

Uncle , hari and me , all three of us are staying in the room and I couldn't bring to remove my cloths Infront of them. (may be this is the first time i am encountering such a situation)

While I was zoned up there was a sudden tap on my shoulder.

It was uncle

Uncle- "beta if don't feel comfortable changing your cloths here. You can go inside the restroom"

Hari – "why will he be shy dad, only we both are here" even before he could finish the sentence i said

Jae- "thank you uncle" and entered the bathroom. And got myself changed

Uncle- " don't speak like that infront of him hari , he must not have got used to getting dressing up infront of others like we do"

Hari – "no dad what I meant it " before he could finish uncle continued

Uncle- "stop it hari . end of the discussion"

(I could hear their conversation inside the restroom since it was silent)

Once I came out. They were acting casual with me and then we went to restaurant.

it was a barbeque restaurant and aunty ordered food according to each of our preference. (aunty sure is the best, she knows what we like and dislike and act accordingly )

After 20 min food was served

Nandhini- "shall we start eating?"

Jae, Hari , ja - "thanks for the food" we told in chorus and we had our food.

Though I didn't know what's the name of the most of the dishes , but they were tasty as hell.

After we ate till our stomach content

Uncle – "shall we do fire work?"

Nandhini - "honey don't start with this!" saying this aunty rolled her eyes

Hari – "dad please dad. Mom please mom" he pleaded

But aunty refused and we went to the near by beach

Hari was a little upset because , he didn't get what he wanted.(just like a child he started acting up) So kept quiet the whole time.

We sat by the beach for sometime after a long walk , all we could hear is the sound of the waves which dash with one another. It was a half moon day and I could see the moon smiling at me. (it was soo good )

While I was enjoying the nature and its beauty . Aunty came and sat next to me

She called and showed me how ja was lying down in the beach on her brothers stomach

Nandhini- "go and join them jae"

I stood and went near them.

Ja – "yeah nabi come and sit"

Nandhini- "let him join you people"

Hari – "jae, I think you must have disturbed my mom being all lovely dovely with my dad, that's why she sent you to us" he whispered in a almost invisible tone

That's when I turned to see aunty holding on to uncle's hand and leaning on his shoulder.

I thought I should also lie down , that way I will no be seen much .

That's when hari tapped his tummy and showed it to me as a sign to let me lie down on his stomach.

I slept on the other side of his tummy facing the sky. While I bumped my head little on ja's.

I was admiring the sky , while hari and ja was having small talks, and teasing one another.

After some time aunty came and woke us up and said

"look what we got!!"

I was having a very good sleep and that's when hari told

"you two buffalo's because of your over weight , I cant get up now"

Ja- "whom are you calling buffalo?" and they started fighting with one another.

I didn't want to join them. So I went and stood under sea water, enjoying the moon light.

Ting ting ting ting (it's the sound of the ice cream cart on the beach)

I turned back to see , and I was right

Hari – "dad I want ice cream"

Ja – "are you a 5 year old or what? " "weeping for a ice cream"

Nandhini- "jae come here" I ran to aunty

"here" she handed me a money note and said "go and buy ice cream for yourself and those kids "

I took the money from aunties hand and went to the ice cream cart with joy

Jae – "bhai , 2 double chocolate,2 black current and one mango please"

Shop keeper – "here you go and its ***rupees" I gave him the money

"here is your change" I got the money back and I found ja and hari sitting with aunty.

I holded onto the ice creams in my hand and ran to aunty.

Ja and hari grabbed on to their favourite ice creams .

I gave aunty and uncle the ice cream . I started licking on to the ice cream.

Ja – " don't behave like a dog hari "

Hari – "I am not" " how to eat ice cream other than licking ?"

Mom- "stop fighting both of you!!"

Kathee- "he only started mom"

Mom- "if you keep eating like this, you both will stay in the room for breakfast and lunch tomorrow"

They didn't dare say a word and started enjoying their ice cream.

I serious wonder till what age will they keep fighting

hari - "mom is this cracker? (fire work) " he screamed

mom - "yeah this was why i waked you up"

hari - "love you mom" he went and kissed his mom and ja ran to her mom and did the same

i stood and watched silently. thats when aunty called me

mom - "jae " i signed me to come and join their hug but i refused a little which she didnt bother and pulled me with a kiss

hari - "ma this is cheating" "you didnt kiss us"

mom - "okay fine come here"

hari - "no dont kiss me i am a big boy"

mom - "aigoo my big boy now go and play"

hearing this ja and hari went to start playing with the crackers that aunty and uncle got

i was silently watching them play.

aunty came and holded on to my shoulder and said " go join them jae dont stay alone"


Hari - "Mom" "why did you say janet to go and buy icecream for every instead of asking me or kathee"

Mom- "hari do you know ice cream mom likes?"

Hari – " is it grape mom? I think you like orange "

Mom- "nope, I sent jae because he knows what everyone wants" once he got the ice cream I eyed to my dear son that this was what I was talking about and hari was surprised by the things that's going on !!".. .