
Jack the ripper: Origins

Set in the Victorian age a humble 12 year old boy named JACK PETERSON with a strange sickness of his own, desires nothing but to escapes his impoverished homestead by becoming a world renowned actor but all of that soon changes when he befriends two girls, SUSAN and JULIA GIBSION who are victims of heinous abuse, on discovering this Jack seeks help from a mysterious man CATHER J. KIPPER, who helps him by unknowingly turning the humble boy into an articulated and meticulous cold blooded serial killer.

Theodoresauls · Realistic
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25 Chs


The following morning Jack found himself woken up by sounds coming from the kitchen, he rose himself up to a sitting position and started massaging the his temples, like he had some hang over but all he was drinking was juice and water, stood up, walked over to the desk to check the time.

'What, five-fifteen, this is too early for me, but who is making so much noise so early in the morning.'

Jack check himself in the window, straighten his hair and eyebrows, slapped his cheeks to get some colour into them, then left to give whoever a mouthful, unless it was Waldo.

'Hey, sleepy head, sleep well?'

'Miss Bonate, you up already?'

'Yes, unfortunately, it is my turn to make breakfast, usually the kitchen would be hustling and bustling by now but I guess they went until late last night.'

'What time did you go sleep last night?'

'I think, about ten minutes, after you left, are you looking for the bathroom?'

'Yes, please.'

'Do you know where my room is?'


'How do you know where my room is, huh?'


'Relax, gosh your face went red so quickly, next to my room, is the bathroom, where did you pee, when you needed to?'

'In the drain outside.'

'Dude, that is disgusting.'

'A man has to do what a man has to do, to make the best of his situation.'

'I think that is when you poor and stuff, in any case, before you go to shower, please bring me your school clothes, so I can iron them.'

'No..no, that is not necessary, I can do it myself.'

'Young man, that is not up for debate.', she said, putting one hand on her hip and pointing her index finger at him.

'I think you doing it wrong, I think you first need to do that motherly pose, to make it more effective.'

'What is the motherly pose?'

'You know, the one hand on the hip and one finger in your face, with the slight bend in the back but don't think that would work for you since I am, the same height as you.'

'Are you implying that, I am short, I think you taking indirect jabs at my height, boy I maybe a little below average height but I will kick your butt, my papa, use to be a kick boxer and he taught me since, I was three years old, so you better watch yourself.'

'Really, what is a munchkin like you going to do, to a material arts master like myself, I bet you did not know, that I spent some time with a man who spent some time or multiple times, with different Masters, mastering their arts so, I would better watch yourself, if I was you.', he said with a smirk on his face.

'Okay, let me put my things down, good thing I decided to wear pants, because I am about to whip some pale ass, get your guard up, we going to use open hands , body shots, no face shots, obviously my chest is off limits, don't you dare or else there will be face shots.'

'Okay, I accept best, of three touches?'


'This should be easy.'

'Why, are you so confident, you think that this will be easy, just know that people use to call me "demon speed".'

'Use to.' Jack grinned and put his hands in pockets.

'Why, you not taking up defense, don't tell me that you have already given up?'

'No, I am waiting for you.'

Charlotte bounced up and down, eyeing him, but Jack remained unphased, so soon as both her feet landed, she attacked with a front snap kick, Jack, calmly dodged it, then she transitioned it quickly into a spinning heel kick but he managed to dodge again, as she was going to in for another attack, Jack had his index finger on the tip of her nose.'

'Peep!, one point for me.'

'Hah, beginners luck, now I am all fired up.'

'If you say so, I think that it is my turn to attack.'

'So be it.'

Charlotte, tucked her shirt into her pants, then started bouncing up and down again, Jack took his right hand of his pocket, exhaled heavily, then repositioning himself into a side on stance.

'What are you going to do now?'

'I would rather keep my mouth shut if I were you and focus on what is going to happen.'

'No, way you could lunch an attack from this distance without me seeing it coming.'

'You wanna bet, I can touch you before you can touch me.'

'No way kid, I think you are growing too confident now.'

Charlotte stop her bouncing and walked forward, and struck, quick as lighting, but during the execution, she already felt a light tap on her shoulder.

'Two points for me.'

'Well, I guess there is no use in continuing this match, you are obviously the winner by default, since I have not boxed in a few months, go now, before it gets late.'

'Yes, ma'am.'

'And don't forget those clothes.'

'Man, I wish my sister was more like you.'

'What a slave?'


'Relax, I always wanted a younger sibling, being an only gets lonely sometimes, that is enough of the doom and gloom as Waldo would say, "go!, time waits for no man."'

After his cleansing, headed to the office to find his school clothes ironed and laid down to on the couch, he got dressed and went for his breakfast.

'Hey!, here he is, looking like a young Waldo.'

'Leave him alone, come sit down and have your breakfast.', Waldo answered.

'Thank God, it is Charlotte's turn to make to breakfast, because if it was, our boss man, then we would be eating, ice cold, stiff oats, with boiled eggs.'

'You should be grateful that I at least make the effort.'

'Yes..yes..Wallie, we thank you for feeding us.'

'There you go again with calling me Wallie…, what did mom, say about calling me that.'

'I think, it is kind of cute.' Charlotte said.

'No, it is not, it makes me sound like some kind of small tin can, that communicates by making to sounds.'

'Okay, I promise that, I might not call you that in a few minute.', Arnold said, giggling to himself.

'So, Jack, what time does your school start?', Charlotte asked.

'Eight o'clock.'

'That is wonderful, that means, I can walk you to school.'

'And who is going to open up the shop Charlotte .'

'Oh, please, Mr Waldo, I think that we could make a little exception because, we had such a great day yesterday.'

'I have a feeling that I am not going to win this, who else wants to walk Jack to school.'

Everyone raised their hands.

'I thought so, I really work with a bunch of children, just know that we are going to work a little late today, due to this unforeseen exception that just took place, I hope that is good with everyone?'

'Yes, it is fine with me, you boys?'

'Fine with us.'

'Good, Jack, you are off today, so go straight home, I bet your mother might be worried sick about you.'


Waldo coughed and gave Jack a half smile.

'Look at the time, it is already 6:55 am, we better get ready, Jack where is your bag?'

'In the office, I will go put this lunch in your bag and get changed.'

'I guess, I have to get dressed too.', Charlotte said.

'I think, that I will go shirt-less, give the ladies of the neighborhood a little early morning eye candy.' Arnold said, starting to unbutton his shirt.

'No, you will not, go put something on or else you will go nowhere.'

Arnold shot up from his place in a fit of rage, 'This is unfair, why can Charlotte walk around in a dress and I cannot go shirt-less.'

'The case you presenting does not even make sense, just go get changed.'

Arnold stormed off and Waldo exhaled and started massaging his temples.

'I really work with kids, fully grown adult kids.'

'How do you cope?'

'You know, what is strange Jack?'

'What Waldo.'

'I actually enjoy it in a strange way, I always thought that I would be better off, living an ordinary life but after looking around and observing other peoples live, my life seems to have more entertainment then theirs, other peoples life seems, so routine and mundane.'

Soon, Charlotte re-entered the room, wearing her best dress and Jacks bag slung over her shoulder, and done a quick twirl.

'So, how do I look, this I look young enough to be one of Jack's fellow students.'


'Well, that was blunt, Waldo, here is your bag.'

'I think that you look very lovely, only female employees at the Olives bakery, Miss Charlotte Bonate.'

'Awww, thank you, youngest employee of the Olive's bakery, Mr Jack Peterson.'

'See, Waldo, that is how you treat a lady and you wonder why you still single.'

'I don't care, don't need a wife, who would look after you guys, man if I had to leave you alone for more then a day, all of you would die of starvation and exposure to the elements, I do not know how that would be possible but it just will happen, I think the only person that will survive is Jack, because he still lives with his mother.'

'You know Waldo, I think you actually right, even though I hate to admit it, it is kinda nice to just worry about your job and personal hygiene and the rest just somehow happens, the lights are paid, food is always in the pantry, monthly allowance, it is like living with your parents all over again, this place is a real blessing.'

'So, when are you going to leave?'

'Uhmmm,let me think, never!.'

Charlotte let out a little childlike laughter.

'Mhmm,I thought so.'

'Why do you both have to do, that whole introduction thing?'

Charlotte shrugged her shoulders and looked at Jack.'

'Because, it make things interesting.'

'What things.'

'You know, thingy things, general stuff, like life sciences and math and other stuff.'

Charlotte, just started to applaud and giving Jack a few pats on the back, as for Waldo, he just shook his head in silence.

'Good answer!, Good answer!'

'I am ready, let's go.'

'Looky here, who is this handsome man, James is that you, are going to meet someone special?'

'Don't be ridiculous Charlotte, I always dress like this.'

'Sure, you do, where is Arnold?'

'I am right here.' Arnold said, walking with his arms stretched out and spinning around a few times.

'You too?'

'Yes, unfortunately, I had too, because apparently, you cannot go to a school filled with young children, shirt-less.'

'Am, I the only one that hears the fault in that.'

'Mario and Lesly, are you not coming with us?'

'Yes, we are.'

'But you are not changed yet.'

'Yes, we are.'

The two man got up from their chairs, put their hands on their chest and with on mighty pull, they ripped of their pajamas, revealing their well fitted suits.'

'Bravo!, Bravo!, you have to like these guys.' Waldo applaud

'I see now, why you hired them.'

'Yes, they are very efficient.'

'Now that everyone is here, let's all do a quick role call before we leave.'

'You have to be joking Charlotte.'

'I wish, I was, James but it is better to be safe then sorry.'

'Good girl, I am glad one of you is a little responsible.'

'Thanks Waldo, now let's begin.'









'Last but not least Arnold!'



'Yes, sir.'

'Hey, that was not fair.'

'You said everyone.'

'Okay, my chummy, chum, chums, let us go paint this town ready.'

The group of bakers/super models, headed down the stairs and opened the front door of the shop in a dramatic and fashionable manner.

'Hey!, who is going to fix those doors, if it breaks.'

The group ignored Waldo and strutted down the road, stopped and stood back to back in the middle of the road.

'Let's do this, one!, two!, three!, strike a pose, vogue!'

( I have no words for these people.), I think you can imagine what happened for the next fifteen minutes, this group, was taking group shots, without a camera, of course they made Jack the camera boy, with the imaginary camera, they said it is because he is the 'youngest' but I think you know, that I know, that we know the truth, they were doing, solo shots, close ups, couple goals shots, you name it, they did it.

'Guys..guys, let's do best friends, chilling in front of bakery.'

'That is a great idea Jack.'

Yes, the group of friends did turn around and walked all the way back to the bakery.

The group put their arms around each other, looked at Jack and waited for him for to make a clicking sound with his tongue.

'Good, good, let's do friends cheating on each other and one pair is dating each other.'


'Never mind, can I have four guys crushing one girl but she does not like either of them but someone in the college she goes too.'

'And how do we do that?'

'Uhmmm, Miss Bonate, you sit down on the ground, with your face resting in both your hands and looking at the sky with a goofy smile on your face, Arnold and James you two lean against the wall looking at her, James you can have your hands in your pockets and one foot resting against the wall , Arnold you can have your legs crossed, Mario sit down here with one arm resting on your knee, pretending to draw something on the ground, while you secretly looking at her with a little smile at the corner of your mouth, Lesly you going to be pretending that you have something on your shoulders but also looking over your shoulder, to admire her beauty, does everyone know what they should do?'


The group got themselves ready, they even got a little crowd to watch.

'Okay, that is good, remember try to look as natural as possible, smile!'

Everyone smiled, while Jack, walk around them, pretending to take pictures, 'Yes, good, very good.'

'Excuse me!'

Someone raised their hand in the crowd.

'Yes, sir.'

A short man, emerged from the crowd.

'Yes, sir, how can I help, if it is anything to do with the bakery, it is only going to open at eight thirty.'

'No..no, son, I just wanted to know if you wanted me to take actual pictures, because this is just sad to watch, it is actually hurting my eyes.'

'You would but we do not have the money to you right now.'

'It is fine, free of charge, I actually made this camera myself, so if you would be my first test subjects.'

'We would be honoured, guys, this nice man, wants to take a picture of us, for free!'

The group flew to Jack's side

'Sir, you will take a picture of us, free of charge?'

'Yes, miss.'

'May we know the name of this honourable man?'

'Jason co-deck.'

'Hah, that is a little strange but who am I to judge, just get over here and take over pictures.'

'Sure, miss.'

'And please do not call me miss, My name is Charlotte, and I think that we are roughly the same age.'

'Okay, Charlotte, is everyone ready.'

'Yes, Jason, you may do with us as you please.'

'Arnold, please do not give the man funny ideas?'

'What kind of funny ideas Miss Bonate?'

'Jack, mind your own business and stay within your age restriction.'

The whole group stood together, like a bunch of drunk college student, with someone else's lost little brother, smiling so hard, it would make anyone's face pain at site of it.

'Uhmmm, guys should we not call the owner too?'

'Honestly, I do not think that Waldo would be interested in these type of things.'

'Who says so Charlotte, I love to get my picture taken.'

Waldo Showed up from behind, wearing a fancy navy blue suit, red tie and a displaying his pocket watch gold chain, wearing spectacles, without the lenses inside the frame.'

'I see now, you went all out, why did you not join us earlier?'

'Because ,I am not mad.'

'I think, we made Jack look more insane then the rest of us.'

'I am surprised he agreed.'

'Hey, you said it is because I am the youngest.'

'Uhmm, yes.'

'Is everyone ready now?'

'Yes, miss, I mean Charlotte, would you mind sitting on the ground and you too young man, then we will have, the boss man in the middle and the other four, two by two on each of side.'

Each one shuffled around just to take up time, for God, only knows why, after wasting entire ten minutes, they finally settled down.

'Are we ready now?'

'Yes, young Jason, you may take the photo.', Waldo answered.

'Okay, one, two, three!'

Just as he was about to take the photo, Charlotte quickly wrapped her arms around Jack pulled him in close as for Arnold he took the opportunity to make bunny ears behind James's head and so did Lesly to Mario.

'Good!, you guys are properly the most dysfunctional group of people I have ever taken a picture of but also the most natural in front of the camera.'

'Thank you, I think, when will our photo be ready?' Waldo asked

'In a day or two, I will deliver in it personally to you Sir.'

'Please call me Waldo and I would really appreciate that, I will hang it somewhere, where all my customers will see.'

'Okay, bye.'

'You lot!, look at the time you guys better leave now or Jack would be late and I really do not feel like explaining to Jane why her son was late for school.'

'Do not worry, boss man, top priority for this mission is to get, Jack to school on time.', Mario said.

'I know, I can count on you two, to see this to the end.'

Waldo walked over to them, shook his hand, then saluted him.

'And he says that we are the crazy ones.' Arnold whispered to James.

'I know right.'

'Come Jack, we must go before the fat lady rings the bell.'

'Now, wait you two, we cannot just go off like this?'

'What do you mean Miss Charlotte Bonate?'

'Just look at us and how we are dressed, do we look like a couple of bakery, going to drop off, there youngest employee off at school?'

'That is exactly what you are going to do.'

'Rhetorical, Waldo.'

'No, we are flaming hot, good looking people, so we better walk like flaming hot, good looking people, gentleman it is time to walk the longest cat walk in the history of mankind.'

'I do not know you people, I am going back inside.', Waldo headed back inside and locked the doors, went upstairs and closed the windows too.

'Leave him, come my brothers, let us embark on our history making moment.'

The group of wanna be super models, stood side by side, struck a vintage pose and began the journey of the longest cat walk done by bakers.

Soon, the group was drawing eyes to themselves, people started staring and pointing at the works, boosting their confidence more and more.

'Can you see, them looking at us, amazed by our by our hotness, hah!, they obviously want to be used.' Arnold said, waving at the people supposably looking at him.

'I do not think so, I think what is drawing their attention is the puppy that is following us.'

'Argh, nonsense, Jack, there is no puppy following us, is there?'

'Yes…yes, this flee bag is stealing our spot light, which I worked so hard for.'

'Really Arnold, your blaming the puppy for your ugliness'

'Real, funny'

'Nice, rub it in it in my face, that I cannot use emojies.'

'Don't hate the player, hate the game, what!, what!', James said, pumping his hands in the air.

'Sick J, I think that deserves a chest bump.'

The two turned towards each other, backed up, ran towards each other and clashed the chests together, the impact sounded like to bison alpha males clashing together, talk about serious chest gains, the impact was so loud that it caused the puppy to squeal.

'What was that?' asked Charlotte.

'I believe that was the puppy we mentioned earlier.'

'Well, don't just stand there Lesly, help me find it.'

'I believe I already have.'

'This is no time for your Master ling's, what…whats, profound moments.'

'No, I have found it, because the dam thing is pissing on my foot.'

Charlotte Gasp and placed her hand in front of her mouth, Mario griped his chest, Arnold and James gave him a thumbs up and a nods of approval, Jack was fanning his butt, hoping that no one would smell the gas he just released.

'Lesly, what foul words you speak.', Then, Charlotte turned her attention to the dog, who was now licking his private parts, she let out a high pitched scream, before she picked it up and allowed it to lick her in her face.

' Lesley! just look how cute it is, what kind of dog is it?'

'I do not know, google it.'

'Yes, that sounds right, like those Japanese huskies, I will name you that too, Google.'

Lesly and Mario: 🤨

'I do not think that Waldo, will allow you to keep it.'

'But, James, I do not need ask Waldo, I can ask Arnold too.'

'What, why me?'

'Oh, dear me, how could I forget that you possessed quite a bit of power as a majority shareholder of the bakery.'

'Haha, guys, don't be stupid now, we both know that I only said those things because there was a camera around, and now that we talking about pretending, yes, let's start with Mr holier then thou, you say you are going to the library on a Friday afternoon but I know you going to go pick up your lady of the night and taking her to the motel down the road, Charlotte don't think a I don't know about you going to the high tea's, with clothes you rented from the store right next to ours and Mario and Lesly, pretending to be surprised when some of the beer and jams are missing but it is actually you selling it via back door for double the price and finally, Jack dear sweet little Jack..'

Jack looked at Arnold stepping closer to him and gulped.

'I have no dirt on you.'


'Yet, now that everyone's dirty laundry is out in the open, do they still think that they are better then me?'

Everyone looked at their feet, expect for Jack, he smile was bigger then ever.

'Thought so, oh, look here we are, Jack, it is time for you to go inside, look Susan and Julia are already waiting for you.

'Geez!', Jack, kicked the ground, 'Talk about bad timing, I was really hoping to see the drama unfold, damn you school, I really hate you sometimes and you wonder why people drop out because of these things you do!'

Charlotte walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder, ' I do not think you know this but, we can hear you, so if you do not mind dialing it down and keeping it in your head.'

'Oh, sorry, I forgot that it was on thinking out loud, thank you.'

'No, problem.'

Jack straightened himself out, cleared his throat, 'I thank everyone is for the escort, I do apologise for the current outburst, it was completely unprofessional for someone at my standard.'

'It is okay, Mr Peterson, we all have bad days and evil thoughts it is part of being a human being.'

'Yes, Jack-man, do not stress, about it.'

Everyone gathered around him and gave him a group hug.

'Thanks guys, I really that.'

'No, problem, you just go on, now and study hard, we will be waiting for you at the shop, ready to tell you all the drama that happened, what, is that thing called in the military.' James said.

'Debrief!', Mario shouted the answer out, like a school child.

'Yes, that.'

'Thanks James, I will look forward to it.'

Jack broke away from everyone and waved them good bye and entered the school, as for the fellow bakers, they all looked at each other then singled out Arnold.

'Arnold, today, you spilled our deepest and darkest secret out in the street, for that you will be punished.'

'I will tell Waldo about it.'

'Just look at him Lesly, he thinks we will take him now.'

'No, no, Arnold, we don't move in for the kill right away, we like to wait it out, get him really worked up, then, relaxed, there is now better face then that of an unforeseen enemy, consumed by fear.'

'You two are sooo awesome'

'Thank you, Miss Bonate'

'Well, old buddy, old pal, it was nice knowing but it seems like you really trapped into it this time, guys, can you get my piece of pain and torture into, I do not like to get my hands dirty, doing such things.'

'Gladly, Master James.'

'Master!, so this is what our friendship has come to?'

'You dug your own grave here pal, oh and Mario and Lesly, you better keep a close eye on him, he is a runner.'

'Run from what, by time he decides to run, we will have already dealt with him.'

James gave Mario and Lesly a thumbs up, while Charlotte done an evil laugh, while stroking the puppy in her hand.

'So Jack, decide to bring the entire bakery with you?'

'Julia please, can you give the insult or attacking a little rest, I had a wonderful day and this morning so, please do not spoil it with, little jabs and insults, I really do not have the energy at this moment.'

'Jack, I was not trying to pick a fight, I was just wondering why, you would bring the entire bakery with you?'

'Yes, my creamy spice, I would like to know to.'

'Of course, I will tell you Susan, since, we have been working so hard yesterday and trust me, we were grinding, I am talking sparks everywhere, so the team took it upon themselves to open up a little late and get some fresh air and stretch their legs and what better why then taking their favourite employee and friend, me, to school.'

'If you say they have been working hard, that means that they have been on there feet the whole time and if they have been on their feet the entire time then would it not be wise to stay off your feet as much as possible?'

'Julia, no one cares about the details and in any case I think that it is called active rest.'

'Never mind.'

'That sounds like a good enough reason for me?'

'No offense sister but even grass sounds good enough for you.'

'Hey…hey, that was not necessary, that is a low blow Julia, I did not know that you could stoop to such a level, actually, I kinda knew it, I am not surprised at all.'

'It is not a low blow, it is the truth and I accept it, one could either accept it or live a lie and I chose to accept it.' Susan said, putting her hands in front of her chest, like a monk.

'See Jack, my sister is not as childish as you are.'

'Not like you either.'

'It seems that it is time to head to class.'

'Yes, wise time keeper.'

'Julia, what did I tell you about calling me those names.'

'No, don't ever call me those names in public.'


'Do not call me those names in front of Jack?'


'Uhmm…., oh, now I have it, whenever I call you those names, I should clap my hands together twice, chant 'Om', bow then touch your feet.'

'Ting!, Ting!, correct.'

And that is exactly what she did, clapped her hands twice together, chanted 'Om', bowed then touched Susan's feet, in return Susan touched the top of her head lightly, Julia rose up, and turned her attention to Jack.

'Do you have an incense stick?'

'No!, why?'

'So, I can circle it around her face'

'That would be great Julia, sometimes, you are just the most thoughtful sister in the world.'

'I know and it is nothing, I just want to treat my sister like the goddess, she is.'

Jack took a few steps back trying to comprehend the situation, 'Was I cut out from a few chapters, because I do not remember, you all being so crazy, girl!, have you been eating grass again, because they have been spraying the fields with, how can I say toilet fertilizer.'

'They have?'

'Yes and she knows it.'

'I was meaning to tell you.'

'You knew that they were spraying the fields with sh*&#t water and you said nothing?'

'Why, am I the only one taking the blame here, he also knew, why are you not angry at him.'

'Typical Julia, not willing to take responsibility for her actions, you had more opportunities to tell her, then I have, you are the one with her twenty-four/seven and you knew way before me, I only found out yesterday, when I overheard, Mr Mower talk to his friend, how lushes his grass at school his growing and it is all thanks to those things you find in the toilet, why do you think we still use the bucket system?'

'You are such a big lair, I was the one that told, that day when Susan was absent.'

'Really, it must have slipped my mind.'

'It does not matter now, I have already eaten some, the best thing for all of us at this point, we can just accept it and go to class.'

In class Jack was fully focused again, so focused that Mrs Taylor called in some of her scientist and behavioral experts to observe the boy, they all observed him, taking measurements of his head checking his temperature, writing pace and once again asked him to take a drug and breathalyzer test and gathering all the data the scientist left, dear reader I also thought that this is a game but this boy seems to be serious about making something of himself, if you want to be, who you think you should be then be!.

Break time came and Jack was still working his butt off in a sense.

'Jack, are you coming out for recess?', Susan asked him.

'Yes, I am going to finish this math problem, then I will join you.'

'Okay, just do not take long'

'I won't.'

The class was empty and Elizabeth was bored, so she decided to mess with her old friends mind.

'Hah, again, man, Jack, you coast me a lot of money, I have a bet with sir C.J, that this new you, would only last a day, but he said that you were serious and would last forever , it seems he was right.'

'You, bet against me?'

'Well, what can I say, we all make bad decisions some days.'

'I cannot believe you.'

'You know Jack, if you stay busy like this, it might cost you, your relationship with Susan and Julia.'

'I do not think that, getting a little busy does not hurt anybody, I will make time for them.'

'Are you sure, last time you said you were going out for recess but you stayed inside, a good relationship and friendship cannot be one sided, were one gives, four thousand percent and the other only twenty percent.'

'Yes, I understand Elizabeth but you must also not forget yourself and not to invest in other person too much, where just thinking about them causes you physical pain and to lose yourself, for if you invest too much in someone else, out of the fear of losing them, then you might miss out your own dream.'

'But no man is an island.'

'And everyman must search his own soul, find his own purpose, be his own person, learn to lean on himself when times are hard, if you not mentally and physically strong, then you good for no one, let me tell you something there is truly no better feeling then making progress every day.'

'It seems to me, the little time you spend with that crazy man, you are actually learning something but you must also remember why you befriended them in the first place, it seems to me that you are losing sight of the mission.'

Jack shot up from his desk gripped Elizabeth Shoulders, 'What do you mean?'

'I think you know what I mean?'

'What did he tell you?'

'He told me nothing or maybe he did tell me something.'

'Whatever it is, you cannot tell anyone, I would like you to keep it to yourself, for what you know, might not be what you think you know.'

'I do not know about that but my lips are seal.'

Elizabeth, pretended to zip her lips and threw the key away.


Jack picked up his lunch bag, 'Are you going to join us?'

'No, I would like to enjoy my last day, soaking up these old dusty class, are you coming to the chill spot, today?'

'Yes, I don't work on Wednesday s remember.'


'You are so mean sometimes, I am leaving now, please do not do anything weird to my belongings.'

'I cannot guarantee that.'

'I will tell Mrs Taylor.'

'Geez, relax man, I am just kidding, now go to your "Girlfriend".'

'What is with the air quotes around girlfriend?'

'I do not know, I am just messing with your head.'

'Whatever, I am leaving, good bye.'

'Ello!, Ello!'

Jack felt a cold chill down his spine as he said those words.

'Good morning, Mr Peterson, I am so happy you could join us, Julia was starting to miss you.'

Julia, jumped to her feet, cheeks red as little apples, 'No, I was not, I would never anyway.'

'Really, then why, are you reacting this way, only guilty people find a reason to defend, themselves.'

'Susan could you just please keep quiet and you please do not flatter yourself and get any funny ideas.'

'Did I say anything nor did I think of something.'

'So Mr Peterson, did you manage to finish your math problem?'

'Yes, yes.., I did.'

'I wonder if it is right, from my time with you, I am very cautious about your mathematic skills.'

'You know what Julia, how about you go and sit somewhere in the naughty corner, because that is where, people like you belong.'

'I have a feeling that you wanted to say something, else, something very different which is over this books age restriction.'

'I think you two need to get your heads out of the gutter, I would not never say something as vile like that, I am a gentlemen after all.'

'Everyone knows, that a man of this world have gutter minds and dogs.'

'Look, I do not understand this thing of all men are dogs because you forget that a dog would die for its Master, if I were a dog I would be disgusted to be compared to a filthy creature like a human being and a other thing, not everymen is like a playboy or a womanizer, some of us actually love and adore women for the beautiful beings that they are.'

'If a man is so amazing, then how do you explain what happened to Mrs Mina, how was she accused of doing witchcraft, they raped her, tortured her, cut her all her fingers and toes off, stripped her naked and burned her publicly, where were the good men then, Where!, she was my aunt and the only thing that was wrong with her is that she had schizophrenia, but nooooo…., she was a witch!, possessed by the evil spirits, what stupid crap is that!..', Susan's voice broke as she was on the verge of tears, Julia wrapped her arm around her sister.

'I am sorry, I really did not know that Mrs Mina, was your aunt, it was truly vile what had happened to her.'

'Yeah our family is still trying to get over it, strange that this happened three years ago, in this very center of town and everyone is pretending nothing had happened, and now everyone is scared to go into her house, because they believe they gonna get cursed.'

'Well, what can I say, Julia, this is the human being but I will still that, of all us are not bad, there is seven billion of us so of course there are some rotten one but that does not mean, you only see the darkness, because without light there can be no darkness, so even if you are at a dark stage of life, there is light somewhere and if you cannot find any then you become your own light.'

'Wooow!, that got intense so quickly, what happened?'

'I guess the writer wanted to vent out some of his own pain and loneliness, generally, this is why you have emotional scene, in movies and stories, they trying to confront their own stuff, own issues, so they can consult themselves and hopefully help others overcome their problems.'

'I must say Jack, I am amazed I actually listened to your little lecture, I really surprised myself.'

'Thanks Julia, your frankness…, I do not want to say it but I will say it anyway…, your frankness is something I really appreciate and yes, it does pain me to say it.'

Julia walked over to Jack and nudged him with her fist.

'Why did you jump, did you think I was going to hit you?'


'Relax, I am not a hugger or violent girl.'

'I am!'

Susan raised her hand with excitement.

'Susan, you?'

'Yes, Jack believe it or not, your girlfriend is a violent fanatic.'

On that dramatic and completely unnecessary filler episode, which I find was not remotely relevant to the story that I am narrating but, hey who, am I, just the guy telling the story, we return back to the original story and purpose of this very book, of turning a pale nobody into a likely or somewhat of a hero, and not even further down into a zero, it would simply be a cruel twist of fate and an impactful dark twist to the story, just hinting that out there.

Soon Jack returned to class, his walk had more motivation and positivity, then the number one motivational speaker in the world, Jack entered the class, sat down and began drawing stick man movies in the corner of the book, until Mrs Taylor arrived and began teaching, again getting a deformed start drawn his book for excellent work and a nod of approval from the smart kids, the day good not get any better for Jack.

As so a productive day came to an end Jack scoring not one but two star like drawings in the book and a pat on the back from each class mate, I would say that he finally made something of himself but Jack could not wait to get out of the class room quick enough for there was something more exciting waiting for him at the bakery, hot gossip, back stabbing and name calling, false accusations and questionable evidence and a possible violent out break, all this was waiting for him and he really needed to leave now because he could get there when the real action goes down.

(Susan approached, Jack while he was packing in his stuff.)

'Jack are you going to the 'chill zone', after school?'

'No, I really need to get to the bakery because, I left my underwear there and you know them, if they discover it, they will make sure that I will ever forget this day, ever in my life.'

'I understand.'

'You and Julia can go ahead then I will meet you there.'

'No, it is fine, I would not like to go to that place alone, maybe later.'


(Jack slang, his back pack on to his back, winked at Susan and bolted of out the door, not realising that the bell has not rang yet.)

Walking faster then his average speed, Jack finally arrived at the store, to his surprise the store was still closed, giving him a good feeling that the action might still be going on, he ran to the door, knock but no answer, so resorted to the most civilized thing he could think off and that is too rattle the door violently but to his surprise, no one came and that means that the action must be so heated at this point that no one is heard , his attempt of force entry, and this made him even more excited, so Jack thought of another way and that is through the back, he jumped the wall and entered through the back door, where he heard cheering, a big smile grew on his face and he bolted up to find James and Charlotte playing cards, each one with a ice pack with them, James had one on the back of his head and Charlotte one on the side of her face and Waldo sitting in the corner reading a news paper.

'Hey!, look who it is?'

'Youngest employee of the olives bakery, Jack Peterson.', Charlotte said with a beaming smile.

'Why are you here, you do not work on Tuesdays?'

'See, I think I….'

'I know why he is here, this boy is chasing news.'

Charlotte laughed but also twitched in pain, 'My God sir, Jack Peterson, you came all this way for news?'

'Uhmm, no technically, I forgot something in the office.'

'And What is that?', Waldo peered from behind the newspaper wrinkling his brow.

'My…., underwear!'

'Sies!', Waldo tossed the newspaper to the side, 'Go get that thing out now!'

Jack could such a fright from the sudden out burst he confessed to the truth.

'I did not for…forget an..anything, it is a lie!.'

James and Charlotte broke out into laughter but it quickly died down, due to the pain from their injuries.

'So, you are here just to know what had transpired here in the bakery after some, secret information was leaked to the public?'

'Yes sir.'

Waldo giggled, 'Okay, who is going to tell him, because I was here in the beginning but left in the middle stage.'

Both of them forgot they were injured and raised their hands the like school children, who have just been told the answer but want to answer again anyway so they can look smart and gain some self -confidence.

'Now, now, Charlotte, you have already had a turn, give others a chance to.'

'Unfair!', she crossed her arms and pouted.

'Yes!', James pumped his fist in the air and stuck his tongue out at her.

'Okay here we go Jack, story telling at its best.

Based on recent true events....

Narrated by James Schineder.....

Olive's Bakery presents....

Dirty laundry!

The two brothers were walking along side Arnold, who had a grim look on his face, a look that was sure that today was going to be his last day on this earth, as for myself and Charlotte, walked further ahead, not wanting to any part in what is going to happen to my old time, childhood friend and now enemy, of course I was a little sad but I was also glad that the back stabbing bastard was going to get what he deserves, as that old saying goes, 'every dog gets his day.', we finally arrived at the bakery, where the big boss was already waiting for us.

Waldo: 'So, lady and Gentleman, I believe, word on the street is that there has been a leakage of information which could possibly harm us.'

Lesly: 'Yes sir'

(Waldo pulled out a pistol from his blazer pocket and pointed it and Arnolds head.)

Waldo: 'Anything about me?'

(Lesly and Mario looked at each other, then at Charlotte and James, who simply just shook their heads.)

Lesly: 'I believe not sir.'

Waldo:'Then why am I sitting here, took out my gun for nothing, look at all the dust it has collected over the time, I could have been sleeping right now, this is your problem not mine, whatever torture method you use, just make sure you clean up the mess, I am running a legit business here, so please use protection and remember, you are not covered for whatever accidents takes place, cheerio!'

(Waldo, took his pistol, wiped it off, admired it for a few seconds then left.)

Mario: 'Good day sir.'

(Lesly placed a chair behind Arnold.)

Mario: 'Sit'

(Arnold obeyed and sat down.)

Arnold: 'If you guys are thinking of doing the electric chair, then I hate to tell you, that you are a little short of equipment.'

Lesly: No..No, we were are not thinking of doing the electric chair, that is so last year, now sit still and let me tie you down to this chair.'

Arnold: 'Okay.'

(Arnold started to hum, 'Baba black sheep')

Lesly: 'And no humming.'

Arnold: 'What but it is my basic human right.'

Mario: 'You are about to be brutally tortured do you really think that you have rights?'

Arnold: 'Hah, I guess you right.'

(Arnold sat quietly and watched Lesly tie his arms to the chair.)

Waldo: 'Wait!, Wait a minute!'

(Waldo stormed back into the kitchen.)

Waldo: 'Charlotte is that a dog?'

Charlotte: 'Yes, yes it is, isn't it cute, just look.'

(She held out the dog for him to examine, Waldo took a few steps closer and scanned the dog from head to toe or paw if you will.)

Charlotte: 'What?'

(Waldo grabbed the dog from her hand with one mighty swoop and threw it out the window.)

Charlotte: 'Oh my God!, Google!'

(Everyone ran to the window, while Arnold hopped, to see if the dog had survived, and it did, it hit the soft cushioning of the bench press and then the floor.)

James: 'look it survived!'

Please note: that I will be referring to myself in third person, I think that it will create a better flow then 'I'.'

(Everyone applaud but this was not the end of the poor puppy's worries, due to the impact created by its own body, it caused one of the plate to come loss and as the puppy jumped of the bench, right under the barbell the weight fell off and hit the poor traumatized animal right on the head, everyone gasped, Charlotte literally dung her nails into James's arm.

Arnold: 'Aaah, come on people relax, judging from the sound of the impact, I would say that was a tiny one kg plate he will survive.'

(And, he was right the dog gave a little squeal but got back up and staggered across to the other side of the barbell, but unfortunately due to the in balance on the barbell and wrong sense of direction, the barbell tilted and crushed the poor creatures head flat, it did not even get time to squeal.)

Anrold: 'OOOh!,yep now he is dead, that is a two hundred and twenty five, or should I say twenty for, kg's just coming down on him, he is properly flatter then a coin not, but what better way to go out then in the iron paradise, he made a legends exit, I salute him, I would but I am tied to a chair right now.'

(Charlotte turn to Arnold, her eyes burning with rage.)

Charlotte: 'You monster!'

(Then she lunged at him like a blood thirsty vampire, crawling and bearing her teeth at him, luckily, the other managed to restrain her on time and Arnold manage to get himself lose in order to help everyone else calm her down.)

James: 'Arnold, you do relised that she is trying to attack you right?'

Arnold: 'Yes, but it is always nice to help.'

James: 'You are going to help her kill you?'

Arnold: 'See, that is the thing I do not understand, I am being the one targeted here but I did nothing wrong.'

Waldo: 'Arnold, why do bad things happen to good people?'

Arnold: 'I don't know, the way of life?'

(Waldo, put his hand on the side of Arnolds face.)

Waldo: 'Exactly!, and the same applies to your situation right now.'

(Everyone, stood still for a moment and admired the wise words that came out of Waldo's mouth.)

Lesly: 'That is freaking brilliant!, no wonder you are the boss of this place.'

Waldo: 'Well, Lesly, what can I say, I was born to be a leader, I am done here, I will remind you all again, please clean up where you have made a mess or else there will be dire consequences that you will face.'

Everyone: 'Yes, sir.'

(As soon as Waldo left, everyone turned their attention to Arnold.)

Charlotte: 'Get him!'

(Arnold took a defensive position as soon as Charlotte tired to make her move, Arnold kicked his chair towards her, Lesly and Mario, tried to come at him from the sides but Arnold managed to dodged them both and the two man collided, as the two man slid down together, James jumped over them, doing a back flip, coming down with an axe kick, Arnold managed to elude, causing the tile literally to explode on impact.)

Arnold: 'What a wow!, James, you are surprisingly flexible for some one of your size.'

(James, stood up straight and put his hands on his hips.)

James: 'I told you many times before, one has to find the balance between strength and flexibility, doing yoga a day will…'

(While James was explaining the relationship between strength and flexibility.., Arnold slowly stuck his hands in the bag of flower and chucked it in James's face creating a blanket of white smoke and momentarily blinding James, Arnold grabbed the pan on the stove and whacked James over the head with it, causing him to collapse to the ground with a light to moderate concussion, looking down at James, a victory smile grew on Arnold;s face.)

Arnold: 'Would you look at these fools they honestly thought that they could take me dow….'

(Out of nowhere a cup hit Arnold in the face, giving him a little cut above his left eyebrow, he looked around but with the white blanket of flower still lingering in the air it was difficult to pin point where the attacker was throwing from.)

Arnold: 'Show yourself!'

(Arnold heard a little sinister giggle but still unable to locate the enemy, then again, out of nowhere a glass flew at him, almost hitting him in the crown jewels.'

Arnold: 'Oh, you are a little dirty bugger aren't you but we will see how quiet you can be.'

(Arnold took off his tie, blind folded himself and readied himself in a baseball batting stance and listened carefully.)

Arnold: 'Ready or not!'

(Swish!, Arnold swung to the right side but missed, then another attack quickly followed hitting him right on the back of the head, then another hitting him in the center of his chest, then another then another on the forehead, Arnold knew that this blind fold thing was not working for him, so he ripped it off, to find his colleagues surroundings him all of them armed with cups sources, glasses and Mario with forks.)

Arnold: 'So, you think you have cornered me?'

James: 'Of course we have, just look around there is no room for escape, you should just surrender?'

Arnold: 'Never!'

Charlotte: 'Then so be it.'

(Arnold grabbed a baking tray in his other hand and steadied his self for the onslaught of cutlery and utensils, they all launched their attack at the same time firing away with everything they got and Arnold defended with everything he had, managing to block all his enemies attacks, impressing Mario and Lesly at the same time.)

Mario: 'He is quite impressive isn't he brother L?'

Lesly: 'Indeed, he is but it is truly unfortunate that today is his last day among us.'

Arnold: 'Who says, that it is my last day?'

Charlotte: 'Enough talk, ladies, it is time to get real.'

(Charlotte grabbed a couple of sources from behind her and opened them up like a traditional Chinese fan.)

Charlotte: 'Time to finish this.'

Arnold: 'Bring it on sister!'

(Charlotte, threw the sources at him, zinging as they were cutting through the air but she was not done yet as she dashed forward, done a side back flip as known as webster or a 540, launching two cake forks at her attacker, while in midair, Arnold did his best to fend of the attacks but his skill fell short as one of the forks manage to dig itself into his right leg.)

Charlotte: 'I must say, you are very agile for someone your size.'

Arnold: 'Thanks, now let me repay the favour.'

(He ripped the fork from his leg, displaying no sign of pain on his face.)

Arnold: 'Good, shot.'

Charlotte: 'Thank yo..'

(Just, as she was about to finish her sentence, the cake fork zinged past her cheek, scraping it as it went by, blood started to emerge from the cut, she felt the cut and looked at the blood on her fingers.'

Charlotte: 'You almost g…'

(Bang!, before she could even finish her second sentence, she was hit in flat on the side of her face with the pan, knocking the poor thing out cold.')

Arnold: 'Girl you from the circus and you forgot the most important thing, never take your eyes of the target.'

Mario and Lesly: 'You right!'

(Jumped out from behind the counter, making kung fu sounds, as they were completing the action, Lesly lead from the front with his fake martial arts as he tried to land a flying kick on his first go but missed by a ridiculously large margin, Mario followed, slicing away at Arnold viciously, He managed to elude all Lesly's attack but Mario was a different story, he changed, nice guy Mario was gone, he turned into a blade swing maniac, with laser like focus, determined to land a fatal blow and he almost did, cutting across Arnold's chest, with his butcher knife causing his whole shirt to pop open.'

Arnold: 'Oh, now your in trouble that was Louis Vuitton.'

Charlotte woke up from her unconscious state for a brief moment.

Charlotte: 'Haaa!, you monster, go burn in hell!, how dare you do that to Louis.'

Than returned to her pan induced a coma, Arnold ripped off his shirt and tore off the sleeve and tied it around his head.

Arnold: 'It is on, like the stove is right now, oh my gosh do you now how much electricity this thing draws in an hour.'

Lesly and Mario just shrugged, in this display of being energy conservative Arnold managed to get them to drop there guard for a second, when he noticed this, he kicked his shoe off his foot, and hit Mario in the face, Lesly attacked, going in with a side kick, but missed, Arnold grabbed him around the neck and choked slammed him on the concrete floor, Mario, jumped on his back trying to get a sleeper hold in but Arnold was too smart for him and rammed him against the counter, Mario slid off a his back, Arnold turned around lifted him on his shoulders and body slammed him across the counter, Mario's body bounced of the counter and hit the floor, Arnold pulled out all the chairs and put them all together, picked up Lesly's kind of lifeless body laid it on the chairs, rubbed some butter and flour on his face, placed a bread tray on his face, got on top of the counter, done a few stretches, then jumped off the counter and landed with his elbow in poor Lesly's face, crushing all the chairs beneath them, while he was still a little under the sun, James rose up from the floor like a phoenix from the ashes, ready to vanquish all evil and back stabbers that stand in its way, he saw the opening and delivered a spectacular tackle, which send the two right into the corridor but Arnold's muscle was much denser then he had anticipated, so even after such magnificent tackle, the man still managed fight back, grabbing James's arms and trying to get him into a triangle lock but James was able to break lose, slamming him in the ground, picked him up again, slammed again but nothing does it like that old saying goes three times the charm, always work, the last slam did it, when he let loose, James took the chance to land some good elbows shots and punches to the face, then pressed down on his chest, done a handstand then landed over his right arm and wrapped his right arm into an arm bar, hyper extending it to the point where it looked like it was sure to snap off, leaving poor Arnold no choice but to tap out, making the James the ultimate victor of Dirty Laundry.'

The End …..

Jack stood still , with a blank look on his face as if someone had ripped his brain out of his skull, smashed it up with a baseball bat, put into a mincer, drove over it with truck, thrown into a bowl of battery acid then blown up with a nuclear boom.

'Jack, are you still with us?'

Waldo tapped him on the shoulder, 'Jack, there you are, welcome back to reality.'

'So there was no discussion?'


'No, name calling?'

James shook his head

'No, revealing of scandalous secrets?'

'I do not think so.'

'Just mindless violence?'

'Yeeess!', Charlotte shouted, almost ending up assaulting Jack with the piece of chicken breast in her hand.

'That is awesome!,', he threw his hands in the air, ran his fingers through his hair, high fived everyone.

'I knew you belonged here.', Waldo said with a smile on his face.

'So, where is Arnold?'

'In his room, recovering.'

'So, is Lesly and Mario.'

'That is why, I did not bother opening the shop today, because all my employees are broken and unable to work.'

'Except for me of course, I am fine.'

'Well, Jack I cannot let you face the storm alone, if you were older maybe yes but now, I am just going to be charged with child labour if I did.'

'But, I am already working for you.'

'Yes, in the back yard where no one can see you, duh.'

'Okay, Miss Bonate, how is your face?'

'I am fine, I have taken worse hits then this back in my kick boxing days.'

'Are you sure, it looks pretty bad.'

'I am very sure, trust me.'

'If you say so.'

'I know so.'

'I must say, you guys clean up pretty well.'

'Oh, that is all Lesly and Mario, probably trying to cleaning up their honor too.'

'Come on, James, you know how much winning and looking like top dogs means to them.'

'I guess you right, they kind of do put in a little more effort then us, remember in our circus days, they used to train harder and perform spectacular tricks on the trapeze, do you remember those days Waldo?'

'Of course I do, it was not that long ago, but I do not feel like telling stories from back in the days, I am going to get myself some shut eye, I do not know what you three going to do, I am off, my bed is waiting for me, cheerio.'

'Cheers, I am going to see, what I am going to make for dinner, how about you Charlotte.'

'I am going to see if I can turn that poor puppy into a stuffed animal I hope his face is not all messed up.'

'Waldo, actually threw the dog out the window?'

'No, it actually jumped out of my arm through the window, guess it had enough of life.'

'So, the weight thing did not happen?'

'Oh, no, that part of the story was true, the poor thing was crushed, flatter then a pound note, do you want to help me clean him up?'

'No, thank you, I have to go.'

'Where, you don't have a life outside work and school?'

'I do too!'

'Relax, Jack, she is just pulling your leg, I think, are you?'

James looked at charlotte, who just shrugged.

'Well, on that mysterious note, good bye.'

'Bye, see you guys tomorrow.'