
Ja! Barikade Magiva

“Whatever you do become number 1!” Raised In a Strict family that was obsessed with becoming number 1 his common sense is distorted, Egon’s common sense is different from other people He is forced to train from a young age every day until the current date. The path to becoming number 1 in the world isn’t as easy as he thinks. Many obstacles he needs to go through Even if the path isn’t stable and straight ahead, he wouldn’t give up, with his indomitable spirit he will become number 1. With his Barrier magic, he will become number 1 in the world! But, what does he need to do to become number 1? Become strong is the only thing he needs to do? The Cover Art is not mine, by Sarkhan Ismiev, if the artist wants to take it down please DM me

AirAqua · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Egon glances at the person beside his seat, the bus hasn't started yet but she has already tapped his shoulder initiating talks between them.

He turns his head in her direction, and with an expressionless face, he opens his mouth.

"What is it?" he said.

"Have we met somewhere before?" she said putting her hand on her chin "I feel like I have seen you before but I forgot where"

Egon raises his eyebrows, did she forget about him or because it only a few seconds she doesn't remember it, he thought. Letting out a heavy sigh he answered her question.

"Yes, I have seen you at the tailor shop"

"The tailor shop? The place where the school uniform was created?"

"Yes, that one"

She puts her hands on top of her head, twisting her neck, and turns her head away racking her brain about the memory of the day when she met him at the tailor shop.

She let out a sigh.

"No good, I can't remember it"

"It doesn't matter, we have never talked before"

"Is that so, I thought we were good buddies. My bad, my bad"

She opens her mouth wide, laughing as if the matter isn't crucial. She continues to laugh until her body twitches and she goes to give her hand out to him.

"My name is Li Kuwait De Namina, you can call me Li or Liku. nice to meet you"

Egon looks at her hand before he grasps her hand without any force.

"Egon Lewo Tobi, call me Egon, nice to meet you too, Li"

"Yeah, yeah. It's nice to meet you too Egon, no I think it's better to call you Gon!"

She smiles from ear to ear and shakes his hand up and down several times before letting it go. Her sitting position has changed from facing the front to facing him.

"I'm really glad you answered my question, At the Auditorium, everyone was too tense and never answer me"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, they never answered my question, even though I'd like to talk with them."

She starts to speak about herself to him, he couldn't escape as he takes the window seat and she is sitting on the aisle. He looks at the surrounding seat and every student have sat on their respective seat. No seat is empty anymore.

"I like to watch dramas and movies in my free time, what do you do in yours, Gon?"

"I am practicing"

She twisted her head in a weird position as he answered her question.

"Practicing? What are you practicing about?" she looks at the top of his hair "Are you an athlete Gon?"

"No, I am practicing Magic"

"Magic! So that was what you practicing for. You are a diligent student aren't you?"


She pulls his hand and holds his wrist, she puts her other hand on the temple. A Magic insignia formed on her hand where she hold her wrist at.

"I have a magic trick, look a this"

He prepares his hand for the worst thing to happen, but before the thing happened it has already been prevented by others.



A person standing in the aisle bus drop a book on top of her head. She screams in pain after the impact between the book and her head. She takes the book with her hands.

She turns her head toward the person who dropped her head book and sees the huge teacher folding his hands with a dark aura behind him.

"It's prohibited to use magic in the school bus"

Her body trembling, the previous smile on her face gone as fast as light's speed. She drops her head down.

"Yes, teacher," she said in a whisper.

"Great, now everyone can hear this. There are several rules you must know after being accepted to this school. Everything is inside this book, new students need to know the rules so you guys don't break them in the future."

He shouts the word after dropping the book on the top of her head, the teacher gives the rules book to Egon in a normal way by hand, different than how he gave it to her.

The teacher continues to hand out the rules book, and Li still dropped her head down. Egon thinks he needs to do something and so he does.

He puts his hand on her shoulder, and lowering his head his face comes closer to Li's face.

"Are you okay?"

She notices Egon's hand on her shoulder, she holds his hand and put it down. She turns her head to face him.

"Haha, Gon I'm alright. Thanks for asking," she said and a smile on her face is back.

From Egon's perspective, he could see it has been forced. But he doesn't say anything.

"Teacher Do always like that, he can't take a joke and be serious every time."

Her voice vibrates, and her eyes are red but no tears fell.

"Is that so"

"Yeah, Teacher Do is my middle school teacher. He hated to be called by his full name and will be furious if you call him that way"

She continues to speak

"His full name is Doshirak, but he always tells the students to call him teacher Do. Want to try calling his full name to make him angry?"

"I would pass on that"

"Hahaha, I know you would"

She and Egon left out a big sigh.

At the same time, Teacher Do has finished giving out the rules book. He stands in front of the students with folded hands.

"Does everyone have the rules book?" he said in a loud voice.

"Yes, Teacher" the students answered.

"Great, now you can read the rules about this school. One month of the understanding situation given for the new students to break the rules, use that time to read all of the rules inside the book. After one month your points will be reduced when you break the school rules. Everyone understands?"

"Yes teacher"

"Good," he turns his way to face the bus driver "Mr. driver, please set off the bus"

"Okie Dokie, one bus is departing to the hell"

The bus starts to move, the inside doesn't get much vibrate as it moves to a bad pathway. And soon the bus will arrive at the training hall.