
JACK MILLER- Traces of Truth

In the heart of a bustling urban landscape, Jack Miller's routine life as an ambulance driver takes a sudden and unforeseen turn, which accidentally ensnares him into the forbidden and the Dark World of weapon trafficking, run by a network of Conspirators. Every step he takes plunges him deeper into a tapestry of uncertainty, forces encircling him cast a foreboding shadow on his once life as a commoner, a life now tainted by suspicion and the unsettling reality that even those closest to him may harbor ulterior motives. where every gesture, every decision, bears the ominous weight of a potential betrayal. Every choice, a double-edged sword, teeters between survival and a precipice leading to the unknown. whats the motive? who's behind this? whats the connection? will he survive? navigating these treacherous waters, to unmask the facades Or will the spectral hands of betrayal cast him adrift into the abyss?

IM_VOID · Action
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2 Chs


The room held an air of sterile tension, its walls seemingly closing in around Jack, he was almost about to be getting hypothermia from the cold steel chair emphasizing his sense of entrapment. Restraints bit into his wrists, a faint trickle of a dried drops of blood marking his struggle. As the door groaned open, a weathered figure, an officer, a lawman of stern countenance, entered.

"Hey there, kid... how ya doing?" The officer's voice, gruff and commanding, shattered the oppressive silence. Jack, worn and cautious, offered no reply, he kept his head down. His silence a barrier against the forthcoming mounting accusations.

The officer shuffled through a stack of papers, the rustle of each page a weighty punctuation to the atmosphere. Jack, summoning his resolve to defend himself, was abruptly interrupted.

"Sir, I'm innocent!" Jack's plea fell between the officer's motions. The lawman sat, throwing the records onto the table, each photo and document of an incriminating piece in the puzzle. "Innocent?" His gaze, stern and unyielding, bore into Jack. "Those are illegal, off-the record and government profiled weapons found in your rusty old ambulance and you're going to deny it by saying 'I'm innocent'?" Jack attempted to protest. "Sir, it isn't how it looks like!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the officer's unexpected change in tone disrupted Jack's defense. "You hungry?" The officer's abrupt shift derailed Jack's attempt to assert his innocence, leaving the sentence hanging in the charged air.

"Sir, this can sound crazy, but I'm not involved in this. I-I can explai—" Jack's desperate plea was cut short by the officer's unsettling change of subject. "you like smoothies?" he handed him a cup. 

Jack was confused. He also wanted his point to be firm and affirmative so, he tried not to get distracted by his words. 

Seated opposite Jack, the officer scrutinized him, demanding an answer. "Who was the other guy with you?" Jack's heart raced as he denied any accomplice. He saw the Cop, his fierce eyes blood thirsty for the answer "It was only me, there was no one else."

"Look, kid, ya know what you've got nothing to do with this right?," the officer conceded, a rare moment of leniency amidst the tense interrogation. But his leniency came with a condition. "But I goddamn know that there was another person with you... you rat him out and you're safe. Just give. Me. A. Name."

Jack, a mix of fear and determination in his voice, held steadfast. "I'm sorry, sir, but I do not know whom you're talking about, and no I don't know anyone else." The officer's dismissive shrug amplified the mounting tension. "Oh, alright, I believe you... totally," he retorted sarcastically before delving back into the unrelenting questioning.

"Now tell me... where did all this crap start from?" The demand hovered in the air, an ominous weight pressing on Jack's shoulders, marking the commencement of an unsettling tale.

As I sat there in that claustrophobic room, shackled by circumstances and cuffs alike, the word echoed in my mind for a million times- "innocent?", It was a moment frozen in time, a juncture where my life took a plunge into chaos. my mind raced back to the the events which led me here. 

Let me take you back to where it all started, to a seemingly ordinary week that spiraled into a storm of uncertainty and peril. It was a day much like any other, or so that's what I thought...

3 new chapters will be published every week :))

peace out.

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