
Chapter 2

Jade's treatments began and to the disappointment of her parents and doctors alike, there were no signs of improvement. Two years later, with Jade now being fifteen, nothing seemed to have changed since the day she had been diagnosed till now.

Jade's p.o.v

Sheila and I just finished our classes with the governess and we were heading back to my room.

"Ugh, I really hate that lady, acting all posh like we're in the Victorian era" Sheila said and I laughed "hate is a strong word but I totally get you" " It would be really nice to go to an actual school,you know". I nodded " too bad we don't have an excuse for that"

We got to my room and sat on the bed, Sheila reviewing her notes and me going through my tablet." So, any progress yet?" Sheila asked. " Still stagnant" I reply. "It's kinda funny though , it's not getting worse or showing any signs of reduction" I say "Those doctors better not be messing with your parents for their money" I laugh.

"You know, if this was a story, it would be the part where the character makes up a list of things they want to do before they die" " but I'm not dying, it's stagnant, remember?" I roll my eyes. " I know, I know, it's just that in this case you could totally make a list of things you want to do before you get well" I raise an eyebrow at her. "Sounds crazy,I know. You don't want to die, we don't want you to die either,so instead of making a bucket list, you can just make it a list of things to do before you beat cancer"

"I don't think that's a go-" " It totally is, think of all the things you can gain with this. You can finally live the life you want, even if it's for a short while, you can convince you parents to let you go to an actual school and basically do everything you want to do. fall in love with a cute person and have your first k-"

"Love?" Sheila nodded "That's ridiculous, I mean I get your reasoning but I'm not going to fall for some dumb jock or a goth guy" "Nobody said anything about falling in love with a joth or goth ,now did I?" "You can just live your life without falling in love too you know, being aromantic is a thing now and I would fault you for it" She said shrugging her shoulders when I glared at her."What?" "Stop putting labels on me."I said. "Okay."

"So..." Sheila said looking at me making me roll my eyes "I'll consider it." "Good!" she replied smiling."I'll be taking my leave now,bye" With that she ran out of my room.

Thinking about what Sheila said,I started to see her point. With the situation of my sickness and the doctors not being able to do anything about it, it could be a good opportunity to get whatever I want. I know it sounds manipulative but it's the only way things can work out for me . I pick up my tablet and started to make a list of things that I feel like I would really love to do.

Hi, it's Ummie!. and I'm back with another chapter. I'm sorry about the slow updates and I will try to update two chapters so as to make things faster. Also I noticed that this story has started to gain a lot of reads, but no votes or comments. As a writer it is sad knowing that there is literally no support from your readers. so please don't be a ghost reader, please vote and comment. Thanks again. bye!

Ummie_Tencreators' thoughts