
The First Class

I met up with the rest of team JOKE and we went to our first class of the day which happens to be combat training. We headed to a nice arena on the other side of the school. Professor Freeze decided that she wanted to see our skills in one on one battle against our classmates. Olga seems strangely excited for some reason.

Prof. Freeze: You are going to spar with your classmates so that I can see what I'm working with and you can see how strong your peers are. The winner will be decided once someone runs out of aura or their aura breaks. The first match of the day will be Olga vs. Yang.

Olga: No, Professor Freeze I refuse to participate. How I am supposed to woo the ladies if I'm beating them up?

Prof. Freeze: I guess you could refuse but then I'll be docking a lot of points and I'll be making it a mission to fail you.

Olga: Okay. I'll participate.

Yang: Let's get started.

Olga: Man. I can smell your excitement all the way over here.

Prof. Freeze: Get into position.

On your mark.

Get set.


Olga dashed toward Yang and took off the gold bracelets he always wears on his arm. He swung his bracelets towards Yang, but Yang dodges out of the way and punches Olga. Olga barely flinches and expands the bracelets in his hand. Yang was caught off guard by the sudden size change of his bracelets and he uses them to hit Yang on the side of her body. Yang activates her semblance and the crowd can see her eyes turn into a fiery red. Olga wanting to finish off the battle quickly, so he begins to perform of series of blows with his bracelets. Yang stands her ground and takes all the damage from his attacks not knowing that she is gaining more strength the more he damaged her. After finishing his attacks, Olga retreats a bit of distance away from Yang out of fear that something was wrong. Yang looks to Olga with a smile on her face as she uses her gauntlets to fire at Olga. Olga has a little bit of trouble dodging the bullets and is a bit shaken up. Yang runs to Olga and swings a heavy right hook in his direction. Olga dodges and expands his bracelet to hit her in the face. Olga winces a little bit after his attack not intending to hit her in the face, but before he can even think about apologizing Yang punches him and sends him flying off the arena. If the ring-out wasn't proof enough that he lost, then his aura breaking only further emphasized that he is in no condition to continue this battle. Olga is unusually quiet as he puts his bracelets back onto his arm and returns to his seat. Yang is celebrating her victory with the rest of team RWBY as I peer over to see Professor Freeze furiously writing down notes after the battle was concluded. She seems to be a little too into observing our battles, but I'm sure that just means she's taking her job very seriously. She was so concentrated on her notes that she didn't notice me munching on some of my Cream Puffs. Other students in our class went up to battle and it was interesting to see their techniques and skill in action. There were a few fights that were more memorable than others. The Kim and Weiss fight was impressive. Kim used her semblance to use the debris from previous battles to attack Weiss, but Weiss countered that with the dust she had inside Myrtenaster. Each move they made perfectly countered the other. Even though I really like Kim and she was my teammate, I had to root my sister. It was the only fight of the day to end in a draw. The rest of the classes for today weren't very interesting and before I knew it my first day at Beacon was over without a hitch. That was until I thought of how pathetic Jaune was during his match. I've always liked Jaune as a character when I watched the show and I feel bad that he's so weak. I mean I have all this extra time now, so I wouldn't mind doing something to help him out. I approach Jaune after class and offer to train him so that he could be stronger and have more confidence in his battle skills. Jaune was a little reluctant since I didn't know him well and the offer came out of nowhere, but he decided to accept regardless. Now during my free time, I have been training John to better handle himself in a battle, some of my sword stances, and how to properly manage your aura. Also, while I was training him I asked Pyrrha to lend him a hand as well, so their relationship can develop even more.


Olga: Jack, buddy surely you must have someone you like.

Jack: You're asking this after what? 4 chapters and a flashback. That's not enough time to decide on who I like.

Olga: Surely you must have some idea about who you're going to date.

Jack: Well, I do like Kim and I wouldn't mind a relationship with her. Who else?

Olga: Who else?

Jack: I mean incest is wincest.

Olga: Is that yes.

Jack: I don't know.

Olga: But HAREM.

Jack: I'm just not sure what I want a harem or not at this point. It's a possibility but it's something to think about as I write in my journal.

Olga: What journal? You never write anything down.

Jack: Not that you see.

Olga frustrated that Jack is not his harem buddy walks away.