
A deal?

As I rushed over, with my enhanced hearing I was able to pick up pretty much everything they said. I started putting the pieces together and concluded that he must be one of the people living in the house at one point. He must've learned how to use his power to destroy his father and become the Dark Phantom. Maybe he doesn't have to be my enemy and worst-case scenario I have a way of finding him now. I jumped into the battle and blocked his ax with my blade.

Ghost: Punk, get out the way. I need to end this pathetic child who thinks he can stand up to me.

Jack: I don't care. How you alive in the first place?

Ghost: I've got nothing to say. The master will take care of you soon enough.

Jack: Not likely.

I jump back and turn the dial to blue dust and strike him once again. He blocks with his ax, but the ice covers his ax and freezes his arm. I take the opportunity to quickly sidestep and slash his arm off. He yells in anger and tries to punch me, but I simply let the punch hit me. My aura was strong enough to take the punch and instead, his fist shatters into various pieces of metal.

Ghost: What are you? Who are you?

Jack: What I am is your worst nightmare.

Ghost: No. No. No. I won't die without taking you down with me.

An orange glow starts building in his chest and I could immediately tell that this guy was trying to blow us up. I would be fine thanks to my power and aura, but Dark Phantom would die or sustain serious injury. I could absorb him into nothing, but then everyone around will see my power and I can't risk that. I grabbed Dark Phantom and started carrying him as I run with all my might to get away. I yell at everyone to fall back and send all my remaining Grimm summons to attack him and reduce the damage to the surrounding area. After 15 seconds, I could hear the sound of an explosion behind me as I was flung forward. Thankfully, I managed to get far enough away to not take any serious damage, but my ears are ringing and I am feeling a bit dizzy from everything that was going on. Dark Phantom wasn't doing any better and we just sat on the ground side by side exhausted by this turn of events. After a while, my hearing came back and I looked over to talk to Dark Phantom.

Jack: Hey, Dark Phantom.

Dark Phantom: Hey, Jack. Don't think that just because you saved my life that means that we get to be friends.

Jack: Maybe not friends, but allies.

Dark Phantom: Whatever made you think I'd want to team up with you.

Jack: Well, you love your family if you were willing to risk your life to help them. I think that we should be able to come to some sort of agreement.

Dark Phantom: If I refuse, then what's next.

Jack: Well, I have a pretty good hint. I could try to find the real you with the information I have.

Dark Phantom: Don't bother, I took certain measures to ensure I couldn't be found. Looking into that family will get you nothing. Although, I could become allies with you under one condition.

Jack: What's is it?

Dark Phantom: I need you to either weaken or get rid of Cinder. The only thing I hate more than that scumbag is being threatened with my family. I'm no match for her with her maiden powers, so I'll leave it up to you. As long as you can weaken her, then I have an ace in the hole to put her down for good. Do we have a deal?

Jack: As long as you promise to not hurt my friends and keep the damages you cause to a minimum.

Dark Phantom: I'll still have to keep up appearances if Cinder or her goons are around, but it sounds good. Deal. I'll send you information if I find out when she's going to be alone.

We shake on it and we exchange contact information. He slowly walks back to town. Shortly, after he leaves everyone else arrived and talked about how crazy this whole thing was.

Kim: Can you believe he blew himself up?

Jaune: At least the rest of the Grimm are gone because of it.

Pyrrha: How did he come back anyway?

Jack: Someone must have put him back together again. I don't think it was for something like revenge, but something else. I feel that this is only a test run of what's to come, but who knows.

???: Everything seems to have been handled. I can finally go home and rest.

Jack: Who are you anyway?

???: Oh, you can call me Sloth cause that's what I am.

Jack: Okay, Sloth. Thanks for helping out my teammates.

Sloth: No big deal. I'll see you around, maybe.

Sloth takes his leave while everyone else heals their wounds and head back to the city. We alerted everyone that it was safe and that the Grimm are gone. Afterward, we made sure to visit the family that the subject of the man's abuse and informed them that he will not be coming back anymore. I could see the relief on her face knowing that he wasn't going to randomly pop up. After taking care of all of our business here, we left to return to Beacon where we were called Ozpin's office to explain the reason behind the attack and why there were so many. Of course, I told him everything regarding the town and the mysterious master of the robotic man. The only thing I left out that person helping out the Grimm horde was Dark Phantom. I needed to keep our connection a secret for now not knowing team-up where this will lead.