
Its ya boi, Emisyl

The Main Character is busy selling hotdogs so the side characters starts to steal his story. https://www.patreon.com/Vhix Characters in Cover : Niultynjere, Emisyl Cover :

Vhix · Fantasy
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143 Chs

It's not as deep as what we should be talking about

"You can't be serious, #1 was taken down?!" #4 asks with a suprised and loud tone as he he talks to Kirael.

Suddenly, Kirael's eyes glow white and with enchantment of silver lightning, he pierced through #4's body from chest to its back leaving his hands with blood.

He then pulls out and sees dead body of #4 falling down.

"What are you doing?!" Luna was surprised.

"I was testing something that would take longer if I ask" says Kirael then wipes the blood out of his hands.

Everyone was silent.

He then looks at Siguelle and asks.

"Was the rankings rigged?" he says then unleashes a more powerful aura.

"Kirael is serious" Hyumi reacts from a distance while she is beside Emisyl.

Emisyl was focused on something else.

Siguelle sweats.

Suddenly, Kirael's Aura is already on its peak.

Siguelle then tackles Kirael down with all his might and a sneak of full force enchantment in quick fashion.

He dropped but wasn't knocked down.

A shadow appears from the back but Kirael could recognize that its a woman.

"I've always sided with the God even if I haven't seen him" says Siguelle.

"Knowing that the man we brought here has seen him, I am now willing to support whatever is behind his motive"

"If you just as well disagree, then consider me as an enemy" this was Siguelle's last words before he disappear in the air.

The woman then reveals herself from the shadows.

She had two pinned bun hair in color of light purple with red accessory, wears something that looks like a short kimono and wields dual daggers.

"It was rigged so we could easily slaughter the nation and we slowly moved to other countries while you were gone"

"We you call "Nihilists" isn't as small as you think" says the woman then disappears in air as she leaves ice trail.

Hyumi seems panicking.

"What is... happening..." she speaks and she seemed so confused.

Emisyl then got serious and looks at Kirael.

Now we move to another scene.

The crescent slash was landed but the man with gauntlet completely catched the slash like its a solid material.

He then consumes the energy within and lands a force punch that is an attempt to kill the topless man.

The topless man had nothing to do with it but to watch as the burst of energy comes.

Siguelle came at the top of some roof but was too late.

The topless man was dead and that incident was long ago.

"There will always be casualties" says the woman behind him.

Siguelle sighs.

Meanwhile, the gauntlet man went back to the "base" and attempts to find anyone.

He looked at every house and finally found Kirael by seeing trails of a smoke.

Hyumi was boiling water.

The man then enters the opened door and sees Kirael along with Emisyl's gang drinking tea.

"So you survived" Kirael greets before the man even talked.

The man then smiled.

"To be honest with you, I am the only legitimate warrior" he replied then gets a seat.

Hyumi serves the tea.

"What is your name?" Kirael asks.

"I am Gregorio, from Quetria and that country is probably destroyed by now" Gregorio answers then sips tea.

Gregorio is a tall man with an eye disability where the other eye is darker than the other.

He wields a gauntlet so huge that it looked like a replacement for a lost arm but it wasn't as his arm was still in place.

Gregorio then tells what happened.

"Everyone was killed by that naked man and his army. As I am from a far country, I was the least to come to unite with other sorted warriors"

"When I came, I singlehandedly fought that man but he ran and take as many as he could until we got him cornered"

"Everyone trusted this said numero uno so I went the other way and killed as many of the enemies' army as I could" he ends.

"I came there late and I thought you'll all be gone and not worth the time" Kirael says.

"I actually sensed your movements but I understand why you wouldn't waste time" Gregorio replied.

"I too myself tried to save others while I was dealing with his grunts"

"But reality will still hit, the strong eats the weak" he adds then sips.

(Do you have a boyfriend?) we hear Emisyl approach Hyumi.

Kirael and Gregorio continues the discussion.

"What did you do next?" Kirael asks.

"Everyone was wounded after I was done fighting the grunts. A lot of people from our troupes ran away lead by #4"

"I looked at five men and planned to save them afterwards" Gregorio replied.

"Did you manage to save them?" Kirael asks.

"After I killed the boss, I decided to look for them but I didn't find them on the area where they once were"

"I found 2 of them stabbed themselves while the other 3 had an ice trail on their cuts" Gregorio says.

(How do you people here save phone numbers? Do you go like, having a meeting spot or something) Emisyl says from a distance while Cardil was looking.

Gregorio then continues his story.

"After I found out that they were hopeless, I decided to return here and figure out if I could find people"

"My trip went safe but there was this girl who told me that Quetria is destroyed while I'm on my way" Gregorio says.

"There were attacks on our country even if I was there. I know our men are strong but I've heard that the most clever captains got assassinated"

"Knowing that, I believe in her"

"This people are not normal" he adds then finally finishes his tea.

"I have a plan" Kirael tells Gregorio.

"I have nowhere to go, just tell me" Gregorio replied.

Hyumi walks out the door and Emisyl follows but Luna, Cardil and Milan blocked him.

Now we move to another scene.

We see the Choir of Elements finally unite along with Faye.

"Mrivia!" Leila greets from a distance and chases for a hug.

Lassy, Blaz and Vail smiles.

"That's lovely and all but I got a work to do" Faye interrupts.

Suddenly, someone teleports in.

"Found you!" it was Shin and he poked Faye.

Faye looked.

"What's up cutie?" Shin talks to Faye.

Faye was surprised that Shin could teleport.

"How did you do that?" Faye asks Shin.

"I obtained this from some weird looking dude, turns out he's just a janitor but still handy power" Shin looks happy.

"I've got more than this, you wanna see?" Shin happily asks.

At the back, we see the siblings talk to each other with Vail laughing.

Shin starts talking to Faye as they are close.

"So like uh"

"I can see the future with this images" Shin shows his ability to create time frames.

"The dude I killed was a watchdog for some living beings that has a potential to be level of Gods"

"I don't know if he's paid for this but eh... I took his power" Shin says.

"How'd you know he's a janitor? What does he clean?" Faye asks.

"That's literally it. He helps his team find the worst and best of the worlds by looking at time frames and do something about it" Shin replied.

"A dude named Hecarion told me" he adds.

"That's a lame job, I bet he does it for free" Faye reacts.

"He's more like a director of Janitors" Shin says.

Suddenly, Mrivia approaches Shin.

"You have the ability to see the future?" Mrivia asks Shin as her hands are on her back.

"Yeah, I can" Shin says.

"It's a cool power" Faye reacts.

Shin then looks at Faye.

"But I can't use my combat abilities so they're basically useless"

"I had to switch states so I could use them separately" Shin adds while scratching his head.

He then looks at Mrivia.

"Do you need a showcase?" Shin then asks.

"Yes" Mrivia was excited and whispers on Shin's ear.

For some reason, they are both blushing.

"Do you really want to see that?" Shin asks.

Faye gave a confused look.

Suddenly, runes appear around them as Shin summons multiple time frames.

"I'm not into things like that so I'll just give you this one" Shin hands over a time frame for Mrivia to watch.

Mrivia's blush reddens.

"Oh my gosh, he's cute and that's big" Mrivia covers her mouth while speaking.

"What are you showing her?" Faye asks Shin.

"Eh..." Shin felt awkward.

"Come on tell me" Faye was eager and is pulling his shirt.

"It's her future husband with her doing uh..." Shin felt more awkward.

"Let's focus on the mission I guess" Shin then changes the topic.

Faye looks at Mrivia and sees her covering her own face with some fingers still giving her eyes some view.

She's as red as tomato.

"So our mission here is to continue some sort of a chain reaction" Shin summons a time frame after speaking.

(Hey sis, what is that?) Blaz is about to approach Mrivia from the back.

As Shin summons timeframes, the one on Mrivia's hand disappears as well.

He shows how Faye fought Luceo and how Faye was defeated on other time frames.

"In order to win him, you must follow what happened in this time frame" Shin points out the one where she won.

What happened there is Faye went all out immediately knowing that Luceo is a God instead of testing him out like what Faye usually does.

There were also timeframes where Faye was killed by surprised attack.

"You have to go all out the moment you see him or it gets worse" Shin says.

"This man doesn't fight fair" he adds.

"I see, I am noting that" Faye reacts.

Shin then hid the time frames.

Meanwhile Shin summoned a special one and passes it over to Mrivia.

"I'm sorry abou-" as he passes, Blaz was beside Mrivia.

Shin then perishes the time frame but still left Blaz and Mrivia blushing.

"That's you right?" Blaz asks.

"No, the guy on front of us made it up" says Mrivia.

As Shin is professional, he took the bullet.

"It's not as deep as what we should be talking about" says Shin.

Blaz blushed.

Shin clenches his teeth.

"I mean, we are on tighter situation" Blaz paused after hearing this and Mrivia slowly turns around.

Faye then interrupts.

"You should talk to the kids later" Faye says.

Shin turns around to take to Faye.

"So lame" he says.

Now we move to another scene.

We see Alfred walking close to Lucent Forest.

However, he was welcomed by an odd scene.

It is currently being devoured by void and he could be a food as well if he goes to close.

"You should leave" a voice of a woman was heard followed by a sounds of flapping wings.

It was Lumicent, the angel that Moonlin dealt with.

"Massive chunk of this area will collapse soon, I'll take you to safer place" Lumicent says.

Despite being a complete stranger, Alfred decides to trust the angel.

"I can't save the clueless people beyond this woods, consider yourself lucky" says Lumicent as she held Alfred's shoulders and they disappear.

Hours later, a void explosion occured consuming massive chunk of Luceo's World.

We see Void Golems swimming through the void and draining energy as much as they could.