
Iulian Vetrici - About Mechanisms Of Psychics





Book Of PsychoAnalysis


part one


1.About People

2.About Mind

3.About Body

4.About Thoughts

5.About Emotions

6.About Relations

7.About Society

8.About Relationing

9.About Family

10.About Friends

11.About Animals

12.About Boy

13.About Girl

14.About Reality

15.About Imagination

16.About Politic

17.About World

18.About Dad

19.About Mom

20.About Sister

21.About Me

22.About Shadow

23.About Soul


Iulian Vetrici


Hi, my name is Iulian Vetrici and i write

now a book interesting for all the type of

persons of all categoryes of age, especially

for adolescents, boys and girls of our 21st


We are all together a big family,

approximatively 8 bilions of people and we

all change approximatively the same

experience of entire life that we live on the

planet – our planet – that planet that we

construct together to do/develop the life of

people that will succed us many years on

the Earth. Together with the help of our

precious Moon that helps us to mantain the

gravity on the earth.All the oceans, seas,

beaches, mountaints, wind and the rest on

the Earth.

We are all thankful to Earth for the fact that

he protect us on he


Thank you for the sun that he don't burn his

heat too much to burn our bodyes.Also

thanks for all the Planets that are also our

Solar Sistem of phenomenal probabilities.

I write this book like a people that have

familliar understandings with the language

that he speaks – Moldavian.I have 23 years,

i'm Moldavian, i'm boy and and in one

month i do 24. I'm 9th of April and i'm

ram.First of the first, in zodiac.

This book is about things that are

familliar with all the people and here are

some of their own general interests.

I don't write nothing about me and the day

to day things.

I teach alone, in time of years, things that

interests me and i believe interests all the

people in my way.

All that i write here in this book, are

informations maded by me, some parts are

teached with intermediud of electronic

books, web-sites with text information, that

i write in my language of understanding of

things, also in a language lizible by all


I think all will understand what i

writed.The text is more like an essay to

simple humans mechanisms that interests

the brain also have need in, to be eated,

devorated, scanned by the sensorial

experience of the rase.

Thank you to all the people that telled me

that "I believe in you, you are good enough

but not enough to understand what is good

to do but you really do what you are in need

to believe.

This is hard to us to understand. Iulian.

Vetrici. You will loose too far all the thruths

that you are gone too far to not understand

what you will send thru you" But i followed

my work and i taked you too far to not

understand my manner of writing and what

means all this – You Know!

I worked in loneliness with you with the

silence in my way followed by the work of

most important problem of the human vase

– the Planet. Good reading. You will like it.

I believe in you! > next part

1.About People. To people!

People are a rase that is very familiar with

the animal rase and build together a

familliar inter-dependence between business

and food.People are the lazy form of

animals. Always love to breathe and to stay

calm in that named his houses, is like a

comfort zone.People of our age love to

watch TV, to play cibernetic games on

modern devices, to drive cars, to have all

the necessary inventions, invented; knowed

by his equals and the self also.

Inventions are good and are many untill

todays week.

Are not enough but are always much and

majority of them are not used because

knowed from all are only music,

cinematography and all compiled in what

you can remain all the life – for generations

if you don't give you the awake signal.

Live that free change of documents that is

started with that named cult of receiving


Why i always delete letters? Is because you

write it correct – wrong and a little bit later i

give you the right response.The sense of the

word that is interesting is repeated in

another word.

Is like the speaked words to your head, but

is started more like an cigarette in a plusminus a moderm era.And the problem in

they real weight is that you talk too much

cult of cigarette to the errors and the fact of

not finding the right word.With that change

started all the problems.Is the talk about cult

of sending problem of repulsion in use of

words that you use normal.

Just do the Yes of the need.

This part is more like an medical tratment or

recet, is always important for changing the

direction but for anormal understanding of

thruth is a little bit strange.

Don't worry.Now you are free of

dependences of all genres that all are thrash

started only with that dependence.

Now you can talk free without any type of

lazy thinking, thinked, speaked by speaky

words.Be free of all!

Thank you to me – MR.Iulian Vetrici, for

the fact that i eliberated you in dependence!

Of all tipes. I'm a lone psychoanalitic after

my knowledge.And all are about

people.Dependences to write to the rest in

book, in who we don't have need.Or we

don't have or you don't have – NECESITY!

The author also!

Next part. Part 2. Chapter ended.

2.About Mind

Mind is an product of people.But if people

mean to loose the loosing of dependence in

loosing loose, then you will understand that

mind is an non-product of body that good

spoken a little bit after this word of my

chapters or mine or of mine that means


Mind is always present, is a fear, fear of

mind is the fear, i write this actually how

you can now see beautifull coincidences of

what happening now.About how this thing

that I don't want to speak about – to you is

the coincidence of doing the time but many

many years later.How you can real see that

or to hear this or if you will loose this, this

will mean that the mind is a product of

many types of coincidences of NEED,

experimented,passed or tripped, in her,his,

many many years of life or in many lifes.In

nature! Mind is the nature of things that we

explain in many our ways that are

ours,mine but are comed from the fear that

to be our or mine this need to be exactly

how we want. Or I.


3.About Body

I think my book will be always a good

emotion to take from the experience that i

made early – Rationality!

The body is Rational!

Body think rational.Body feel rational –

body is an rational.Something that manifest

him in a manner of feeling.

Or to feel body you need to be first an

human that love, is and are like mind and

body. Is an feeling!

A feeling that YOU ARE! Correct! Exactly!


Is a colour! Body is a colour that you see

exactly in you high wiev of north!

To not return to mind and the problems that

my writing will be too slow, to big to be

little and to think that returnings and

turnings and all the tiry words, things that

you write! Is only a speaking to YOU

concret! I cry exactly at thought that

thought of my ideal nature of my loved

girlfriend that is more like an neighbour

once meeted two seeyed and three to be

mine... Is the perfect nature of what i seeyed

and see in my feelings of incomplete of

comple of POWER! Loosing sleep and

drink the drink and to be sober always untill

the day i will meet him! I know that this

sounds crazy but is writed good without any

sign of punctuation or nature that give from

he the ideal! Is only what i need, to be with

him this moment untill i will finish all the

feelings to he infinite of that what we can

create toghether and to be! How to be an

perfect writer!In things that only I

understand the EGO. My Ego will show a

way to this.

My way is untill i find me, alone! To be

alone face to face with my corporal needs!

Without any one that tell me that i can write

million of ways about this but without time

to be understanded! Enough! Alone! This is

the necesity! To be Alone! Alone to all!

Alone with all! The feeling of never endind

of falling! What i do right now! Sincerly

cry! Inside, in milions and milions of

milions of ways (universes) exactly in my

painfull way.

Part four >

4.About Thoughts, things or (voices in what

we all are needed to believe in)

Many times heared but to see! Is different!

Coincidence of reality! In surounding!

Inside! I have fear to imagine this try! One

more time for beloved Nature! Snake!

Sounds Snake! :D I will be a book with

some strange pictures! Nor i not! Not me –

the writer, author but YOU! Loosed soul!

Can be killed!

This thoughts are always about paranoic

schizophrenia and the things that i loose the

horizon! No! Is not like this! The result is

that you will reborn! One day! This means

that all days that are one day on earth you

will die in body.Your mind will do it also!

Will blow outside all the blood that he have

inside their own reality! Of loneliness

outside! Inside images, not inside but in

you! Is only in you! You are alone! In your

body! This is an fact! Painful! Sorry for my

vocabular! Is like only you undestand this,

don't be dement! Even schizophrenic, bi-

polar! I write special with erors for your

understanding that don't exist types of

incredible words with energy of nonbelieveble belif of me. Is always all

placebo! Means that placebo is nothing to

spread in our realityes that we experiment

now! Is more like how to be lost soul in way

of kilometers away of your diseas – YOU!

Alone in you! Usage of soul! You made he

to work for you and this is in need to

returning! If this is possible to do this! And

for the final, exists or no soul or is loosed –

we don't know ! We know that we are only

part of us! Here individualities don't find

place! Not a bit! Is not EGO! Ended! This is

i believe about modern things, thoughts that

i never can never tell that they are modern!

They are old! The language is changed!

People never the same! We all love you –

each! Don't be complexed of that, you think

that i tell you now with my inner voice –

things that are about thoughts of thinking of

body and mind, emotions in face, are all

about face !

Thinkig is an fact never a process of

question, they have need?

Are lost in need! Souls of people! I want to

end there but to think this is very far! And

now the most important thought! A line


Things are now like life, each have their

life, their need, in majority of cases ! Or

only simple proceses that mind once

seeyed,heared,named and rest. Repeat this

always untill like this technology that made

you stop!Okay!Too much need here!

This is all !

Think what you need!

But need is a thought?

Don't need!

Don't think!



My nature, her nature, of thought.

Also a structure, a thought, enough, we go

next. Finished. Five.



5.About Emotions

Is tiring, tiring to write all about this. How

emotions passed thru us remain always

present in our life! Emotions passed thru

life remain i prefer to tell – a structure ! A

structure that absorbs all what is negative,

even the quantity of too much!

And he is nowhere! To remain soul i have

fear to tell! The psichological mechanic will

burst mechanics. Will be not able to

asimilate the quantity of what they made to

us, people, aren't, microbs – even. We can't

tell this! Is out of common to stop now to a

feeling! I prefer to put in structure mine, is

an structure, i don't know no one now!

Remain like this! Reality of what happening

now! More about this i don't told, maybe we

do someting with your soul, but i don't

believe in this! Bad emotions! I delete !

Remain only naturality of "I".

Is more about emotions! Is a book of

equilibrating the self that once readed, two,

infinite! You burn he and remain only pure

YOU! Of what i write correct that i can note

more in nature of what happening.But

happening now, only now, work on the

chapter emotions.You can unpack all what

you want, in any case or way! Is not need in

mind! Emotions or feelings or what you see

what you hear outside of your real window,

sound of cars, people talking, noises of

birds, of electric mechanismes or another

things,.They are in dependence with

emotions.Pictures that show, send you

emotions, pictures of imaginative, psychic

date, once loaded in your cosmos.Nothing

or like that named structure of date.We

think about five ways in feeling body have

but in reality here are an enormous more.

We need to believe in this! Is more a book

of explanations and explications and for this

i don't write more! We stop here. And

remain only this explanation now.Will be

more, one day, i will write more.Like an

essay.Book.Good bye.Next chapter


6.About Relations

Relations, finaly the relaxing part of book,

when we talk about relations is in first time

relation with self, is noting your person in

face of your person! Is normal to see you

like a goodness very beautifull and here

goes your qualities! You are your face! Is

not important with who you talk in this life,

how much, about what, where is the place,

even in your head to be is very interesting

when you start to see in something that what

you love so much in you! Is a very good

sign! But to not forget about the cleaness of

someone, something that is like that named

emotion! That we like to talk about what we

can't do alone, also we feel more! Is very

important to feel the I ! First of all! After,

your whole! With what you end in your life,

with good, with bad, all the minuscule parts.

Is like Micro-Macro wiev of you life! All

the hands of people in wich you are lost like

self is not important! Is important for the

social EGO, like that named Work, couple,

caracter and rest.

Nothing about your past lifes don't remain!

You remain only present You! Want you

experience of past or future of your plans is

not important.You remain always You! Love

you! Talk with inteligent people! In the day

of today you minimun can do work with

computer,TV, smartphone, phone, tablet and

etc. Be this! A goodness! Something! EGO!

An energy! We finish about relationing! I

can write more but is better to live like that

named – experience of relationship! Of ship

- Relation! All the types! All the ways!

How you true feel that you want to take

back the same relationing! Is about waiting!

Waiting for a better I.

Part seven.

7.About Society

Society is a fact that we all love, we love to

quit on a walk many many times day to day!

By day! In the night society is like another

type of information, structure, informational

– structure.

Society is more like a game.Giant! Full of

something! Society is when you sit home

and do nothing, is where you have your

total space for your thoughts and another

types of happenings! Is good when you are

alone with the silence in your aura, in you

surounding, in your space, in your room!

Aren't cars in your surounding, aren't noises

in your room! You have impression that you

hear someone and someone can hear you!

You also can see this or you can rise your

head up to see him! Is more like a game,

people love – normaly to sleep home, this

thing affects you, when you are outside of

home you can be sleepy time for alway !

Things goes bad when you sleep, when

someone sleep on you, for the coincidence

that here are two time-zones, two clocks in

life. One have always day but goes after

night, is a little bit strange to walk with

night when is always day in your way!

By night live different types of people,

monsters that consume bad noises in the

light of joke, of bad manner!

This poeple always help us to stay awake,

active, to not invade us types and types of

types of individs, in world, in mood of

inorganic mood. Of repause, active sleep!

Inorganic starts are named people that stay

awake, active for to sleep. Who is for sleep

outside the house? Home is now a thing far,

very far away from this forgetted bad!

I'm sorry, permit me to have only one nonaccepted word in this book! Is very

interesting how one that you love can be a

little bit sleepy in his way! To know that

that is world, have nothing in sense and

returning back to roots, society is an

interesting structure that allow you to not be


To be totaly free and totaly out of love!

And the bad problem of society is that this

bad in love can ruin you and you all life that

you have to live in he – society.

In your own mind!

Your own mind will be also an apart

chapter, but here some pieces don't fit!

Sorry! I writted my philosophy alone, for

that some of my words i can't translate for

not brake the goes of things! I think is an

extraordinary gift for mine aniversary 24 to

readers! Will be maximum 24 non-permited

words in this book! Maximum! I talk about

socium, look at you, only you can

understand me, i think, exposed, exactly

like a little conversational dialogue between

you in your aloneliness and outside when

you are with friends and you talk to them

and you have time to comunicate him all

about nothingness that you invent alone.

Most important part is that you can't really

to have friends in this slick game in what

we all really in you believe, only in you,

believe. You! Don't mean always – Real,

means real, another, another they, real,

means presence, YOU!

You can tell this to another, in my case all,

all is not the same.

If you tell secrets of any type, you are more

than one time more in society! Society is

more what you told, with your speaky mind.

You are, a talking head! Be atent to who you

expose your secrets! To not become more in

system(bite) or in any type of phenomen

named talking, releasing, conversing!


8.About Relationing

Relationing is a special thing, relationing is

a construction maded from powerfull,

concrete things.Thing of worlds that are

palpable.An vase full of palpable

things.Relationings are diverse! In

relationing you put categories with


ma/Grandpa/Kin/Friends. Also can be at

school, at work, in market, in bar, in taxi, in

club, home, and another.

Also can construct a ship for apart cases!

For cases of danger! For cases of

happyness! But to not put ugly things

inside, ugly things atract bad and work for

bad! Good is exactly in contrary!

Relationing of all people is on first place. Is

like implanted in you, in your head!

Also next mother put in you gradpa,

grandma, uncle, cousins, appropiates of kins

and members also.

They put here like in a informational

structure i prefer to told, thing more good

for them also who are exactly like you! And

then become time to leave this boat to float

free on waves of current!

You remain then alone without good and

bad in your surounding! Remain only you

and your thoughts! Why you are so right

now?Is because you win or you was

defeated by the monster!

Your wife is too beautifull to leave you

alone to/on/of family. You have need in this,

to do this alone. Is about aloneliness.

After you realize that you are a stranger

very very far from you and you don't know

even her age, of your hapiness in your

loneliness.After you leave her to leave!You

leave – your EGO, HIM.

Now he is gone.You are alone/the only

one.Full in face of her mind bited or

thoughtfully one more time.

Then you realize that you have a part of

boy/girl – in dependence of what posture

resort on this passage!

You quit out them and became totally free!

You quit out of animal rase and rest of your

abituants of your ship, let tell it

submarine.And you loose yourself!

Now you are totaly free and total alone! You

pay with your attention! Don't return never

to them! More than this be alone, be

eliberated of them! And them you realize

that you are lost in all than is/is not

your/their – Yours!

Remember that lie with family is exactly in

reverse true !

You return totaly what is his – Your! And

you loose yourself back also!

Now you are clear,clean and total and free!

Relationing is about how to be free and then

come that golden days when you become

one more time what you are and have like

total possesion – Yours – is an refresh of

mind – once, only one time in your life!

And is forever!

You are new now! Like old but new because

you are YOU – CLEAN! Okay... I cleared

yours like that name relationings – vases

with gradual structure of relation and you

are now a clean vase/submarine –

Relational, that divides himself in many

types of big – totaly protected, hidden good,

powerfull in one place only no-one (YOU)

knows – know. Don't forget > bite of

thinking of humanity meeted in your way of

words is old and someone invented this

someday. Is about – Noone! Because is too

old, to contemporany to know him!

We are free! No-one controll us! Don't have

the fear of present now or any other

genre/type of relation with your self because

you have a ship for all your cases, concrete

thinked, communicated, writed or talked!

This is what is from constructed vase of

relationing. Better spoked the word

Relation/Relationing.In general.The


Next step.Step number nine.



9.About Family

Family! A word we all very good know! Is

so simple that you can't return to he for

times in times in time!

Family is all you life! Family don't mean

Dad, Mom and rest of members of family!

Family mean all things that you construct in

your life. Even destruct!

Toy of family is the fact to accept in worls!

Family teach how to not fall prey ! How to

quit from he! Teach how to hide what is

yours, that what is your!

Teach you things permisible for times!


A word to write so inequilibrate of! You

know! To take this high, to leave that down.

Like all things of importance – family

change you!

This is why my book is a family! A family

of letters! Micro – microbes of organic

doing that grow in a structure that i don't

want to write in another mode that – WAY !

Family is how you help me to rise my name

in buying and selling my book!

My family knows you! Know your secret!

Know your word! Words! Just write


wall – Alone – with your hand!

Don't forget here are people who growed

without parents!

Now i tell that the word is LOVE!

I forget that the sense of love is also a thing

not really good!

I think! I forget about my moms relation

with name of Dad,Grandpa and son even

Sister or i don't know what form of millions

i forget like thing, thought!

I was writted in family that i will put in "i

don't know"! Be attent of that ! Stay

powerfull ! Somewhere, sometime, i meet


Now i forget about errors that i made my

language and the fact that i don't have/will

have F A M I L Y, family?... FAMILY >10

10.About Friends

Friends are always here!

Friends explain that you have parts of boy

and girl inside you! Like a whole!

Explain that you don't have need to speak


And friends are more to explain how the

word is maded!

Also they are here to give you in any

suroundings WHAT YOU NEED!

Relation with friends is not a problem of


Even if you have a girlfriend, a wife,

daughter/s, son/s or childrens and family,


Friends explain how to be TRUE!

Friends are maded for long talks first,

second for business and all that your brain

can only imagine!

Friends are goodness in all cases of life!

Friends give you life! Friends are all the

people you meet in your life!

Even your mom, your dad, sister, brother,

family, kins and etc.

Nothing more to friends!

For hapiness and rise glase after glase in his

name !


11 >

11.About animals

Animals love us!

We are all the same, a energy, a mind, a trip,

a setting of adventure of individuality in the

air !


12.About Boy

Boy is a type of doing like James Morrison

or James or even Bond – cigarettes... i even

know who goes after me ! Is like this –

we,boys are a type of something named

strange girl!

Or that apartain to girl ! I don't know why

we are , but we are only normal begginings

of world!

We also think in all mods ! We love like

anyone this world, sorry, in this world that

is maded from errors, like hiw we love

much to told about girl, we are a team, boys

with girls!

I don't know why we are separated of rase,

age or something but we are only the same,

a girl inside a boy, even girls are the same

but a little bit later! God Made the Man first

because semnification of the explanation if

world means that man do all this ways to

heaven, even girl but man first! First was

the instict of surviving, after surviving, after

obtaining food we are in search of

something that we believe that once, one

time, what love us – is girls S that goes on

snake, he can't pronounce this and hide

imediatly! Snake is always in search of us,

find us, snake is how we breathe! We are in

breathe of an snake! We breathe more like

sss, not s but more like ts, more like this,

okay. We love all parts of life with minuses

and pluses because its life and we very

much love to have care of girl, of her

masculinity, part of masculinity, he have in

beloved part of woman!

13.About Girl

Girls are a thing like that – a very simple

thing, are egoist!

Is - i don't know why but i love to love you

more and what is totaly yours, like boy -

how want the girl and don't send her many

of her attention in "like you"!

I don't pay a dollar for boy.

Boys are even ugly on my side. I love only

to love me, my part of girl and that's all!

Only remember, in past, what i write you

with my pen and you understand the same

all the thruth of my speaking, meaning,


I mean i'm not for you. I'm for no-one!

I don't have boy and i don't love my need in

the boy.

If i have them, i don't have time for this, is

very precious!

Because cost of an pleasing i send to you

like a thought is all of me, entire, entire me,

my entire, i am,

inside of an trick a trick named life!

Nothing. Not that i don't want to write if

have / non have sense because the sense is

even the sense of a on a sense i even feel in

my understanding or non-understanding of

my life.

Of my things that i want to rub in part of

boy – his vanes, in the dark part or to the

dark sea of mine (boy), or part of conscious

of boy lost in sea, black, i preffer to tell for

inventivity. I even love to write. Even love

to walk , i do this to you – my cry to your

way in the dark part of in-conscient!

Because i only transmitted you. You are a

boy , a fear, a beast, a bestiality in my

hands. I love even much from you only

because i love only you because in another

way will be an error to be error, exactly to

the past time of time i even don't loose to

obtain your signs of your way to the

horizont heaven.

I rub even your textes and sell this for zero


But we are too much to believe that we are

one to do this world to work in my work

about work on work even not to be worked

in work of fast things. I am more, in

majority of time rationall and you are more

like also the same. Okay.

Girls are a very simple thing to do. To the

final of chapter, girls do her part of boys

with the girl with all, together, to have you

complete . Boys love exactly the same even

the incorrect way to the heaven we are in

need to go to . Okay.

Girl - Boy | Boy - Girl

In procents proportio

Girls: Boy

Boy - Girl Boy – Girl

#% / #% #% / #%

Girl – Boy Girl – Boy

#% / #% #% / #%

Even totally clean procentage

Girl Boy

Girl – Girl Boy - Boy

% %

Think alone,sure! Is how you want this

differences of carachter in personage.

Be total clean or total no!

Choise is exactly in hands of how you mix

this procentages that are higher.This was the

girls theory – visual, virtual, clean,clear,

philosophy, psychology or phisolophy - of –


Part fourteen


14.About Reality, of things -

thougth,thoughts,thinkings, i writed, write!

Reality is an very clear phenomen.

Is something that we name – loose of the

horizon or loosing of sleep – of radius!

Is about reality of things, because they are

real only in your head.

Your head is in search of

something.Because from this cause you

loose reality.Real and reality of things. You

obtain more than in an dream, the loosing of

EGO. Think that work that you searched for

that much time, that much ways, and this is

more most important – You loose

intelligence. Even the letter eated in word

intelligence. Is not a letter but an sign, of a

eated letter, is line, a line –––.

And is nothing more much important to do

in you whole adventurer of life. After this

book i promise you that you will have a

time of adventure, a trip, in the light of

many tribes of the current era, unknowed

even of the unknowed.

And this is your priority. Reality is an stupid

thing, a thing that tells you to go forward,

farward? Why? ... If you don't have with

what , i will help you to obtain with what,

witchy life, will help you to be sleepy in

your work, even a light of fire to the

mountains, forests. Reality is that what i

write here is utile the moment you realise

that you don't have even need to understand

what i write. And this is all! We love each

other. We rub each other with the help of an

fork. We Pay one to other – do'ed, we listen

one to other words of talking.

And probably the most important part of

reality is about to – OPEN YOUR EYES –


Try to do this Real, with your hands, with

your mind, i want to say! And all the thruth

and fullness of beauty or an beauty will

open to you totally to a new level doors!

Also work out the head. Of one, head of one

is awesome! I telled you! A hard world for

others is easy!

Because what you know – of number eight,

eight to sunday, eight to monday even nine

to tuesday.God will bless you!

For me! For liberty i say, what a beautifull

history of drama!

I know why god loves me! Because i'm a

beautifful human. Okay. We are in two

realityes: one: Russia or Eurasia

two America or Brasil , between Europe and

Africa and Australia with New Zeeland, are

all here!

For liberty of reality and for the worlds

clock – worlds time, universal clock of

planet Earth.

For Me and hello or good night people !

Hello here Jamaica, Nigeria, Venezuela,

Columbia, Italia, France, Maroc and

Spain ... Between us more than that i think –

for the Worlds map a beautifull think!

This i name reality! Is only a philosophy of


Please read this serious!

Is very comic way that i write but is very

much correct!

Good Bye

Part fifteen



15.About Imagination, of what happened, in

the voice of hapiness of mind of... of...


Imagination, how many people telled, in

this world is most important like key of


This don't import! If is between good or

bad! Is inexactly how you have need to see!

You have need to know only this!

Imagination is most important thing of your

life! Read, look – at – TV, draw, imagine

what you want ! Your mind is the key! Is

exactly how to do it ! Out of space! I

cleared you. Now i clarify you – Out of

head! Okay, one more time – in space!

Exactly between five meters length of your

head and your body, totally unattached of

you! If you read, a time, even a single time

a fictionary book, you will try to do this in

your room! In you private space, your

comfort zone, in your own ship! Okay! For

start draw objects in your room! Change the

design! Is how is need to work! Nothing




16.About Politics, politics are an special

type of fight

Is how you drink wine! Politic mean to talk

what you real think and care of, untill you

care you thought knowed by you, protected

by thought of importance in around space!

Is more important than process of

consuming and obtaining of alcoholic drink!

Is how we see world!

I tell this! This object of strucure named

construction of city, with money, my capital

is mine! I don't have care of alcoholic

drink? Drink i sayed? Oh, yes! I forgetted –

drink the drink! Is what is politic about!

About reality! Existence in two heads, mine

and yours ! Nothing more! I think we all see

politic at televisor !I don't want to tell

nothing, much is the dialogue in manner of

hard problem to be solved and to be solved

like in an cartoon movie! To return always

the start is the problem! Is mine what i tell,

is lie to you! Okay! Even animals do politic!

Politics are talks of little boy or little girl


About world.Part seventeen! >

Politic talks!

17.About World

World is an special thing, world is

special.Very special.Is a liitle bit strange but

this is the nature.When the world goes crazy

all the people are inside this madness. World

is big.Also mine! Of each I. World is big.

Enough incite to understand all your

problems of life.World is also a sistem of

knowledge.A connection between mom and

God.Is an event.Too much to be

understanded.All people are part of

world.We are all pieces of puzzle in

world.World is for coincidence too nervous,

noisy! And goes too bad for our health!

World is about nations! We are here many

nations and are in many religions, in many

philosophyes of life.This mean that we

think all that cause and type and anything

other type of religion or writing about that

are in the same idea of text.Is something

like about bad and good and any other type

of teaching of rest that mentain human

nature in undersanting of life like named

psychological process about how to become

in one with all like an start of ___. World is

music, love - we share together. Also

divided with part of girl in food also divided

with food, with love i want to say for obtain

hapiness inside of bag full of danger.World

is big, he is part of me, anything what you

are or anywhere you are – know – we love

like majority for ever – World! Because is

beautifull! Is about change, about writing of

chance for obtain in around, on way, only

we know, can talk about and import nothing

more here is time of thinking and second

my pen or third! Totally charged twice time

more front of previous. I convert this to

mine distances out of strangers house, life,

and i have permission to emigrate this

nation of microbs – even little i want to say

in memory of biggest knowed by me man.

Is about the greatest Carlos Castaneda!

Knowed by search of response that i know

and i say this to you, is about the mistery of

hearing, sense now is this.An thing big of

extraordinary knowledge, available to

poeple – is this book my dear Iulian. Vetrici

after name.

In my opinnion the cult of dead is an

extraordinary gift gived to us on earth! Is an

gift that we have to reiceve and to send and

we end once for ever with my help of old

friend that is dead.Eated by his girl named

his biggest love of what he imprinted in

mother nature of decorative writing of space

of living of a great old human even knowed

like seeker of mind, of soul, named heart by

million of way of centuryes untill now! This

is my opinnion about him. - AUTHOR!

Now he love to be named Iulian. By

monsters friends by now!

I end here master Castaneda.And i want to

write now from part of giving you an your

family, your friends, your entire, and other

the flux, the energy of what is yours from

teached knowledge from you without need

in more!

Here world ends. My pen get crazy of dead

of biggest car that i want to drive. Is about

old FORD. Lined with two black stripes like

an zebra in amazonian forest. We end with

wishes! World is for all!

Part eighteen


18.About Dad (Dad's word to guide you in


Dad, a word between rightness of thinking

and doing!

I can't say more but from him i teach life


I write with him together about the fact that

dad is a good person, is a example to follow

in life !

We talk about girls and is knowed that is

like this!

Also from dad i obtained different types of

dependences, good or bad!

From young age!

Is good knowed that dad helps me with

many things!

He permitted me to be free like man !

Dad is an continuity of hierarchical line!

Greetings to our little treasure – DAD!

Love your Daddy!

He feed you!

All the love in the word to Dad !



Here is 18

19.About Mom (Here, moms zone)

Mom is a name to rise up all higher than

moon and sun!

Mom is a world full of serenity!

Mom give you knowledge!

How to live!

Is knowed that mom see in you a leader!

And see in you something fragile in the

same time!

This is all!

Greetings to our little treasure – MOM!

Love your Mom!

She feeds you!

All the love in the word to mom !



20.About Sister

Sister is a word too big like word princess!

I want to write more but now i assure that

my disaster is about the disease that i see

the world strange! Knowed by all ! Is just a

key that open the door to next part of the


TwentyOne. 21 Now


21.About ME

Withe triple M! Why left when you want

right to write that you want left and right the

same time. We end with too much to write

here! Is only a event of control! Is a event

here that control your part, thru you! I.


To you, to me, like yours i want to tell to be

writed by someone else more than a page!

This will mentain you ready to walk to the

next level of consciousness!

Is the line I forget to put here in too much

untill forverer!

Next page will do the dference to your life!

Is the talk about phenomenum – secret!

Hidden in i need it!

Is your ego ! Here! This is the candy!


Named by all ME - I!

World is about real things!

About reality!

We end – with the chapter ME!

We light here the mader of life – the word I!

Step twenty two!

Next page!



22.About Shadow (trickety with shadow,

anywhe he is...)

I think here is a good topic to write the


Here.Shadow dance! Play! Plays you! Truck

you from now until late I remain soul

mantained in years of thought!Soul is

shadow – shadow is you or another you that

you feel that you stay now from you one

moment gone to be to below of my

understandings of my faces shows.One

little, old, trick – shadow!

Shadows, is an thing that thinked by

psychologists or turn of babel , mountains

or sea, or three japanese ninja. Is this, what

was good to have many pages to book but

book are even what shadow, shadows, yours

– I's, of unknown, of type of something

more , only fight I believe will be welcome

to our beautifull writing of our rubbers of

energy, added in text of religion of that what

we want to construct is to obtain a wall

against winds that don't have way here.

Shadow is big, is colour, your shadow, our,

our I want to tell I's of pages passed in

chapter about life, nirvanna, heaven, is more

like shadow, soul goes! This is not in need

to pass, you try – aggressive friends how to

tell word –


Twenty two! And we stop for twenty three!

In two weeks I do ___ (is not known how

much). I 24 – The author!

Twenty Three


23.About Soul

Girl – Soul – Souls – Are – Heaven!

To the soul page was written more like

Nirvanna or more that that a state higher of

conscious and higher way more like how to

live like here, are and is, was, and will be

and don't was – neither Hell, neither Heaven

and in reverse neither Heaven and neither

Hell. Don't was attention – a that what he do

correct, correct now! Attention is a function,

this is more, much more important thatn a

thing of non-our permitted with permission

World! Like in who we two stay moods!

Body have parts of soul. Parts of our

crossing of phrase of what was telled too

much time in back in time, and no-one

know what cigarette no-one can be –

possible to ruin her clarity , not of the your

whole start of life, and no-one know what

work or strange world was do'ed maded

here. He, this, was too much, much for to

understang our value of our heart, soul,

About this – he pass thru you , near all the

time when you don't see this in word of

sleep! Awake is what is good here even a

cube of music, warm when this have more

need more in made.In mading of name of

ocupation, ocupation or I don't know to

what flute to pay visuals of pictures of that

music. Of soul! Of mouth!

This is part twenty three!

And for the final I will stop your pain!


Big like this page – to all! I want to tell

thank you my black,blue pen with white

stripes and silver. Thank you that you

pictured my language. Coloured what is

gone out of here and the final sure! I want

write majority of all! The final phrase! Once

time, one time, was nothing and you born –

your heart strated and he don't stop in no

case! All time! Untill you are alive – your

heart beat!

You can be named in life! Alive! Death is an

event seen to be present here but seen to be

left of conscious! If evenis gone for outside

of mind I tell you a story – once – the first

human of this earth don't knowed about

death, he was played with life and if death

was an event after book older! Next event

after one don't have body more! - Soul

remain here! And if is named LIFE – also –

death dont exist and live forever totally

happy because life is a multitude like form!

Forms are many. Like from zero to nine,

like from sea to ocean and like from A to Z!

You breathe!


Twenty four – I will sell my first book at the

age of twenty four, twenty four!

The perfect number!


Iulian Vetrici