
Jack the ripper: Origins

Set in the Victorian age a humble 12 year old boy named JACK PETERSON with a strange sickness of his own, desires nothing but to escapes his impoverished homestead by becoming a world renowned actor but all of that soon changes when he befriends two girls, SUSAN and JULIA GIBSION who are victims of heinous abuse, on discovering this Jack seeks help from a mysterious man CATHER J. KIPPER, who helps him by unknowingly turning the humble boy into an articulated and meticulous cold blooded serial killer.

Theodoresauls · Realistic
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25 Chs


A new day and a new week had arrived, Jack was still in cloud nine, the visit from his fellow work colleagues or should I say 'Gym Bros', his body was also a little better since ( for those gym bros who is reading this book), he followed Arnolds advice on eating two boiled eggs, a glass of milk and a banana, before he went to sleep, now he is able to move a little more freely, now he can sit without looking like someone who has piles infected with syphilis( I do not know if that is even possible.), anyway since he was in such pain, moaning and groaning yesterday, Waldo advised him to take the day off and spend the money wisely and not on 'The ladies of the night.', Arnold advised, properly referring to himself.

There was drama in the kitchen once again, mother was still angry about yesterday's situation, it turns out that she does not enjoy being made a fool off by her own children, which I think is understandable, Jack greeted but no response, she threw a plate with two slices of dry bread in front of him and poured half a glass of water, you heard right dear reader a half a glass, it speaks volumes I suppose, displaying the fury she holding in side, Jack smiled, ate the bread and finished the water which tasted slightly salty, it tasted kind of the same as the water Julia gave him, (What is wrong with these people?), grateful for what he received Jack thanked his mother fetched his bag, walked up to his mother, gave a kiss on the cheek and left for school, knowing that the day is going to be great because he got paid!.

School was normal, you know the usual, Jack and Susan snickered at each other like love sick puppies and Jill would get annoyed by it and start an insult contest, which would end in no one winning, class was normal too, until a little fight broke out between two girls which result entire class to form a ring of desk around them and threw in whatever they had on them or in their bags had into the circle, pencils, papers, sticks, nail clippers, shoes, etc, so the two fighters could use them, just to make it a little fair and safe, Mrs Taylor did not like to get involved in children affairs but she did throw her dust board wiper and a letter opener inside the ring, showing her dedication as a teacher to go the extra mile for her students in order to help them out, the fight went on for about five minutes before they ran out of stamina and collapsed to the ground, luckily there was no bloodshed and no one died because man those village girls had tough skin and everything returned to normal, afterwards the class continued like normal until the day ended, yes just another boring day for Jack at school, with nothing to look forward to after school, he was left in utter despair after it had ended but then he remembered that he got paid and bolted from where ever he was at that point into town to the nearest book shop, purchased all the books which he found to his liking, went over to the general store bought brown wrapping paper,(can you believe how cheap this guy is.) and some tape before headed off to the place of meeting, where he discovered Elizabeth all by herself, a perfect victim for some insidious act.

'Ello, Elizabeth.'

'Jack!, it is you, what do you have there, is it for me?'

She got up from her place and hurried over to him.

'Ha, please do not flatter yourself.'

'No need to be rude about it, I am leaving.'

'No wait!' he grabbed her by the wrist, causing the cheap brown wrapping paper to fall to the ground.(classic)

'It is for my mother.'

'Aww aren't you sweet, is this why you got the job?'


'What did you get her?'



'Yes, she likes to learn and read about new things.' Jack could not help himself from smiling.

'Alright then, let me wrap those for you.'

'You will help me?'

'Yes, we are friends are we not?'

'For how long?'

'I have seen my father and brothers attempt the art of wrapping and I must tell you, they are beyond helpless, hopeless, useless, faithless…'

'Could you be any more degrading?'

'Yes, give it now or are you woman enough to do it by yourself?'

She did not wait for him to reply, took the wrapping paper from him and started taking off his bag.

'Wait now!, geez could you be anymore forceful?'


'You do not have to answer those there rhetor….'

'Because if I am not then nothing will be done.'

'And…you cut me off.'

'Come on now, the sky is collecting water.'

'Yes..yes.' Jack took off his bag, grunting and mumbling under his breath as Elizabeth waited for him, keeping her hands below his face and wiggling her fingers eagerly.'

'How do you expect me to see?'

'Empty your mind young one and slow down the movements of my finger, in order to see through gaps.'

'You have been spending too much time with him.'

'Well, he has been teaching me self- defense before I leave for London.'

'How does he know this?'

'Did he ever tell you about the time he spent in the Israeli special force, where he learn the silent killer martial art also known as Krav Magav.

'My question is, where does he get the time to do all learn and do all these things?.'

'If you have money, you can do anything.'


Jack took the books out of his bag and gave it to her, she sat down on the ground and began humming a Christmas carol as he measured out wrapping paper.

'Say Elizabeth.'


'No, why does everyone keep doing that?'


'Anyway, do you like anyone from our school?'


'I like you, Greg, Susan, Mrs Taylor, Mr Gibson, it is a shame about his wife being...'

'No, I do not mean like that, I mean more then friends.'

'You mean like a lover.'


Elizabeth dropped everything, crossed her arms and thought hard, 'Uhmmm....., not that I can think of.'

Jack's heart sank, causing him to almost fall over.

'Jack, are you okay?'

'Have you ever been in love?'

'No, but I have heard people say a lot of good things about it and also bad things about it.'

'Like what.'

'I have heard, that when you are in love, everything around you seem blissful, everything is fresher, it eliminates all the bad and makes you see only the good, until the person leaves you or dies, then it becomes a poison you, hatred breaks out from that void that special person has left, angry and misery corrupts your mind, the blissful benevolence becomes horrific malevolence, all the good you saw becomes nothing but bad, the pain, loneliness and despair becomes so intense it causes people to commit suicide, that means when a person kills themselves.'

'I know what it means.'

'So if you ask me, I would rather stay away from it and only read about it in books.'

Jack stared at Elizabeth, even though her outward appearance has changed significantly, she was still that though boisterous girl he had met a few months ago.

'Jack, do you have a scissors.'


'A knife?'


'Let me get this straight, you went to the general store and bought the wrapping paper and tape but nothing to cut it with.'

'Yes, that is what the situation looks like, I just want to say, I cannot be held responsible for life's actions, I am just a human being serving his time.'

'Great, so what am I going to use now, a rock?'

'Yes, actually, I have read a book on how cave men use to sharpen rocks, on other rocks.'

'Am I a cave man now?'

'Fear not my princess, help has arrived?'

A voice echoed through and sir C.J appeared, wearing a bright yellow suit, red waist coat and a green ty.'

'Yaa man, I have a knife.'

'You do?'

'Yes, here.' C.J, stuck his hand into his blazer and pulled out a black leather pouch, he opened it up and inside were three silver, well polished knives, he pulled one and handed it to Elizabeth.

'Careful now, that is very sharp.'

Elizabeth took it and examined it with utmost admiration.

'Woow, so shiny.'

'Yes, polished those babies, with a good old spite and elbow grease.'


'Look who it is, Jackie, Cathie, I do not even know your face and name anymore.'

'You, just said it, why do you carry knives around anyway.'

'Oh, now we are only good enough for you, when you need something done.'

'Why can you never just answer a question?'

'Why are you here anyway, are you not suppose to be at work, it is Monday or have you forgotten, oh I see, you have come here to convince Elizabeth to ran away with you, so you have twenty seven kids with her and hide in my bungalow, it is still available, if you are wondering, my offer still stands, until time takes your lives, huh not on my watch, did I ever tell you the time I spent in Germany as a surgeons' apprentice?'

'No, no need to, I do not know how many places and things you have been to or done.'

'I would love to hear that story.'

'Of course.'

'Why do you need to hear it now, you are about to leave anyway and experience it for yourself.'

Elizabeth ignored him and finished off her task.

'There we go, all done for Mrs Peterson, from her good son, Jack.'

Elizabeth, handed him the gift but in a completely sudden turn of events, Jack slapped well the wrapped gift out her hand sending it flying.

'I do not want this!, I want you to stay here!'

Elizabeth stared at her hands, in a confused manner as if she did not know where she was and softly whispered, 'Why?'


Sir C.J stormed towards him, grabbing him by the chest and shoving him hard against the nearest tree.

'Now, you listen here you little ungrateful rat!, do you think that she wants to leave, so you think she enjoys being forced to turn into someone she is not, do you think that it is fun for her to leave everything and everyone she know and loves behind, believe it or not that does include you too, that is a miracle in its self, do you think that she likes it when you make those cynical comments and smart ass remarks, she does not even know, when is the next time she will see her family again, once she departs from here, but here you are crying and throwing three year old tantrums, like you the one making all the sacrifices and going through all the pain, but you have no idea how she feels, do you?.., No!, you do not, because it is just all about...you, you, You!.'

'Let him be Sir.'

'No!, I ought to give him a good beating, right here and now.'

'Please don't, I would like to leave this place with peaceful and happy memories and not with bad ones and grudges.'

C.J loosened his grip and Jack slid down, then C.J took few steps back and done some breathing exercises.

Elizabeth picked up the gift and dusted it off and handed it to him, 'Here you go, they seem to be just fine, I have done a great job even if I have to say it myself.'

He took the books from her and thanked her, he stared at them for a while, a feeling of guilt overcame him, all C.J's words, were echoing inside his head, made him realise what an insensitive jerk he has been, soon tears came gashing out of his eyes, like a floodgate has just been open, raining down on the gift in his hands, Elizabeth looked at him startled at first but then realised something very important in this awkward moment which made her very angry, she snatched the books away from him and laid down the law.

'Look at what you doing, you are throwing all my hard work down the drain, its all stained with your tears now, damn it!, Jack.'

'But I am crying over here.'

'You could have at least put them down somewhere safe then start crying, it is only common sense.'

'She is right Jackie boy, there is only a few places where men should cry, on the toilet and in his mother's arms, no better place I tell you, real can opener, if you know what I am saying, it is the only place where you feel safe and vulnerable at the same time, it is amazing, all this talk about crying is going to make me cry too.'

'NO!, No!, no, no one is going to cry here, you both are fully grown men, except for you Jack due to natural difficulties, you are excused from this category of being a man at this point.'

'I..I accept that.'

'Sounds reasonable.'

'I am glad that both of you have agreed to this terms and conditions, which has put a stop to the water works pandemic, I should have stayed at home, I am bored, lets play cards, Sir C.J did you bring cards?'

'Of course I did, Monday is playing cards day.'

'Sir C,J and I always play billiards or cards on Mondays, Wednesday, twenty one or black Jack, Fridays Crazy eight or poker.'

'I think that that title name is to long for it to work, I am thinking something along the lines of 'Monday- card day' or 'Monday card day.'

'I think number two works better.' Jack answered as if he was asked

'Yes, I must agree with you there Sir but why are we wasting time on thinking about that, when we could be playing our hearts out.'

'Yeah!', all three cheered, and began playing a beautiful game of crazy-eight, until there little hearts were contempt, aah yes, what a beautiful scene it was.

Like everything in life, as I have said many times, it all had to come to an end, it was time to depart from each other and go to their respective homes and this time, for the first time it was Sir C.J who had to vanished down the path.

'So long my sweet young innocent friends, may we meet again tomorrow, only if God wills.', he walked down the path until he was completely consumed by the blinding glare of the setting sun.

'Yes, Mr Peterson, just a few more weeks to go before, I will say my final goodbyes.'

'Don't think about that now.'

'Strange isn't it?'


'How somethings in life, which you thought you would be able to be a part of for a long time, just goes bye in a blink of an eye, life is really unfair.'

'But it does present these pleasant moments in between all that darkness and these are what we take for granted, so cheer up, you still have a few weeks left here so why do not we make the best of them, then to wallow in despair, remember you the one that said you do not want to leave this place with unpleasant memories.'

'I know but one cannot help but feel sad and shed a tear or two.'

'No, don't be sad, are you crying!, now that is a rare sight, I never took you for a cry baby.'

'No, I am not.'

Jack wiped the tears off her face and gave her a brotherly hug.

'This does not change anything you are still in the friend zone.'

'Geez, you really know how to press my buttons don't you?'

'It is what I do best, I think that I will miss that most.'

'You talk as if you might never return.'

'I might not.'

'I am sure you will, this is your home after all or I will come and find you and trust me, you do not want that.'

'Why not, I think that would be very nice of you and it would make me happy.'

'Because if I arrive there and I see your face, I will throw the most embarrassing public scene you will ever experience in your life time, they will always know you as the girl with the drama queen friend.

'You would not.'

Hah!..., you don't know me, when I set my mind to do something, you can be pretty sure that I will get it done.'

'I have no doubt, in this past months I have known you, you proved to me that you are quite a stubborn little boy.'

'Young man.'

'No, little boy.'

'Enough of this parting talk, let us just stand here and watch the setting sun for a little longer until we have to go and meet again tomorrow.'

'If God wills.'

'Mhmm..,young man.'

'Nope..,little boy.'

Jack sigh deeply and Elizabeth gave him a little smile before they both stood side by side and watched the sun sink into the horizon, soon the two departed from one another, Jack left for home feeling a little anxious and scared because he had not been out this late and the darkness was manifesting all sorts of creatures and unknown entities, which forced him to resort to a running before his own mind makes it a lot worse than it already is.

He arrived home in a dead sweat, causing his mother, father and sister unnecessary panic, due to the hay fever pandemic going on outside and there being no Doctor Phil or any qualified physician that could provide solid medical advice and couples therapy, it was left up to the village people to find out for themselves, coming up with all their self-proclaimed professional medical advice, proved by rumors and old wives tales.

'Jack, get back, social distance yourself with immediate effect.'

His father grabbed the bible and the wooden cross off the wall and backed his family into a corner behind him.

'Go back from where you came from you vile sick demon!, back to the depths of hell to you, fire!, fire!, fire!.'

Jack knew that his father was not referring to the sickness but to him.

'Stop this madness, I am not sick.'

'He speaks like our son but he is not, who knows what kind of tricks these trickster demons my resort to next do not be fooled Jane.'

'Why are you sweating so much?', his mother asked.

'Because I ran here, it was dark and I got scared.'

'Aha!..., it runs in the darkness, how is that possible without light?'

'Shut up John, move aside, come here my darling.'

His mother walked over to him and gave him a hug, you know those that make you go 'Awww.', making Jack happy and sticking his tongue out at his father.

'I apologise for the misunderstanding dear but with this recent pandemic going on you can't be too careful.'

'By performing an exorcism?'

'I cannot control others uneducated minds, do you know how many self-proclaimed medical experts we have in our village-town we have now, it is absolutely unbelievable.'

'Talking about education, I have a little something for you.'

Jack withdrew the gift from his bag and handed it over to her.

'What is this?'

'It is the devils bible I tell you!'

'John do us all a favour and go sleep, Jack just knows times are hard, so I do not have money and if it is not related to money, whatever it is the answer is 'no'.'

'Just open it.'

Jane took the package from the boy and sat down at the table, 'My!, this is nice wrapping paper, I use it again some time, did you wrap this by yourself?'

'Yes, now rip it open.'

'No, I just said, I am going to use it again.'

She then took out a switch blade knife from her pocket, which is not suspicious at all and carefully open the present.'

'What!', she rose up in shock, 'Books for me?'

'Yes mother.'

'Thank you so much my son.' She pick up all the books and hugged them against her body like a new born baby, 'This is the best gift I have ever gotten.'

'I thought we were the best gifts you ever got?'

'No, not really, you actually start regretting it down the line, especially the first few weeks.'

'Wow, mother, your honesty knows no bounds.'

'You know what I always say, honesty is the best policy.'

'You don't say.'

The following day, what is it, Tuesday or Wednesday, well it is Monday now, so it is Tuesday, it was Tuesday and Jack was in his mother's good book, getting a good old English breakfast, for breakfast, which included extra bacon( Nothing makes a person feel more special then being served extra pig.) and a full glass of milk, yes you heard right ladies and gentleman, the boy did not get a half but a full glass, that being milk too, Jack felt like a king, looking at his father and sister who got a good old dose of healthy oats, ah yes nothing gets the brain pumping better then cold, undercooked, stiff and bland oats a life of a king, feeling the power of being treated like an emperor, Jack decided to treat the other subjects around the table, so he looked at his father and offered him a piece of bacon, by a simple hand gesture, his father being a noble man of integrity and pride, extended both his hands towards Jack almost knocking over his own bowl of good old oats off the table, Jack enjoyed the desperation on his father's face, his happily cut off a generous portion off his bacon, the man cannot seriously get the whole thing and slowly brought it towards his father's hands, obviously not without having a little bit of fun by moving it around the poor man's desperate and now trembling hands, he moved it left, right, up down, under the table, before bringing it back to the hands of a humble father, he slowly lowered it down, his father watching it carefully, anticipating how when it is in his hands, will gobble it up in one go, they surly are related, just as he was about to dismount the bacon from his fork, Jack had a change of heart and returned it to its rightful owner and that is his mouth, chewing with his mouth open, so his father could see the glorious, crisp piece of bacon devoured, his father withdrew his hands slowly, hunching his shoulder and making puppy dogs eyes, looking left and right for sympathy but Jane could care less since as she was completely engrossed in the book her new favourite son bought for her but she did catch a glimpse of John's pathetic act for fake sympathy, so she took out the book marker from her pocket and placed it on the table and it read, 'Do not disturb.', in big red letters, upon reading this John sank further into his chair, delighted by his mother's act of defiance, Jack rose up from the table full of energy and life, washed his plate, dried it off, fetched his bag, kissed his mother goodbye and left happier then he had ever been, today was sure going to be a good day for him.

With a full belly and a positive attitude, he knew that nothing was going to ruin his day today, it was going to be the most amazing experience and no one is going to knock his positive vibes down or so he thought.

Knowing the luck he is experiencing today, he went out in search for Elizabeth, with the mindset that maybe he can, well I do not know, you know how boy are around this delicate age, anyway on his quest to break through Elizabeth's high walls and make her his princess, but then he encountered unexpected bandits along the way, of which one of them shoulder rammed him down to the ground with some what he thought to be supernatural strength.


'Julia, was that necessary?, you know how light and fragile he is.'

'You know Susan, you know just how to make a person feel better.', Jack answered back.

'Oh no, it is nothing really, all I speak is the truth.', Susan said.

'Yep, that is most comforting and what is it with you can you not act like a girl, tackling me ferociously from behind.'

'I did not tackle you, I just nudged you with my shoulder.'

'Lies!, would I be in such a state now, look at me, I at least sustained ten injuries, dislocated shoulder, fractured collar bone, tennis elbow, and a broken butt, I cannot feel my butt, it is not getting air, aahh!, it is going to die!'

'What are you stressing about, there was nothing there in the first place.'

Susan gasp, 'Julia!'

Jack was almost brought to tears, 'Now, you take that back, just wait in a few months, you will see, I will be twerking harder then a queen bee with implants.'

'You tell her Jack, I believe in you.'

'I do not think that is appropriate for a men to say, I am sorry let me correct the last part of my statement, little boy.'

'Why does everyone keep saying that, well your face is indecent and let me tell you something Julia, I am a growing young men because I am going through Adolicese..'


'That is it right there Susan, Adoliences, where as you are on breast milk lessons.'

'Well he does have a point Julia.'

'He cannot even pronounce his triumph card properly so, the title still remains, little pale boy.'

Jack rose up from his pitiful position and stood chest to chest with Julia UFC style.

'Lookie here Susan, someone's balls just dropped,(what do they teach this girl at home.)'

'You know what Julia, you are so lucky, that I just developed this hamstring injury while I was getting up and this light headedness..'

'Yes, it happens when you get up to fast, I feel your pain.'

'Feels weird doesn't it, but back to what I was saying, if it was not for this knee injury that I just…'

'I thought it was your hamstring.'

'I heard him say that too.'

'Look the pain jumps from time to time and I am not going to get into all the specifics, in any case if it were not for my unidentified injuries, I would have knocked you out faster than a fart comes out an anus.'

'Ooh snap!, Julia are you going to let him talk to you like that, huh?'

'Susan, whose side are you on or have you forgotten that you are my sister?'

'Sorry, I just got caught up in the moment.'

'Back to you, you know what Jackie girl if it were not for your multiple unidentified injuries, I would have ripped your gentiles off with my bare hands and forced you to eat them.'

Jack swallowed hard before he replied, 'Then it is settled, due to body difficulties and the Duckworth-Lewis method, this match has resulted in a draw.'


'Hey Julia, do not hate the player hate the injuries.'

'But the injuries are on the player.'

'Yes Susan, therefore they cannot be traced back to the player, simple mathematics and Art, combined to make chemistry and alchemy boiled in the furnace of life.'

'I think, I hit him too hard.'

'No, this is just the way he is, unpredictable, unstable, mysterious as tomorrow.'

'Is that why, we stay with him?'

'Yes, because everyday is a new drama or adventure with him.'

The bell rang signifying , the end of another hard working period, a feeling of achievement flowed through each teacher for producing young leaders that will lead the world out of darkness and into a new light, a world of morally correct and principle future, where all men and women are liberated to the fullest extent, basically it was recess, Jack, Susan and Julia were sitting at their usual chill spot or lot number forty four of Port Rex studios, where they were about to engage in a young student heated debate about social conduct, schooling issues that are affecting the young, how everything in the world is wrong and how their ideas are much better then the current ruling government and are unable to meet their demands of free food and bean bags, how they should take inconsideration all they young people's ideas and suggestions, since they are the ones who will live longer then the old geezers in parliament, it is only fair that their needs and selfish demands should be taken seriously.

'Say Jack, word in the atmosphere says that you have a job, I find this hard to believe since you are unable to lift your own body weight.'

'That is indeed correct, I do have myself employed, you are most certainly looking at a honest and hardworking man of society, soon to make a name for himself through hard work and determination, a man whose work ethic and principles will speak volumes.'

'Can we go visit the place you work at?'

'Of course you can Susan but unfortunately not today, see it is my day off.'

'I thought so, excuses, excuses, I knew he could not be trusted, just look at him, his face and skin colour resembles that of the serpent that was in the garden of Eden.'

'Julia!, he could be telling the truth.'

'Hey!, how dare you call me a snake, I am a human being born on the great mount Olympus but got kidnapped by a jealous titan, placed me in a basket, threw me in a river, I drifted for a long time until I was found by my current mother, sweet Jane Peterson, I maybe be a bastard child but I am no serpent, the gods know that too, shout out to my grandfather Zeus.'

'Your delusional.', Julia said.

'I have to agree with you there sister.'

'But to prove you wrong, we will go there today its self, by the way that was a really good insult, I think that maybe one of your best.'

'I know right, it just came to me in the heat of the moment.'

'Excuse me, I am sorry to interrupt but are you sure we can tag along with you today, do you not have a life outside school?', Susan asked with a little concern in her tone.

'Of course I do but since you are so dear to me Susan, I am sure I can figure something out.'

'You never seem to disappoint Mr Jack Peterson.'

'Hold on there was that a compliment, I just received from Julia, Susan?'

'I think so.'

'No, I am not, I was just thinking out loud, do not think you mean anything to me, you have none of the trades I like in men.'

'Aah, finally showing your true feelings for me, do not be ashamed by it, after all, I am a Jack of all trades, even my sister sends me mixed signals sometimes.'

'You have no shame do you?'

'Shame is for a men, who is not proud of who and what he is.'

'And who is more proud then you?'

'Cousin Gale, what a narcissist and egoistic guy, he thinks he is irresistible, but I have got news for you Galefrid, you are not!'

'Who is he talking to?'

'Cousin Galefrid, he just said it now Julia, so Jack we are still on for after school.'

'Yes, but you should go home first to notify your parents about your whereabouts, in case of an emergency or if someone gets lost.' he glanced over at Julia.

'No, it is fine, how about you?'

'Girl, if I do not make it home, it would be the happiest day of my family's life, they would hold a feast for the whole town and the neighboring cities.'

Susan walked over to Jack, leaned forward put her hand on his ear and looked him in the eye, 'Do not say that, I am pretty sure that your family loves you a lot.'

'You think so, I am just pulling your legs, my family has one rule, which has been used for generations, just return before the sun sets, is she always so emotional?'

'Now, more then ever?', Julia answered.

'It just breaks my heart, that there is someone out there not feeling loved by their own family.'

'Unfortunately, we cannot choose or control which family we are born into..'

'You can say that again.' Julia interjected.

'But what we can control is, whether we chose to continue the curse we are born into or break it and live life to the fullest.'

'Some curses are genetic.' Susan said softly looking at the ground.

'Jack, do you want a Noble prize for poetry now?'

'Why can't you just compliment me once in a while, I promise your tongue will not fall off.'

'It will!'


'Because, if I compliment you, it will cause my body to short circuit resulting in me biting my own tongue off, my body cannot speak such vile and forbidden words, it goes against every being of my body, I might even die from it.'

'Then speak it now!'

'Come on Jack that was a little mean.'

'It is okay Susan, I am use to it.'

'That makes it sad.'

'Not as sad as your face.'

'Applause for that intelligent come back.' Jack said sarcastically

'Geez, you two cannot even go two seconds without insulting each other.'

'This is how we were born.'

'And this is the way we are.'

'Did you just finish each other's sentences, how cute.'

'You witch!, what kind of devilish sorcery are you using on me, I am a man of God, I fear no evil for God is with me.'

'How dare you call me a witch, you walking drop of seamen!'

Before Jack could come up with a fitting reply of which he had none , the bell rang saving him from a humiliating defeat at the hands of someone far younger then him.'

'Saved by the bell, or else you would have faced a humiliating defeat, which would have been remembered a thousand years after your bones have turned into dust.'

'Oh please you had nothing, it was you who was saved by the bell.'

'Julia meet us at the gate after school, do not leave at any cost.'

'Please do, it will make it a lot easier for all of us.'

'Not everyone is as dumb as you.'

'What did you say, it is not over, I will have my revenge.'

'Will, is for a man, unfortunately that does not include you.'

'Come again!'

'Stop!, enough, both of you Julia just go to your class and we will to ours, thank you.'

The two departed from each other, not daring to say another word, because Susan was looking on fire.

The during class Jack was preparing himself for the great insult war that might take place on his trip to his work place, so in preparation he wrote every possible comeback on a small piece of paper and on his hand, readying himself for any attack, whether left, right, up down center middle, he has got it covered tighter then a caterpillar's butt hole.

The school day came to an end, Jack and Susan both headed to the gate where Julia was already waiting, excitement and bliss written all over her face.

'Good afternoon lady and possible gentleman, I am referring to you Julia, my name is Jack Peterson and I will be your tour guide for this tour, questions are not allowed because I know everything and I am always right, now that is settled we shall begin in few seconds.'

'Will be get any beverages along the way, the sun is very hot today?'

'Julia, what did I just say no questions, If you get a heat stroke and die here, it is not my problem but the school's for being negligent and not taking proper measures to ensure that their students has the basic necessity such as water, beside I am a little low on cash right now.'

'Do not worry, I still have money, I will treat us all.'

'O!, my dear Susan, why did you have to be her sister, it really does not make sense.'

'Uhmm..hello, can we get started, I still have home work to do.'

'Yes, yes.'

The tour or should I say walk began and Jack was right up in front pointing at random things and making up whatever story about them, so he could keep his clients engaged.

'As we can see here, we have the oldest tree in this little town, I do not know if you can call it a town, maybe village, it has been here for five hundred years.'

'I thought that the oldest tree was in the Robbin's yards.' Julia said.

'Who is the guide here?'

'You are Mr Jack Peterson.'

'Thank you Susan, it seems to me some people have a difficulty understanding that, I know what I am talking about, I have been around far longer then those two fossils.'

'Mr Robbins is eighty two, Mrs Robbins is eighty it is highly improbable that you could have been around longer then them.'

'Past lives?'


'Well thank you Susan for that explanation and documentation on tree biology lesson and the human life cycle and the spiritual aspect behind it, you have such a nice voice I could listen to it for the entire day, night included.'

Susan turned slightly red.

'Really, you just got schooled and now you are trying to seem cute.'

'Just keep quiet, no one cares and let us continue.'

The group walked into town, pretending to marvel at the building and sites they have seen millions of times before.

'Jack!, Jack is that you?'

'Good afternoon Mrs Winslow, managing the shop alone I see.'

'Afraid so, You know how Gerith is, probably playing something somewhere with his naughty and positively bad influence friends, I have not seen you in a while.'

'I have been busy with work and all of these school stuff causing me great stress at this young age, when I am suppose to be running naked in between the daisies.'

'How I miss those youthful days and who are your friends over here?'

'Oh, how rude of me not to introduce them, this is Susan and her younger possibly adopted sister, we all know the truth, What is your name again, I am so forgetful, yeah right Julia, yes, Julia Gibson.'

'Your Gergory's children.'

'Yes ma'am.'

'How nice, Jack did your mother like the books we picked out for her?'

'Yes, Mrs Winslow, she cannot get her face out of those books, I would not be surprised if you see me back here on Friday.'

The old lady giggled, 'Bring those ones she has already read with you when you come buy the new books, then I will only charge you half the price.'



'Then I will do so.'

'Good, do you have some time for tea?'

'Not today, I am afraid, I have some things to finish up, maybe next time.'

'My, My, you young gangsters of today, always busy with some or other project never having enough time to enjoy the true essence of being a child, guess this old lady has to wait until next time.'

'Bye, Mrs Winslow.'


The old lady waved and returned inside her library/book store and the travels continued.

'Jack, I think we should take a rest a little, my feet are starting to hurt.'

'Well, why did you not say so Susan, here take a seat, we will rest for now and head out at sun rise, the enemy will not be expecting us at that time.'

'Jack, where do you live and what do you smoke?', Julia asked.

'Look at you, you cannot even breath properly but your being smart, get your health together then we will speak.'

'You seem to be quite popular around these regions Mr Peterson.'

'Yes, I am quite the role model for these people and what else can I say, I have an intoxicating aura and the women cannot resist it.'

'Only thing that you attract is flies, tell me something, do you only drink tea with older ladies or are you playing for both teams?'

'What nonsense!, this is an outrage!'

'Jack-man is that you!', A voice said from behind him.

'Arnold, James, how are you?'

'See, I told you James, I could recognize that pale sickly skin from anywhere.' Arnold said.

'Okay, no need to get all excited, one could swear that this is the first time you ever got something right in your life, hey Jack, what are you doing here?'

'I was just showing these girls around and where I work.'

'Two girls, I taught you well, I always knew he and I were related in some way and were destined to meet.'

'You taught him nothing!' James said, hitting him on the arm

'Jack man, the man, why do you not invite your friends for a drink inside, then you can give them a proper tour of where you work, they look awfully hot.'

James pulled Arnold to the side, 'What are you doing, they are far too young for you.'

'How deprived do you think I am?'

'That is what I am wondering too.'

Arnold put his hand on top of James's head and said, 'James, I really think that you should pay the church a little visit, the pastor too while you there.

The two girls followed the two men to Olive's bakery, where they were treated with kindness and hospitality, offered some sweet savory buns and James's famous orange and lime lemonade.

'Yes, I guess here we are, this is where I work, it was not just my imagination, Julia, this is the yard as you can see and this is where me and the boys pump iron into our glory days.'

'And what is it you actually do around here besides parasiting off these nice people.'

'I am the pro-fruit cleanser, I oversee the hygiene of the fruit, which are used in the jams and the juices, which you just gobbled down like an uncivilized barbaric.'

'And what does that entitle?', Julia asked, seeming really interested.

'You know processing the fruit, making sure that the fruit is clean and safe to eat, I put it through vigorous test, set out by the 'WNFS', that stands for the world national fruit standards, to ensure that your gut health flourishes at a hundred percent, without any unnecessary complications taking place.'

'What is it you actually do?'

As he was about to answer a voice from behind them answered instead.

'He ensures that the fruit is clean and safe for human consumption, basically he washes and chops up the fruit.'

'Wow, how did my voice become so deep, I AM A MAN!'

'No, it was me Jack.'

'Waldo.' He jumped up in excitement as for the girls they just stared at him as their minds try to comprehend the size of this unknown creature, unable to understand what it is, they simply screamed their heads off, resulting in more confusion which is about to take place.

'Ninjaaaaaaaa!', Mario and Lesly came screaming into the scene bursting through the back doors, doing some action roll before posing dramatically, with their wooden spoons and rolling pins.

'Our time has come brother to prove our material art skills and wisdom.', Lesly said.

'You are right brother, it has been eight hours since, we read that books on martial arts, making us undoubtedly the greatest material artist that ever lived, I still need to finish that one on assassins, so if there are any assassins here now!, just give me a few minutes to finish it, then we will fight to the death!', Mario replied.

'When did you two get the time to learn martial arts.', Waldo asked.

'We read the books, so that qualifies us as martial artist.'

'Show yourselves you night crawlers!'

'Where are these beings you scream in fear from?' Mario asked The girls.

The girls lifted there trembling arms and pointed at Waldo.

'Yes, we should have known Lesly, it is always the ones closes to you that stabs you in the back.'

'You should have said Brother L, it has a better ring to it and it fits the part better and it makes it sound more like in the olden days.'

'That is true, brother L, can I start over again, is that okay with everyone?'

Everyone, nodded their heads simultaneously.

'Alright, then action!'

'Yes, brother L, it is always the one that…'

'You got to be joking.'

'Excuse me boss we are shooting here.'


'Please continue…. please continue Brother M.'

'Yes, Brother L, it is always the ones closest to you that ends up stabbing you in the back.'

'Yes, Brother M, just look at his brilliant disguise, he infiltrated perfectly.'

'Who do you work for!, tell us now and maybe we shall have mercy on you!.' Lesly shouted

'Beat his face into chicken sh@$T.' said Julia.

'Okay, I think we all have been in the sun too long, calm down, I came outside to see Jack, then these girls just started screaming.' Waldo said lifting his hands up in surrender.

'Maybe they know you are a fake!'

'Why do I always hire the crazies, I have never met them in my life.'

'Maybe you have not met them but they have met you, the real you.'

'Good point, Brother M.'

'Yes!, prove that you say, who you are or else this will end badly for you.'

Lesly and Mario, raised their wooden spoon and rolling pin over their heads, ready to strike their own boss down.

'I am Waldo.'

'Well, that settles that, brother L.'

'Yes, that checks out for me as well, Brother M, let us go inside and have some tea.'

The two unsung heroes left the scene and Waldo turned his attention back to the girls, who were both cowering behind Jack.

'Right you two, present yourselves.'

Jack immediately threw Julia under the bus by shifting his weight forward and side stepping her, resulting in her stumbling forward, while he still managed to keep Susan behind him.

'You backstabbing coward!'

'I said both, Jack.'

'Please Waldo have some mercy on Susan, you can have Julia, her parents won't miss her, actually no one will since she has only been on this earth for nine years, who remembers a measly nine years, but Susan has been here for an entire twelve years..'



'I am thirteen years old.'

'What you are older then me, well that changes the game in our relationship, in any case as I was saying, she has been here an entire thirteen years, might I say again, thirteen years, which is even more reason to keep her around, since her parents has had more time with her.'

'I am not going to kill anyone.'

'Are you sure, not even one?.' Jack rolled his eyes over to Julia.

'No, I just wanted to know their names.'

'Why, are they going to work here?'

Before Jack could even flinch, Waldo had his hand around Jack's mouth, 'Quiet boy, not so loud, they can't work here it is to dangerous for them, I am surprised they even lasted this long in this crazy, beast infested jungle.'

'Dangerous!, what kind of place is this?' Julia asked

'Do not worry child, this is the safest place on earth, now tell me, what are your names?'

'My name is Julia and this is my elder sister Susan and we are being held hostage by this man named Jack Peterson, who wants us to perform unimaginable deeds for him, I beg of you sir please behead him.'

Julia fell to her knees in front of Waldo, forcing out tears to the best of her ability.

Waldo sighed heavily before he mumbled to himself, 'Even the people who visit here are not normal, what am doing wrong, is it this place is it cursed?'

'Excuse me sir?'

'Nothing, is this true Jack?'

'What!, this is an outrage!, this girl is deranged.'

'I cannot live like this anymore, when will my Lord come and fetch me?' Waldo raised his hands to the heavens

'I wonder that too, sometimes, I wonder, what sin have we committed to have to endure this everyday?'

'Susan, I am right.'

'Yes, sir.'

'How do you deal with this every single day?'

'I pretend that I am somewhere else, sometimes I eat grass in the hope that it will take me away from these two, how about you sir?'

'I hide in my office or in my room and pretend that I am not there, sometimes I inject myself with horse tranquilizer and just pass out on my bed before those two inside has a chance to drag me into their fight.'

'Horse tranquilizer, never thought off that one before, sounds interesting, probably better then cough syrup and whisky.'

'Yes, pretty potent stuff, one shot and in a few seconds your gone, into a deep and peaceful sleep, best you ever had.'

'Huh, do you think they will give me some over the counter?'

'I highly doubt, the best thing you can get there is tablet's and that is for cats and dogs but an injection, you need a contact an inside man.'

'That blows.'

'Do not worry, I am sure we can hook you up with something.'


'Sure, I know what goes down everyday, I know your struggle, I know your pain.'

'I thought only God knew.', Susan said, with a glimmer in her eyes.

'Come on up to my office and we will give Ta-X a call, see what he has got for you, properly not something as potent as horse tranquilizer, it might be too much for your body to handle.'

'It is fine, I am always open to new experiences.'

'That is good to hear, let us go and see what drugs they have on special.'

'And these two?'

'They will still be fighting once we get back.'

'You properly right.'

The two left and Jack and Julia were still having there screaming match about what looks better on a men stocking or spandex.

After some time during their five minute intervals, Jack and Julia realised that there is something not right about the current situation they find themselves in.

'Hey…, Hey.. Jack!'


'Something is amiss, something strange is going on.'

'Yes, like things that are stranger.'

'I totally feel you, I think something important is missing.'

'Well you know what they say, when you think something is important than it actually is not because you thinking that it is.'

'I hate it but sometimes you make valid points Jack.'

'Yes, now focus, no more distractions, let's us continue our debating duel, where were we.'

'Which is better 'Steroids' or 'Supplements'?'

Soon after what just happen, Susan and Waldo returned( don't think anything funny, focus).

'Susan, where have you been, we were worried sick about you?'

'I was more worried then Julia as you can see Julia was too busy drinking all the juice to be worried about anyone.'

'I was inside, Waldo was showing me around inside.'

'But that was my job.'

'No, do not get me wrong, you still work here.'

'No, I mean I was your tour guide.'

'It was never a job in the first place, we are just friends, checking out your work place.'

'Just friends?'

'What did you expect Jack, look at you and look at my sister she is way out of your league, it is better that you get some farm girl(uhmm, that is what you are).'

'I think I should go, this is getting really uncomfortable, it reminds me off that wedding I crashed, where the bride ran off with the grooms uncle, my heart cannot take anymore of these sad moments in time, it was nice meeting you girls, until we meet again and may your youthful love bloom into a beautiful flower.'

Waldo dashed off, just to go and joined the other guys watching from of the top window.

Welcome back and thanks for staying tuned to YOUNG LOVERS LOVE, where Jack recently discovered that Susan, does not or might share the same feelings he does and now he is comforting her in order to know the bitter or sweet truth but will she acknowledge their love or will he try to win back Elizabeth the girl he truly loves, stay tuned to find out.

Jack: 'Just friends?'

(Susan turns around nervously and removes some hair from her face, some sad piano music is playing in the back ground, use your imagination.)

Susan: 'Yes, what do you expect from me, I do not even know what to call this between us, sometimes it feels like you are always thinking of someone else.'

(An image of Elizabeth appears in Jack's mind but manages to make it disappear, then walks over to Susan and turns her around slowly, grabbing both her hands and putting it against his boney chest.)

Jack: 'Feel this heart it only beats for you.'

(Crowd goes 'Awwwwww.')

Jack: 'I think you might need new shoes.'

Susan: 'Why?'

Jack: 'Because you have been running through my mind the whole day.'

(Audience goes 'Awwww', some random audience people want to run onto the set but lucky the security managed to gun them down before something serious took place.)

Susan: 'I want to believe you, but I find it hard, since we have not made it facebook and Instagram official yet,( please note that face book and Instagram are just being used for dramatic purposes, since smart phones has not been invented in their time.), everyone knows when you make it official on social media, that means you are ready to commit to the relationship, raise a pet together, pay me a monthly allowance and take selfies together pretending that we are happy all the time, so we can make those people who are depressed, sad and lonely, even more depressed, sad and lonely.'

(Jack took out his chip packet which he uses as a wallet and saw that there is nothing but a squashed mosquito inside and scratched his head.)

Jack: 'Eish..baby girl, you know that things are hard, with these ridiculous data prices, it leaves a man offline for a while and not having Wi-fi at home makes it really hard to keep up with the trends, look I may not have facebook or Instagram but what I do have is Whatsapp, so I can put you on my profile picture and in my story.'

(Susan, sighed to the point where she felt slightly light headed, moving her hands up and down here shoulders, Julia re-enters the scene after dead lifting sixty kg's.)

Julia: 'See Susan, mother told you to leave these broke-ass boys, who can only afford Whatsapp bundles and date Matthew Fartsey, strange surname but one has to compromise in a relationship, he has got Bolt fiber Wi-fi, plus he has a bigger house then Jack, and has an actual wall around his house and not big pebbles covered in bird poop.'

(Jack felt so insulted that it caused him to fall on his butt, Susan hears the crash and helped him to get up, holding his hands and looking at him in the eyes.)

(Sad and heroic piano music playing in the back ground.)

Susan: 'I do not need things, I am fine with being made official on Whatsapp and with my face being on his profile picture, it makes me feel really secure and it will show those other girls that he is unavailable, they will keep their hands of him.'

Julia: 'She is going to cheat on you with yours truly, Bolt-fiber Matthew Fartsey.'

(I regret to inform you that Susan will not cheat on Jack with Matthew Fartsey, due to limited budget, basically we cannot afford another actor at this stage, they are surprisingly pricey.)

Jack: 'You right, we do not need social media to be in a relationship, do you know where Matthew lives?'

Susan: 'Yes, why?'

Jack: 'Great, now I know where to go when my data bundle depletes, does it have a password?'

Susan: 'Yes it does, I know it.'

Jack: 'And?'

Susan: 'And, what?'

Jack: 'The password?'

Susan: 'Oh, the password is 'password'

Jack: 'You are amazing Susan, I knew you were special.'

( he hugged Susan and gave her a long kiss on her cheek, all the men who were watched through windowflix, applaud, some cried, some threw plates on the ground, which will be later deducted from his pay check, because those props are expensive, who do they think they are, this is not their house.)

Susan: 'I always, knew that you are the one for me.'

(background music starts playing, signifying the end of the chapter, the music can be whatever you like, hum it if you have to because the credits is about to come.)


Jack Peterson : Jack Peterson(Writer)

Susan Gibson : Herself

Julia Gibson : ?

Special thanks goes to:


Key board


Battery for holding for an hour

The show was cancelled after first episode, due to limited battery life and writers block.