
Its ya boi, Emisyl

The Main Character is busy selling hotdogs so the side characters starts to steal his story. https://www.patreon.com/Vhix Characters in Cover : Niultynjere, Emisyl Cover :

Vhix · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Wild Snow

We see Nana and Brockner beside each other as Marc is on the back of them drinking cholate milk on a small box container while Emisyl is still inside of the Shadowsnow Castle.

Nana was showing photos of her friends to Brockner.

"What do you think of this girl?" she says as she shows a girl doing a cutesy pose and subtly revealing chest.

"Do you think I'd look cute with this?" she asks Brockner.

"Mhm..." Brockner thinks.

"I think you'd be better as yourself" says Brockner.

"Just posts whats on your head and what you think's the good"

"Copying others would just stress you because once they're gone, who are you going to copy?"

"In the end, it's all about yourself and your ideas" Brockner adds a deep explaination.

Nana then gives a weirded out face.

Brockner then takes a look deeper on Nana's social media.

"Woah, you had 632,000 followers" Brockner was surprised.

"That's not a lot, you haven't seen my Twister" says Nana.

"How many followers do you have there?" Brockner asks.

"Around 1.2 million" she answers

"Dayuuuuuuuuuuuuum" Brockner reacts.

"Why are you tryna' copy others then?"

"You look cute on your way and people hella know that" Brockner adds.

Nana then pauses and looks at Brockner.

"Ya know, just be yourself. Go with the flow" he says as he attempts to make a river flow with his arms.

Marc takes a long sip on his chocolate milk as he watches.

Suddenly, a gang came.

They were boarded on big trucks and vans and it looked really intimidating.

It was Brockner's gang and Marc's eyes got wide.

The man with red bandanna immediately gives a unique handshake on Brockner.

"Wassup, Brockey boy my homie" he says as he ends it with a slap on Brockner's back.

"Fine man, wassup" Brockner greets back.

The man with bandanna then shouts at the gang.

"Ayy, show em'" he says as he waves.

A grunt then shows alcohol that they're carrying.

There's quite a lot of them.

Brockner smiled.

"We doin' it here bruh?" he asks.

"Of course fam, I was happy you got dem elite-elite thing heh" says the man with bandanna as he smiles at Brockner.

"It's a celebration for you" he adds.

Brockner then gives a "Oh... Come-on" look.

"Hmm..." he speaks as he felt cute, he is too happy.

Brockner then looks around and sees even the food is included.

"Aight, we doin' it" he says as he runs towards the gang.

Now we see Emisyl waking up.

He slept for 20 minutes but it felt like days.

"Oh boi golly I'm back" he says to himself as he stands up.

He then sees dead manfish around him.

However, he's not hungry but still said something.

"If I ever got hungry on the next few blocks, I'm gonna eat y'all" he says.

He then continues to walk.

As he walks, he was welcomed by a long room.

As he looks further, there was a dog guarding silver door.

He then approaches it.

"Woof woof" the dog barks as it breathes with tongue out.

"Awwe, cute doggy" Emisyl reacts then pats.

Suddenly, the dog stands up and unveils his chiseled abs ,explosive chests and destructive legs.

"Bork... bork..." the dog talks in deep voice.

"The heck" Emisyl reacts then strengthens his guard as he walks away further to the dog.

Emisyl is now back at the entrance of the said room and the dog slowly walks towards him.

"Bork... bork..." the dog's deep voice echoes across the room as its walk emits strong quakes.








We feel the dog's powerful steps.

Emisyl then tries to unleash the power he could unleash.

Suprisingly, he managed to release chunk of energy.

He then puts it on his shield then charges to the dog.

The dog sets up a punch.

As Emisyl charges, the dog's punch hit.

The energy was equal and the dog leaped back with his too leg.

"B-b-b-bork-bork-bork" the dog releases a bark and it echoed.

The dog then starts a marathoner pose.

He then starts running.

As he reaches Emisyl, he tackles him.

Emisyl was pushed and hits the entrance.

"Urk" Emisyl reacts as he hits the entrance and bounces downward.

He then tries his best and tries to unleash another charge.

This time, its somewhat more powerful than the first one.

He sorrounds himself with blue aura and starts charging.

The charge hits and the power is still equal.

However, none of them went back this time and they fought at the center of the room.

The dog delivers multiple quick punches and Emisyl just blocks them.

The speed of the dog was 6 punch per second while Emisyl surprisingly blocked them all.

We see Emisyl's drastic increase power.

He activates Abnormal Rush.

But this time, the abnormal rush can be moderated compared when he was against Longleg.

It feels like the Rush he felt when against Garvalix.

As he feels this, he waits the dog commit a mistake.

Not so long it came.

The dog tries to land a last powerful punch.

Emisyl responds by lowering his body and jumping then performing a powerful smite on the dog's head.

The dog was knocked out and its odd form was removed as it returns into a normal dog.

As its now a normal dog, it still faints and died due to the smite's damage.

Now, the door opens and Emisyl enters.

As he enters, snowflakes fall from the sky and a spotlight was lighting up someone.

It was Candice and she was on the center while standing with cross arms.

She then unleashes her thin and sharp blade and swings it.

After swinging, she went on ox guard stance and snowflakes stop from falling.

Candice didn't talk.

Emisyl stood his guard.

Suddenly, Candice disappears and dashes to Emisyl.

Emisyl sees it.

He then immediately blocks it.

Candice thought Emisyl won't keep that speed up so she just keep on performing


However, they were all blocked by the shield.

She then had an idea.

She strengthens her ox guard then speaks.

"You seem to like your shield" she says.

Emisyl held stronger and anticipates an attack.

He was too focused that he didn't respond to Candice at all.

Candice then changes stance from Ox Guard to Plow Guard.

(What is she thinking) Emisyl speaks on his head.

Suddenly, she performed a powerful poke intended to hit the shield.

It was shaped like a triangle and it was so strong that it made a triangle crater on the ground.

Smoke starts to appear.

Suddenly, Emisyl's shield is gone.

He then looks around and sees it, it was way too far and it flew due to the energy of the stab.

He then looks back on his recent view.

He was welcomed by Candice pointing her blade on Emisyl's neck.

"Checkmate" says Candice.

Emisyl then helds the blade as it is thin and ignored the edges.

His hands start to bleed and hurt but he doesn't care.

By carrying the sword, he attempts to slam Candice.

Candice immediately stops holding her blade as she lifts on the air.

She then connects it with a kick on Emisyl's back as she goes down.

This made Emisyl lose grip on the edge of the blade.

Candice then decides to pick it up.

However, Emisyl quickly maintained balance.

He then performs a spin slam with his spear and it hits Candice on her left as well as making her fly towards the wall.

The blade dropped and Candice failed to pick it up.

Emisyl now charges.

"Gyaaaaa!" he screams.

Emisyl then attempts to end it with a stab as Candice was on the wall.

Candice immediately reacts by rolling on the wall as Emisyl fails a stab.

Candice then attempts to pick up her blade.

Emisyl then connects another stab but it missed.

Candice kept on running towards the blade.

Emisyl then tosses his spear like a javelin.

Luckily, Candice reached Emisyl's shield and she blocked it with his own shield.

She then tosses it and kept on running.

Emisyl gave up and aims for his shield and spear instead.

Just in time, they picked up their respective weapons at the same time.

Candice then charges and performs a jump slash.

Emisyl blocks it with his shield then pushes Candice.

He then connects it with more stabs but Candice was evading.

It was a total of 3.

Emisyl then performs a spin attack and Candice just jumped.

She then connects it with a dashing slash on Emisyl's front.

However, it was blocked again by the shield.

Candice then performs a somersault back after it was blocked then speaks.

"This is getting annoying" she says.

"Then ignore the handicap like everyone else" says Emisyl as he smiles.

"This is actually my peak, a level 6 miniboss" says Candice.

"Sweet" Emisyl reacts as his confidence increases.

"Seems like I got the upper hand" he adds as he slowly goes in.

"Only with that shield on" says Candice.

She then performs another powerful poke.

However, this time.

Emisyl jumped and tosses the shield on her face.

"Urk" Candice reacts as her poke was canceled.

As Emisyl doesn't want to be savage, he hid his weapons and summons Corson's Baton.

He then ends it with Physically Surged downward slam using his both hands.

Candice's eyes opens wider as she feels the pain.

Suddenly, she disappears and a door was opened.

Meanwhile, She reappears at the entrance of Shadowsnow Castle.

She sees Marc drinking with Brockner's gang as they lit a fire pit.

"Chug!" "Chug!" "Chug!" "Chug!" Brockner's gang reacts.

"Chug! Chug!" says Nana then ends it with a laugh.

"Yo old man, pretend ya like 30 years younger!" Brockner cheers him.

As Candice was defeated and kicked out, she asked the two whats happening.

"What's happening here?" she asks.

Nana then pours a wine glass with whiskey and hands it over to her.

"Drink" she says as her face were slightly red.

"C'mon, vibe with us and sip em" says Brockner as he happily pursues Candice.

"Ok then..." Candice replied as she takes the glass and looks at it.

(Gulp) she drinks it.

After drinking, she passes it to Nana then sits as Brockner looks at it.

"Now das wut am talkin' about" says Brockner then slaps Candice back as he smiles.

Suddenly, cheers were heard.

"Wooh!" the crowd says.

"I am the fucking God!" screamed by Marc as he stares at the boys with wide eyes.

(Bless me plz) a voice was heard in the background.

(I am witness) says the other voice.

The three just stared.

Nana then sips a glass. (Slurp)

Suddenly, the crowd chants.

"Ayy!" "Ayy!" "Ayy!" "Ayy!"

Marc then starts dancing.

He smiles then he shakes his shoulders as his arms were down and open.

Candice reacts with a smile and chuckle then speaks.

"I guess I'll enjoy this" she says.

"You would" Nana replied while staring at Marc.

Marc then performs Air Flare dance.

Nana and Candice was surprised when suddenly, Brockner reacts.

"Yo' daddy hex seem wild as hell" says Brockner then wheezes.

Meanwhile, Emisyl entered the door that was revealed after Candice is defeated.

He was welcomed by weaponless vodos.

There were a total of 3.

As they only know is brawl, Emisyl just used his shield then stabs them.

It went easy and a path was revealed.

As he enter the path, a long stair welcomed him.

He goes up.

The man with Red Bandanna is named Dave while the guy who pulled up on them long ago is Anton

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