
Jack of All Trades System

Seven was transported to another parallel world again, will he rise to become a supreme ruler in the martial world or become a stepping stone? Accompany him on his cultivation journey. With his overpowered golden finger (system) who can stand before him? MC: I'm putting it in (◠‿◕) ML: Are you sure? (;ŏ﹏ŏ) MC: Of course I'm sure... ಠᴥಠ ML: But it's big, what if it may not fit?(٥↼_↼) MC: "....." you want it or not?Σ(ಠ_ಠ) ML: I want it, but...(´-﹏-`;) MC: No but's, I'm going to put it in...( ◜‿◝ )♡ ML: ahhh.... noo...( ≧Д≦) MC: "..." what are you crying for?ರ_ರ ML: *Sigh.. Nothing.... I just thought My fingers are big and may not fit the ring, and hurt my lovely fingers...✧\(>o

Prince_of_Sloth · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 - That Big Bulge

"What are you doing Peeping Tom?" Seven asked the person before him.

The 24th Young Master flinched the moment he heard Seven's cold voice calling him a peeping tom.

Don't call me with that stupid name, The 24th Young Master quietly snort in his mind because of dissatisfaction.

"Don't tell me even the Seventh Brother didn't know my name." The 24th Young Master asked meekly, head slightly bowed, not keeping eye contact with Seven instead staring at the floor full of twinkling stars, while he was clenching his fists inside his sleeve, so that other people would not notice.

I'm not angry, it's normal If Brother Seven doesn't even know me. Even though he said those in his mind, his eyes became misty because of indignation.

Seven is a head taller than the 24th Young Master, slightly bending he raised the 24th Young Mater's chin by his fingers, tilting it as they have eye contact.

"Of course I know, I just called you my younger brother, Blue, a Peeping Tom as I caught you secretly staring in my direction." Seven stated as a matter of fact.

"Is ... is that so? But I'm not peeping at you?" Blue hurriedly step back as he immediately denied it. He was secretly glad that his Seventh Brother know his name, and he was flustered being caught peeping at him.

"Hmm? You're lying..." Seven raised a brow and stated with disapproval. I know I'm handsome so it's not unusual if you like me though, Seven secretly complemented himself in his mind.

"Noo... No.. it's not you..." Blue denied again with the shake of his head, as he was so flustered being seen through, he immediately came up with a reasonable excuse.

"It's the person beside you.." Blue confess as he twiddles his two index fingers.

Seven looked at his shy little brother as glanced at the crowd, and to the place where he stood beside Xumen before, seeing a girl who solemnly stand with the other young Master and Mistress, adjacent to the place where he stood before, Seven felt like slapping himself, I'm so narcissistic as he assumes his little brother was peeping at him, he secretly cursed at his self.

Seven asserted "So the person you're peeping is not me but her, right? It was 18th Sister?" as he pointed at the 18th Young Mistress.

Blue looked at the person who was pointed by Seven, and hurriedly nodded, "Yes it's her!"

"So you like her because the both of you have butterflies? It makes sense." Seven came up with an explaination why Blue, the 24th Young Master liked the 18th Young Mistress.

Blue looked at his 18th Sister, she wore a white robe with gold butterflies as patterns, she has golden eyes and blonde long and curly hair. She has an angelic face and she exudes the aura of holiness.

"Yes it's her.. (。ŏ﹏ŏ)" Blue agreed to the excuses that Seven provided him with.

As Blue nodded he suddenly felt his shoulders become heavy. He took a look, it suddenly dawn on him that Seven put his arm around his shoulder, and they were in an intimate position.

Blue felt like fainting as he heard his own heartbeat 'Ba-dump badump' bursting.

"So why are you here? (*Blow)" Seven obliviously whispered quietly and seductively while blowing air after, in Blue's ears.

Blue was so flustered, he felt his ear ringing, no matter how soft those whispers are he felt like someone hit a gong beside his ear.

Blue wanted to free himself from Seven's demonic clutches. However he felt weak as his knees wanted to give way, he don't have enough strength to stand straight, so he could only lean more on Seven's embrace.

Seven was surprised when he saw Blue leaning on him, however seeing that pale face, he realized he might get Blue flustered by asking him about liking 18th Sister.

Everyone knows that the 24th Young Master is weak, since he was a child he don't play much, always alone, admiring the flowers and watching the little animals play, and always staying silent when the group of Young Master and Mistress are talking and laughing with each other.

Blue has a weak heart and he should not get restless as he has a frail constitution, he easily gets sick.

Seven felt like slapping himself more, for bullying his frail and fragile 24th Brother.

Seven shift his arm from Blue's shoulder to his slender waist, for fear that Blue might fall on the floor if he was not paying attention, Seven gently lifted Blue into a more comfortable position.

So now, Blue had his head leaning on Seven's chest, as Seven was holding Blue's slender waist with his right arm. They looked very intimate, like true couples hugging each other.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to tease you that much." Seven apologized in a soft and caring tone, not with his usual cold and icy voice.

Blue was surprised to hear those words and felt comfortable hearing that simple and soft apology. It was the first time hearing Seven being gentle to other people.

Since when Blue was young he always wanted to play and talked with his other older brothers and sisters, however, he has no confidence as he has no strength to play with them, and he has a weak and frail body that doesn't support him in any strenuous activity.

However, there was someone that let Blue feels his importance, even though that person doesn't even remember what happened that time, he feels so grateful that he might die in happiness.

I always want to hug you, unexpectedly you hugged me first in a strange event. Blue complain in his heart.

Being embraced by someone he adores the most, Blue felt satisfied, even if the joy is a short-lived one, he will die with no regrets. Even though Bother Seven doesn't even know about my feelings, I'll let them be buried in my heart, I'm already satisfied with this hug.

"It's alright, it's my fault for being weak." Blue meekly replied as he felt less difficulty in breathing.

"You're not weak..." Seven stated disapprovingly, as he tighten his hold on Blue's slender waist.

Due to the intimate position, and being tightly hugged by Seven, Blue felt a big bulge nudge on his abdomen.

Blue's breathing became erratic, as his whole face became red as a tomato, he hurriedly lowered and hide his face in Seven's chest.

"Why did you become red so suddenly?" Seven wondered as he saw Blue's delicate and fragile neck become red.

"I.. I'm fine, it will gonna be okay after some time." Blue stuttered as he hurriedly said.

Seven was oblivious as he was worried about Blue's health, he might get punished if something happens to Blue, it was on a sacred ritual and Blue might get sick because of him.

That's why he didn't notice that his bulge are nudging in Blue's abdomen.

On the other hand, Blue was so shy that he didn't dare to point out such an incident, so he kept quiet and silently feel that big bulge.