
Iunius - The most hated

After hundreds of years, I still have not atoned for my crimes. I don't think I ever will. But once again, I will be used as a weapon of war. Now fighting for the very ones that hated me the most, against my master that I used to love. I am nothing but a bastard, a freak of nature that easily gets corrupted by sweet words. A general that has killed more people than I can even remember. The dragons hate me, the magicians are all dead, I betrayed the fae, and the humans despise and fear me. My father used to tell me, "Iunius, we are put on this earth to help others." Well, I failed him. My dear father, he should have just left me to die there under the olive tree where he found me all those years ago. Because this daughter of his is truly the most hated.

Toffnokk · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

In the days that followed the Fullmoon, Courtin didn't come to my cell, and when almost a week had passed, I began to despair. Levi Poraz said nothing, he had returned to ignoring me again, and after three days he also stopped coming. The person who brought the food was Rian Agnew, who had started working without Ansel. The young soldier was as stiff as the first time I had met him. When he came in with the food, he placed it in front of me without meeting my gaze and stood staring at the wall until I was done. 

He was, without a doubt, a highlander at his fingertips and very handsome for being so young. But despite that, I never tried to get his attention. Maybe it was because of Colter, I had after all accepted my feelings for him. Or perhaps it was because I got enough attention from Courtin, so I no longer looked for someone else's interest. Anyhow, I ignored Rian just as much as he ignored me. For the first time, I was pleased with a silent, nonexistent relationship like we had. 

When Courtin finally came to me, ten long, painfully dull days later, I was both relieved and extremely happy. Of course, the first thing he did was to apologize for not coming earlier. Courtin was undoubtedly the most polite man I have ever met.

"I am angry with myself, but I was scared. What happened here in this cell was probably too much for me to handle, " Courtin said and took my hands in his and held them tightly.

"Can you forgive me, Iunius?" His voice was filled with anxiety, and his eyes worried.

"There is nothing to forgive Courtin. I should never have agreed that you stayed. It was wrong of me."

We smiled at each other, and I realized when I looked into his friendly face that what I had probably missed the most all these years, was someone like him—a friend. Bearach's smiling face came in front of me, but I forced the memory of him away. Thinking about my former companion only made me sad.

"There have been messages from Icaara," Courtin suddenly said, while sitting down on the chair next to the mattress where I was sitting.

My heart stopped, and I anxiously waited for him to continue.

"The Empire's soldiers have won, and the forces of the Fae has been completely wiped out. The Captain and his men are on their way back."

Feeling relieved, I let out a breath I didn't know I've been holding. Which Courtin immediately noticed, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to sit there and pretend in front of the only friend I had.

"How long have you had feelings for our captain?" He asked. 

And he sounded neither judgmental nor angry. Just curious.

Embarrassed, I smiled, and that was not like me at all. I had probably never been embarrassed before in my entire life. 

What had Colter done to me?

Courtin just laughed and gently patted my hand lying on my lap.

"You don't have to say anything, my friend. But I'm happy for you. He's a good man."

I just nodded and looked at his hand on mine. It made me remember, many hundreds of years ago, to my father. He had been like Courtin, warm and caring. The hand even resembled his.

Courtin suddenly got up and walked towards the door. I got up too.

"You're not going already? Are you?"

And Courtin shook his head, on his lips, he had a big smile.

"No, of course not, but I have something for you."

While I curiously followed him with my eyes, Courtin walked to the door. He knocked on it a few times and waited. It took a while before it opened and Rian came in. In his arms, the young soldier carried a large bundle wrapped in brown paper. My eyes widened, and when Courtin told Rian to give it to me, my heart pounded with anticipation. I received the package, it was soft and light and very carefully I sat down and placed it in my lap. Carefully, as if it were going to break, I unfolded the package, and inside there was a fabulous blue and black dress gently folded. My eyes widened, and I looked up at Courtin. He smiled even bigger now.

"Is it for me?"

"Of course my dear, I got it yesterday when the food delivery arrived. I hope you like it."

I was speechless, I couldn't understand that he had done something like this for me. For a long time, I stared at the dress. And then the tears began to fall. I let them come, and I laughed in a trembling voice.

"I have never seen a more beautiful dress."

"Fashion has changed a lot Iunius since you were locked in this cell. This is the highest fashion now in the Empire."

Very carefully, I took the dress out of the paper. Courtin was very right that fashion had changed. The dress wasn't like anything I had seen before. The dresses that were fashionable before I ended up in the cell had been large wide dresses with underskirts and corsets. This dress was completely different from the ones I'd worn before. It was thin without a petticoat, and apart from the fact that it narrowed at the waist, it was straight in shape. The bottom was black, and above the waist, it was dark blue and beautiful silver embroidered pattern covered the bust.

"I have also received shoes, a coat and a hat. Everything for a fine lady."

I shook my head, still staring at the dress.

"Why, Courtin? It's incredible, but why did you buy it for me? I can't wear it, not here."

I looked up at Courtin, studying his face.

The joy in his eyes couldn't be mistaken. He had good news. Courtin came up to me and took my hands in his.

"Dear friend, I have great news. I have received letters from ... "

He couldn't say anything more than that. The heavy cell door suddenly opened with such force that it hit the wall with a loud blow that echoed in the cell.

Ansel came in with his rifle aimed at Rian and with him was a man dressed in a black coat that I had never seen before.

"What does this mean, Second Lieutenant?"

Courtin had turned to the door the moment it was opened, and in his firm hand, he held a pistol he had drawn from his belt. Rian, on the other hand, stood with his back to the wall, some distance from us. He held his rifle in front of him in a firm grip.

"Get away from Cadhla", Ansel's voice thundered in the cell, he trembled tense and was sweaty in his round face.

I knew Courtin would never move, so very carefully I got up and took a few steps away from my friend. I had left the dress by my mattress.

Courtin noticed my movement and turned red in the face, he wanted to protect me.

"This is treason Second Lieutenant, you will be hanged for this."

Ansel laughed suddenly, a hysterically bright laugh, but said nothing. It was the other man who talked instead.

"No harm will come to our revered Madam Cadhla, Major. We're just here to get her home. Nothing else."

Courtin's eyes widened, and I saw that Rian trembled in horror.

I was filled with a feeling of deep sorrow. I never thought the Fae would come after such a long time. Why couldn't they just let me be?

The stranger in a black uniform was a slender and slightly older man. He was from Inma, the hundred islands, it was clearly seen on his high cheekbones and somewhat narrow eyes. The hair under his hat was black, and so was the thin moustache under his little nose.

He turned to me, and with an elegant movement, he took off his black hat while bowing deeply, his eyes never left mine.

"Let me introduce myself, Madam. My name is Tanaka Katsuro, and it is an honour to stand here in front of the legendary Cadhla. I'm your humble servant."

It took a few moments before I found the words, all my thoughts were in chaos.

"Who sent you?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

Katsuro laughed, a rough sound, and his eyes gleamed with amusement.

"Those who love you and have missed you dearly, of course. Berach longs to see his dear friend again, and Aislin wants to feel your beautiful body against her once again."

"Lies," Courtin shouted.

Katsuro stared at him, his gaze was filled with hatred, and I became worried. He would hurt Courtin.

"Why now? Why after all this time?"

It worked, Katsuro turned his gaze to me again and seemed to completely forget Courtin's interruption. The way he looked at me was so different from how he had looked at Courtin. Bitterly, I realized that he admired me.

"They have tried many times, Honourable Marshal, but every time something stopped them. That's why they sent me. I'll never fail," he grinned confidently.

I couldn't think clearly. Katsuro's words spun like a whirlwind, and my feelings were in disarray. I sought Courtin's gaze. He was agitated, this otherwise calm man. So tense to the point that he trembled at the hand holding the gun. Our eyes met, and his eyes were filled with the same anxiety I felt.

"What good can you do? These chains are protected by the magic of witches. You will never get me out of these, no matter how hard you try. Only a witch can take back the magic," I said, turning to Katsuro.

The man in black laughed, even Ansel, who was still holding his rifle aimed at Rian, giggled like a child.

That was when I noticed Katsuro's eyes, and I gasped in shock. Why hadn't I seen it immediately? His eyes were yellow. It wasn't the first time I had seen a witch's eyes, but I had never seen a man with those shining yellow eyes before, that only witches had. I didn't even know male witches existed. Courtin also understood what Katsuro was, which is why he was so worried. The witches were different from everyone else, their magic was unique, and after the magicians in the four circles died out, the witches were the most influential people left among the humans.

"Do not worry Cadhla, I will deliver you safely to our masters," Katsuro took a step closer to me, which made Courtin quickly stand in front of me.

"One more step and I'll kill you," he warned, his voice dark.

He no longer trembled, instead he was determined and confident. My heart froze, and Katsuro didn't laugh this time. Courtin had gone too far. Everything went so fast, way too quickly. I didn't even have time to start screaming until it was over. Katsuro lifted his arm and threw some kind of dark powder at Courtin while whispering something quietly. As the powder hit Courtin on his chest, he collapsed on the floor like a rag doll, and he stayed down. He didn't move.

When I suddenly saw him fall, I shouted his name in panic and threw myself on the floor next to him. Fear struck my chest as I searched for the pulse, but wherever I felt it wasn't there.

No more breath came between his lips, and his always so friendly eyes stared blankly at nothing. The realization came like a blow to the chest, and I understood. He was dead! I was close tears as the grief threatened to overwhelm completely. Over the years, I had seen countless people die, but no one's death had hurt so much. Not since my father. But I knew, despite the devastating sadness I felt, that I couldn't let the grief take over. Because then Rian would also die. With a strength I didn't know I possessed anymore, I pushed the grief away and filled myself with something else, the burning desire for revenge.

Trembling, I looked up and found that Rian was lying on his side, facing me, shot in the chest. He was still alive, but he had lost a lot of blood, the front of the uniform was covered by it. He didn't have much time left. Rian looked at me, his eyes full of pain, and I decided to do everything to save him. I had let Courtin down, but I didn't intend to let another innocent man die because of me.

Suddenly I realized that the cell was echoing with the sound of gunfire and screams. It came from outside the cell, and my gaze wandered towards the door. There I found Ansel on his knees in the opening, he fired his rifle and shouted hysterically at the attackers who responded to his shot, but due to the difficult angle, they missed.

This was suddenly obscured by Katsuro squatting in front of me. He looked at me quietly, his yellow eyes twinkling as if he were excited. Maybe he enjoyed the feeling of having just taken someone's life.

"Are you ready Madam?"

I stared at him for a long time before I nodded and looked away. I hated to see his disgusting face and instead sought Ryan's gaze. The young soldier was only minutes away from dying, but he was still trying to be strong. Not a sound came from him despite all the pain he must feel.

Rian looked me straight in the eyes, his gaze filled with fear. He knew it too, he would not survive.

Katsuro had begun to whisper quickly in the ancient language spoken by the Fae, and I felt something wet and warm hit my forehead. It made me look up. Above me stood Katsuro and he held his arms over my head. Blood flowed from his wrists from two deep cuts. The blood hit me in the forehead and flowed down over the eyes and nose. I quickly looked away again, cold shivers running through my body. This was a strong man. Not only was he a witch, but he mastered the ancient blood magic of the Fae.

I knew what he was doing, he bound me to him as security so that I couldn't kill him without killing myself as well. It just showed that he was afraid of me. Good! His little enchantment meant nothing to me. But the question was if I had any strength left after all these years.

Ansel shouted at Katsuro to hurry, and I don't know if the witch heard him in his deep concentration. Still, he completed the spell and continued to work on my chains. As he grabbed the chain around my waist, I flinched as his knuckles touched my stomach and I looked up. I didn't want to miss this.

Katsuro's face twisted in agony and I felt the nauseating stench of burnt skin. The scream that came from Katsuro's twisted mouth was filled with terrible pain. It sounded like sweet music to my ears. Other weaker men would have let go, but not Katsuro. He knew what it took to take back someone else's magic, it was both painful and nearly impossible. Either he would make it, or he would die.

The chains began to shine in a light blue colour, and they became so cold that it hurt where they lay around my joints. Very suddenly they vibrated, as if electricity passed through them, only to stop a moment later.

Katsuro no longer screamed, nor did it smell like burnt skin. He let go and with his healthy hand took out a white piece of cloth from one of his pockets and with a tormented face he wrapped it around his injured hand, the skin on the palm was gone, and it was an open bleeding wound. He stared at me, his eyes filled with the same fanatical glow I once had after taking Eliam's soul.

The magic Katsuro had taken from one of the most powerful witches who ever lived, and I knew how he felt. Powerful to the brink of invincible.

"The magic is gone," he declared in a trembling voice, taking out a strange key from another pocket on his coat.

Closely I watched as he put the key in the small padlock that was at the chain around my waist and when he turned, and the lock clicked, my heart was pounding so hard that I had difficulty breathing.

All the chains came loose at the same time, and the excitement that filled me was amazing.

I was finally free!