
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chap 26: Back

"Alright guys, training's over, you should be able to play with me when I'm bored," Devion says to Gom who looks exhausted with most of them sitting on the floor gasping for air, "You think I should give them a mask?" Jackson appears out of nowhere and asking Devion, "What're you talking about?" Aomine asks the two brothers, his throat hoarse probably from almost getting dehydrated.

"Oh, you probably need some water" Jackson tosses some water towards Tetsu to which AOmine watches as his friend chugs the drink much to his displeasure, "SO, if I told you guys that there was a mask that helped you become a far better player than you are would you want it?" Jackson says as he digs around in a duffel bag, the members of Gom look at one another gauging their answers and in unison, they all said"yes we would",

"Good, well here you go, and we need to head back home, see you guys in high school," Jackson says as he tosses 6 white smooth masks towards the basketball players, They pick up the mask inspecting them and placing them over their faces, "Oh," Jackson says returning to the gym to which the Generation of Miracles look at him "Don't use those masks against anyone else except us," Jackson says and then books it out of the gym, the Generation of Miracles left looking confused at the antics of the greatest high school basketball player of all time.

"So, we're leaving huh," Devion says as he looks at the starry night sky, "Yeah it's time but we'll be back, I'll be back," Jackson says as he receives a slap on the back of his head from Arthur along with a frown, "what it's a great reference" Jackson tries to defend his case but the stares from Arthur are just too powerful, "So when will we be returning" Arthur ask after retracting his stares, "I think WWI, it'll be a nice time to make money easily. "Alright let's go back home"

In a golden throne room, a one-eyed white-bearded man can be sitting on a throne with a beautiful slender woman sitting beside him, "He's appeared again" The man says to no one in particular but his wife nods at his statement, "Don't bother him, Odin, you both already have enough bad blood" The man doesn't reply but instead grunts at what she said.

The night sky in new york gets darker, all of a sudden everyone looks at the sky as the stars light up the night sky suddenly disappeared, the lights on the streets suddenly got dimmer, some said the world was ending, some said the devil was coming and others didn't care but nonw would have known that all that was happening was just a man wanting to make a huge entrance back to his homeworld along with his brothers.

A blue crack appears in the air next to an apple tree, the dark sky gets lit up a little bit by the crack, the crack expands and expands revealing a hole with beautiful colors in it, the colors move in a clockwise way almost hypnotic, suddenly the ground rumbles and the hole glows even brighter as three dark figures emerge revealing themselves to be Jackson, Devion and Arthur. Once exit the hole the sky gets clearer and the stars that lit up the sky started to appear again.

[26 years later]

*Interrogation Chamber*

Two men can be seen in an interrogation chamber, one dressed in navy blue addresses the other man across from him who was dressed in a straight jacket, along with chains to enforce the jacket. The man in navy blue looks at the chained-up man, nervousness can be seen as he looks at the still chained man, a speaker goes off saying, "Johnson, please do your job" The now-identified Johnson sits up straight clearing his throat and begins his interrogation.

"Mr devion, would you like a glass of water?" Johnson asks Devion, and since Johnson had stepped into the room, Devion rises from his slumped position, opening his eyes he stares at Johnson his deep crimson eyes seem to pierce Johnson, who starts sweating and averting his Devion's gaze, "Don't be nervous, I'm not Art" Devion laughs as with Johnson joining in with a nervous chuckle, "but, yeah I would like a cup of water if you can't tell by my voice" Devion abruptly stops laughing his hoarse voice echoing in the silent room.

Johnson pushes a button and the doors open with a young man bringing two glasses of water into the room, Devion nods at the man as the water is being dropped, "You need help?" Johnson smiles as he looks at Devion eyeing the glass, "Nope I'm good" Devion says as he leans forward, gripping the glass with his teeth and pouring the water into his mouth, when he finishes he calmly sets the cup back on the table.

"Quite a pair of sharp teeth you got there," Jonson says pointing his pen at the fresh teeth marks on the glass, "you really think so," Devion says smiling, revealing a pair of clean straight teeth but with large glimmering canines, "SO!, what are you here for?" Devion says emphasizing the first part as he looks around the room, Johnson again clears his throat, and his face changes to that of a serious one as he speaks, "Your help is needed in another great war", Devion stops looking around the room as he shifts his head towards Johnson and eerily says, "why us?".

"Because of your feats, in the first great war" Johnson replies, "Oh and what were those feats, Johnson?" Devion asks as he resumes looking around the room, "Well, feats like being able to have countries cater to your needs and services, becoming infamous among soldiers as the most ferocious soldier alive, heck you~" Johnson is cut off by Devion saying "BLAH- BLAH-BLAH fanboy, what else don't you know about me." Devion says sarcastically, "I'm asking what you know about WARDOGS".

(A/N: Guys as you've already noticed this chapter is way overdue and I'm sorry to say this but other chapters might take this long as well, because of school I'm not able to put all my attention on the book, so all I can ask is that you guy be patient and keep commenting.

Have a great day. Peace