hunts top duelists " said the stranger

" What have you done with Chazz, Hassleberry and Bastion? " Zane asked

" They lost their duels so are their souls " the stranger answered " Now, tell me where Jaden is, or you'll end up like the others "

" Over my dead body! " Zane replied and activated his duel disk preparing to duel the stranger

" Fine then, you asked for it " the stranger agreed to duel Zane

( I don't want to expose the stranger's cards yet until Jaden faces him )

After the duel,

" No way, what are those monsters? " Zane thought as he collapsed on the ground " They're too strong! "

" Now, give me your soul " said the stranger and Zane's eyes went completely blank

" Who are you? What have you done with my brother? " Syrus asked when he entered the dorm

" Not another meddler " the stranger thought

" Are you going to tell me where Jaden is? Or do you want to follow their footsteps? "the stranger asked

" Jaden's gone! He left yesterday! " said Blair behind Syrus

" Blair! " Syrus shouted at her as he turned around

" Clever girl! I spare your lives for now " said the stranger and disappeared into thin air

" Why did you tell him Jaden's gone? " Syrus asked

" Look, I just saved your life and I didn't tell him how or where Jaden left " Blair answered " So how is he going to find out where Jaden is? "

" You got a point though " Syrus replied

" Let's get them to the clinic Syrus " Blair said

" Ok, help me carry Chazz or Bastion, Blair" Syrus said while he carried his brother on his back

" No way, i'm carrying any of them! i'll go find Atticus and get his help " Blair replied and ran off

" Jaden, hope you're safe " Syrus thought

Meanwhile at the hotel, Jaden and Alexis didn't know what was going on at Duel Academy and they were having fun dueling in the bedroom of their hotel suite.

" My turn! " Jaden shouted " I play Soul Release and remove Sparkman, Avian, Burstinatrix and Clayman from play "

" Isn't that the card Kaiba gave you? " Alexis asked

" Yeah, and now I play Return From The Different Dimension! I summon all monsters I just removed from play back to the field! " Jaden shouted " Now I play Fusion Gate! "

" Uh oh " Alexis whispered

" I fuse Burstinatrix and Clayman to summon Rampart Blaster in defense mode " Jaden shouted " Since its in defense mode, its effect allows me to do 1000 poitns worth of damage to your LP "

" Ah! " Alexis shouted as her LP 4000 reduced to 3000

" Now I play Defusion and fuse Clayman with Sparkman to summon Thunder Giant! " Jaden shouted " Now destroy Cyber Blader! "

" I fuse Avian and Burtinatrix to summon Flame Wingman! Flame Wingman attack Cyber Angel Idaten! "

Flame Wingman ATK 2100, Cyber Angel Idaten ATK 1600

" Grr.. " Alexis groaned and her LP decreased to 2500 then to 900 due to Flame Wingman's effect

" Now I fuse Flame Wingman with Thunder Giant to summon Elemental Hero Electrum! Now attack Lex directly " Jaden shouted

" AH! " Alexis shouted and fell onto the bed as her lost all her LP

" Are you ok Lex? " Jaden went to the bed and asked Alexis after the duel monsters holograms vanished

" Bully! " Alexis sat up and pretended to scold Jaden

" I'm sorry Lex " Jaden apologized " But you told me to give everything I have "

" But that was too much! " Alexis replied trying to ignore Jaden

" I'm very sorry Lex " Jaden apologized

" Hmph! " Alexis looked away from Jaden

         Jaden crept closer to Alexis and pushed her lying down onto the bed. He then kissed Alexis lips and she hugged Jaden and kissed him.

" I wasn't angry you Jay " Alexis said after they broke away from their kiss

" I know Lex " Jaden replied " Let's sleep, we got a big day ahead of us tomorrow "

" Ok, good night Jay " Alexis wished her boyfriend good night

" Good night Lex " Jaden wished his girlfriend good night and kissed her cheek. Jaden hugged around Alexis's waist from behind and they slept together.

Meanwhile at Duel Academy,

" I wonder if Jaden will be ok " Syrus said

" That duel hunter has already defeated all the best former students once, Zane, Jaden, Chazz and Hassleberry " Blair said

" What about Bastion? " Atticus asked

" He's not good enough " Blair answered

" I really hope my sister's doing fine with Jaden " said Atticus " Hope they don't end up like them "

" I'm sure Jaden can defeat that guy this time! " Blair said " He's never lost to the same person twice "

" Yeah but Jaden has never won my brother, Zane and Zane was defeated so easily by him! " Syrus said

" Come on guys! You gotta have faith in Jaden " Atticus said " There's nothing he can't do "

" Except dumping Alexis for me " Blair continued Atticus's sentence in her mind