
Ivy & The Two Vampire Brothers (18+).

Mature Content|18+ Rated| A billionaire CEO, a beautiful but naive girl and a hot devil. Ivy thinks she can get through college without the hassle of heartbreak and love as she is focused on getting out of college with a degree in her hand and a career ahead of her. Little does she know that she's about to be pursued by two beasts who want her all to themselves. She catches the eye of the Billionaire CEO, Chase. And he is determined to have her under him, whether she wants him or not. Ivy can't help but blush at his every word. But then when Ivy bumps into Adrian at college, she's star struck by the hot devil and he's not letting her go anytime soon. Chase and Adrian have no idea that they're after the same girl. Neither does Ivy know that Chase and Adrian are brothers. What will happen when the two brothers find out they both desire Ivy, will they fight each other over her or do something very unexpected and share her maybe... Or will the story take the most unexpected turn? To find out keep reading.

sweety19 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


"I meant ...um, this style doesn't really suit you. You look much better with your hair back." He uttered, in his faint, husky voice. I unconsciously leaned in towards him to hear him clearly.

Continued of the last episode ...


He pulled his arm back from my hair in a flash, like I'd stung him. Huh, weird? Did he find me so ugly that he recoiled from me in disgust?

"I gotta go now", I said, hurriedly, too breathless to continue this conversation and tried to walk past him.

"Hey, wait up." He suddenly caught my arm, making tingles shoot up my hand just as I was about to brush past him.

"Am I really that annoying that you're so eager to get away from me?" He mused, giving me a lop-sided grin. Making my heart melt.

"If you haven't noticed, the corridor is empty. And if we both don't go now, we'll be super late and I really don't wanna get on the bad side of some teacher on the first day." I completed as I drawled further,"So.... I'm gonna get a move on."

He still didn't let my arm go.

I fixed him with a hard stare but he just smirked back, not fazed in the least.

"The least you could do is give me your name." He reprimanded, still holding my arm in a light grip.

"Maybe next time." I said, teasingly.

"Believe me." He said, his voice deep and husky, he leaned in a bit as he tucked a strand of my hair which seemed to have escaped from behind my ear. His touch affected me more than I'd like to admit.

He drew his hand back as he let go of my arm," Next time, I'll take much more than your name." He spoke, his voice hoarse.

And then he was gone in a flash.

I started blushing like crazy as I turned right and walked as fast as I could.

I had to admit. He was smooth. Real smooth.

And that's exactly why I should stay away.

I really couldn't afford drama in my life right now. I had much more important things to think about than some guy, I thought, shaking my head.



"Mr. Wright, I assure you, the Australian merger is purely in our benefit. The hotel chain in Melbourne alone produces more than enough revenue to run this company. I do not see how we can let this contract slip away from our hands." My assistant said, his shrill voice not convincing in the least.

"I get your point and they do too. That's why they're so insistent on getting a share of its profits. Make sure that there are no loopholes in the merger that they can hunt down. Search for bills of sale, bookings of last year, employment agreements or anything that seems suspicious at all." I explained, Charlie was a good lad but kind of dim-witted. But he's still young and he's still got to grow.

"Ok, I'll get Liana to search their database but given their reputation, I don't think we'll find anything. And even if there was anything to find, taking their resources into consideration, they could've easily covered it up." He remarked. Finally! He made a sensible point.

I was quiet for a bit, thinking over what he said," Ok, do a background check on their employees too, and I mean everyone, cleaners, cooks, the general staff, everyone."

He nodded, absorbing what I just said.

"You can get off early today." I said, he looked surprised as his eyes widened.

He fumbled with his files for a while and then walked out.

I looked down at my schedule.

My brows tightened as I noticed that I had a meeting with the dean of the college my company was funding for this year.

It's not that bad I guess, at least I'll get to meet Miss Harkleroad and knock some sense into her.

These undergrads, the nerve they have.

I'll put her right in her place, I thought.

Tomorrow was gonna be one long, boring day.

I felt my throat tighten as it closed up, making me gasp for breath.

I stood up in a flash as I made my way to the freezer, pulling out the pouch.

Gulping down the cold, red fluid, I let out a heartfelt sigh as my whole body calmed down and buzzed in delight as I got high on ecstasy.

Coming down from my high, I gripped the now empty pouch in my hand.

It was getting worse. The cravings were getting much more frequent now.



"Rose, hey.....can't you hear me?" I yelled over the loud mumbling of thousands of undergrads.

I caught up to her halfway across campus, running along the lush, green grass.

"Jeez, could you slow down a bit!" I complained, struggling to keep pace with her as we made our way to the gate.

"Why is everyone gathered at the entrance? And why are we going there too, you're running like there's a tiger on your tail." I said, a bit confused.

"You never know anything, do you? Chase Wright, the CEO I was supposed to interview but couldn't because I was sick is coming today. "She said, sounding a bit worried.

We reached the gate as we made our way through the crowd.

A black Lamborghini pulled up to the driveway, followed by several other cars.

Men dressed in black suits stepped out of

the Audis.

My breath hitched when the door of the Lamborghini opened and out stepped the most handsome man I'd ever seen. That was the understatement of the year!

He was a fucking Greek God!

All the girls swooned when they saw him make his way through the gates, his men clearing the crowd of the excited undergrads.

His face was the perfect mask of indifference.

With his long strides, he was out of my sight in a matter of seconds!

What was happening?

First that hot devil I met in the hallway and now this?

What the f***? Is there an overflow of hot guys with blazing smiles?