
Are you serious?

[Olga POV]

There was a familiar scent in this direction. There's no way I could ever forget it for as long as I live. Even though I say it like that, it's not like this person killed my family or anything equally as serious. It's just that honestly sometimes I can picture myself never smelling this scent again and being completely content not meeting them again for as long as I live. He must know I'm coming since he bothered to come alone without everybody else. I would be able to smell them if that was the case. I'm confident in my ability to smell my surroundings and find out if there are other people nearby. After a bit of running, I came face to face with the person I was trying to find.

Olga: Hello, father.

Olga's dad: Hey, Olga.

Olga: Don't call me by that name. Call me by my actual name.

Olga's dad: Alright, Chase.

Chase: Why are you here?

Chase's dad: Is that any way to talk to your father?

Chase: Can you please tell me why you're here?

Chase's dad: Well, since you asked so nicely were here to rob the people you've brought along.

Chase: Look, they're not bringing anything valuable with them. Just let them through besides everybody should be living relatively well considering you have been selling the information about Beacon to other people.

Chase's dad: While you have been doing a good job getting information, this and that are two completely different things. The people you're transporting seem to have a powerful gem in their possession.

Chase: Gem?

Chase's dad: Yes, it'll be able to increase someone's aura and boost their semblance.

Chase: Still, I can probably steal it myself, you don't have to attack my team.

Chase's dad: Your team, you're not the leader of it, and besides how would your team feel if they find out that everything you told them is a lie. I mean the way you act is completely fake as well. I could hear your endless ramblings with my semblance and I have to say I'm disappointed in you. I know your faking but do you have to act so pathetically, then again you were always pathetic.

Chase: Why do you think I did it in the first place? It was to help my family survive and live better. Aren't you tired of risking your life attacking random strangers all the time just to survive?

Chase's dad: It won't be like this for long. A big job is coming up and with the money promised will be able to live comfortably for a long time.

Chase: What job?

Chase's dad: None of your concern, just be the good little rat I know you are and keep feeding us information. You care about your mother right?

Chase: ...

Chase's dad: By the way, you didn't think I know your semblance enough to learn how to trick it. Everyone's probably already got the gem and are heading back by already. Your team is as good as dead. You know they don't show mercy and they never give up. Plus, I sent extra reassurance to make sure they get that gem.

Chase: There's nothing more to say, I'm leaving.

Chase's dad: If you want to leave, then you have to go through me.

Chase: Gladly.

I rush towards my old man and swing my golden bracelets towards him. He dodges out of the way and punches me in the face. I counter by expanding the bracelet and hitting him in the chest.

Chase's dad: Weak

My dad rushes me and tries to grab me. I duck under his arm and kick his legs. He stumbles forward and I smack him in the face. He looks furious. I tried to hit him again with the bracelets but he grabs it and punches me in the stomach several times. I hunch over in pain and look up only to see a foot slam into my face. I fall into the ground.

Chase's dad: Has that school made you even dumber than before. Get up. I know you can take more of a beating.

I'll keep fighting but I don't know if I'm going to be able to help everyone out. I'm sorry guys but you're on your own.

[Kim POV]

These bandits keep coming back up. Every time I knock them down, they get back up. Eve's providing me back up but I don't know how long my aura will last. I know that Mrs. Freeze is here but I don't want to rely on her to save us. I swung my staff to the side and knocked another bandit to the ground. I could hear Eve shooting arrows from behind me to keep some of the bandits from charging in but it doesn't do much to deter them. Three more men charge towards me but Eve quickly shoots one of them in the leg. The other two charge forward still and I thrust my staff into one of the bandit's stomachs while I used my telekinesis to trip the other one. Seeing him lose his footing, I hit him on the back of the head and sent him face-first into the dirt.

I look up to see a very beautiful red-haired woman right behind the crowd of bandits. She was wearing a blood-red dress with some fancy red boots. It was so unusual since everyone I've been fighting so far has been a male bandit. Not to mention that they all wore cheap clothes and weapons as opposed to this woman who oozed wealth. The woman slowly walks toward me, but I feel more and more unsettled the closer she gets. Eve doesn't seem to put off by her appearance as another arrow fly's from behind me towards the woman. She doesn't move a muscle but I could see the blood from the surrounding bandits form a shield in front of her. Is her semblance controlling blood or is it like mine where she can move anything she wants? She forms a javelin of blood and sends it toward me. I use my semblance to move it away from me. I felt some resistance but I was able to push it off course as it stabbed into one of the many bandits around. She looked surprised for a moment until she displayed an eerie smile at me. She gathered more blood and made five more javelins with her ability. She sent them after me again. I tried pushing them off course again but I couldn't seem to do it this time. I grabbed my staff and deflected two of the javelins. I then dodged to my right to dodge the other javelins. I threw my staff toward her but she used another shield of blood to stop it as it fell to the ground. I use my telekinesis to counterattack by moving my staff to deal a strong blow to her legs. She let out a scream in pain as she looked at me and smiled. Before I could realize why she was smiling I could feel something pierce through my chest. It looked like the blood javelin that she missed with before. I wondered if all the blood spilling from my chest was mine or not. There was just so much blood leaking out of me. I see, she just copied what I did to her. I fell forward onto the ground and all I could hear was Eve's scream as I slowly lost consciousness and felt my body grow colder and colder.