

I knew trying to do a ritual I found online was a terrible fucking idea. I mean what fucking idiot looks at a shady website with hentai ads popping up every thirty seconds and goes; “I bet the spells and rituals on this website are totally legit and will definitely work as advertised. That idiot was me…” -Excerpt from Chp 1 Winding up in the body of Slytherin’s basilisk is about as weird as it sounds. Unfortunately that is Henry’s reality after trying to perform a ritual he finds online. Fortunately he’s the protagonist of a trashy fanfiction, which gives him godly luck, indestructible plot armour, and the limitless potential to bag every redhead babe in the multiverse. Follow him on his journey through different worlds as he avoids his responsibilities, shirks his duties, and ruins timelines just as all things should be. *welcome to the fever dream* WARNINGS: Rated PG-13 for strong language, shitty humour, suggestive themes, and the occasional use of non-PC terms. This is also a fanfic, written by a college dropout who was too lazy to go to school during the RONA. *DO NOT EXPECT JRR TOLKIEN LEVELS OF WRITTEN ART.* PS. I started writing this story with zero direction and absolutely no ‘script’. Some things will definitely get retconned in the later chapters either because I forgot, or I just felt that the story needed the change. PPS. This story has multiple POVs but mainly a 1st person POV centered around the MC. If that is not your cup of tea, no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to read this you donut. Updates Weekly

Vargr_the_Skald · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Character ‘Stat’ Sheet

[AN: While this isn't a System fic, I had a thought that having a 'stat sheet' for the MC would be beneficial for people to understand how utterly broken he is in terms of power. It would also let people keep track of his powers/aliases much easier.]


True Name: Jörmungandr

Former Name: Henry Everett

Aliases: Joe, Akimitsu, That Guy

Title: Biblical God

Species: Formerly Mutated Basilisk Currently a Primoridal God.

Tier: 1

HP: ♾️

MP: ♾️

SP: ♾️

Alignment: Chaotic Good / Chaotic Neutral


• Limitless Energy

• Reality Manipulation

• Time Manipulation

• Complete Control Over Creation

• Complete Control Over Souls

• Telekinesis

• Magic

• Shapeshifting

• Super Speed/Strength/Senses

• Divine Form (Undiscovered)

• Divine Smite [Insta Kills most targets]

• Master Alchemist

• Master Swordsman

• Minor Vampire Powers (From Pact w Vlad)

• Extreme Plot Armour

• Main Character Blessing

• Unparalleled Luck

• Limitless Potential for Growth

• Potential to be a Harem MC

• Power Grows with Age (Current Age: around 1000 years, Years as God: less than 100)


Founders of Hogwarts (Teachers & Adoptive Family)

Flamels (Close Friends)

Vlad Tepes (Blood Brother)

Heaven (Ruler and Founder)

Angels (Father)

Natasha Romanova (Lover)

Yelena Belova (Fling)

Thalia Grace (Fling/Baby Momma)

Kushina Uzumaki (Fiance)


The Author

Red Headed Women