

By noon the next day rumors about what had and hadn't been said at last dinner had spread uncontrollably throughout the manor.

While Ivory and Rowen were down by the lake with a group of twelve others patrolling the edges of the woods, she overheard a couple of boys debating who they had thought was the spy. But before they could say too much, an arrow whizzed right past one of their heads, nearly taking out one of his eyes.

"Hey losers!" Rowen called to them before either of them had a real chance to react, "Didn't you hear what Josaphine told us all at breakfast this morning? No gossiping about the spy! If you have anything to say about the matter, bring it to her, got it?"

One of the boys straightened up and hitching his gladius over his shoulder and asked, "And who are you to tell me what to do?"

Ivory winced as soon as the words left the boy's lips. To her left, Rowens' eyes flickered with a mixture of anger and power, and a sly smirk daring the boys to test what little patience she has for them.

"I am your queen." Said Rowen simply.

"Not yet your not." Said the boy, "You're still in training, just like the rest of us. So until Josaphine sets a crown on your head, You're nothing to me."

Rowen stared at the boy in disbelief. And before Ivory even realized what Rowen was about to do, she already had another arrow notched as far back as she could possibly make it. And just as she was about to let go, Melinoe's voice rang through the grounds with a fiercer air power to it than Rowen could never manage.

Melinoe's wand had already been in her hand, so she had no problem disarming Rowen before she could've hurt those two boys.

When she reached the four of them, Rowen was glowering at her as she ordered the boys to go about their duties as they were.

Then she turned to Ivory and relayed the message Josaphine had sent to.

"Mr. Anne had been looking everywhere for you. You'll be receiving your official cloak as soon when you find him."

Ivory's heart did a summersault in her chest and landed in her throat. And as soon as Melinoe was finished talking, Ivory sprinted off toward the Atwood Hall.

"Good luck!" Melinoe called after her,

The air inside the manor was much cooler than outside. Particles of dust danced about the ceiling where golden afternoon rays crisscrossed above her, and the heads of several statues turned as she hurried past.

Mr. Anne's office was on the seventh floor in the right wing of the manor. That was where all of the staff lived. But Mr. Anne's office was secluded in a tall tower that looked out over the tops of some of the tallest trees in the forest.

When Ivory entered Mr. Anne's office, he was waiting for her with a folded cloak resting in front of him on his desk.

The seams were grey. What did that mean again?

"Ms. Evans, please sit." Said Mr. Anne, as he waved her inside.

Ivory sat in a fancy acid green high-backed armchair across from Mr. Anne.

Ivory silently explored his tiny office with her eyes as Mr. Anne stuffed some tobacco inside a wooden pipe.

His office was almost completely filled to the brim with old artifacts and antiques. Then Ivory noticed the crowns in the far corner of the room.

"Woah! Did those belong to the other queens?" Ivory asked.

"Adeline, Elizabeth, Helena, and Sam...She was my little girl."

Ivory quickly turned and saw Mr. Anne's saddening expression, before he cleared his throat and forced a gentle smile as he pushed the cloak across the desk.

"You are aware of the old stories of the beings who inhabit this world correct?" Mr. Anne began as she stood up and began pacing the room with on hand in his pocket, and his pipe smoking between his slightly yellow teeth.

"Er, no sir." Said, Ivory.

Mr. Anne clicked his tongue and sighed.

"Well, in modern times, the least powerful beings in our world are the demons. Their only supernatural ability is to shapeshifters. In the first world, they are more commonly known as skinwalkers. Mischievous and sometimes even murderous creatures,"

"Rowen Brown is a demon." Ivory interrupted.

Mr. Anne nodded.

"As I was saying, the temper of a demon can be very useful, if only they knew how to control it. Your friend Ms. Brown, could become a very helpful ally in battle--"


"Ms. Evans always prepares for the worst, no matter how likely the worst may be. But I fear, in this case, Ivory, the worst is something that you and the other queens should ready yourselves for."

Ivory nodded. Though she dreaded the thought of meeting the kings in battle.

"But you three still have the choice to walk away Ms. Evans. You shouldn't feel pressured to stay. There is no shame in wanting to return to your old way of life."

Ivory nodded but didn't reply. So Mr. Anne went on.

"Now, the third most powerful being would be the Enchanters. The Witches, Warlocks, and Enchanters."

"Macaria and Melinoe Ward." Ivory said.

"Precisely. Enchanters work with an old kind of magic called Dolus, which you can only access with a wand. And they are also master potion masters and healers. They are also good allies."

Finally, Mr. Anne made his way back to his seat and dumped his pipe into the fire behind him.

"The second strongest beings are the gods. This is what your friend Avery Ruse is. And it is also what the kings of the heavens are as well. They have a bit of every power."

"So..." Ivory began, "They can work and wand and make magic potions?"

Mr. Anne nodded,

"And they can shapeshift?"

Again, Mr. Anne nodded.

"So then who is the strongest of them all?"

"What?" Said Mr. Anne,

"Well, you said that the gods were only the second strongest beings."

Mr. Anne smiled, pleased to see the Ivory had been listening closely.

"That would be you, Ms. Evans." He said. Then he picked up the cloak, and let it unfold.

The seams were grey.

"A Possessor..." Ivory gasped. "But....How?"