
Chapter 22: I feel sick…

-Diana's POV-

As soon as I said those words to the child, tears started flowing and she started crying loudly.

I couldn't bear to look at the child and hugged her, despite that it could lead me to danger.

The child took a while to calm down then I stop hearing sounds of sobbing from the child before I carefully let go of her.

I stood up and patted the dirt and dust on my clothes. I look at the knights beside me and spoke.

"Take care of this, for now, I have to go somewhere"-Diana

I said to the knights, turn my body then left. Walking toward the abandoned building while clenching my fist.


The moment I close the door, I slump on the floor while forcing myself not to retch.

The nauseous feeling that I'm feeling since earlier suddenly burst to make me feel sick in the stomach.

'Too much blood…it's making me sick…'

I thought to myself, covering my mouth with my hand while frowning. The rusty smell of blood still lingers on my nose. No matter how much I want to get rid of the foul smell of the blood, I could still smell it.

I raise my hand to hold at the door knob to help myself get up while my other hand covered my hand and nose, my brows furrowed as I could feel my head swelling and a wave of nausea came.


I let out a groan as I close my eyes, I stood up but still held the door knob. I could still my knees being weak, only holding the door knob supporting me to stand up.

While I'm trying to repress my headache and nausea, I felt someone's hand touching my shoulder.

"Are you okay Lady Diana?"-Knight

One of the knights asks in concern in his gentle voice. from the corner of my eye, I saw a gentle-looking knight with a look of concern pasted on his face, looking at me.

"Ah…Yes, I'm fine"-Diana

I respond to the knight, waving my hand while still supporting my body to the door knob. I frown when another headache hit me.

Maybe because of the sudden headache I respond to the knight politely which explains his stunned face.

"Lady Diana, how about you take a rest first? We will take care of the rest"-Knight

His voice turns even more gentle as he spoke to me, removing his hand on my shoulder and taking a step back but enough to have a proper distance and catch me if I fall.

"No, it's alright"-Diana

I insist to the knight, shaking my hand and the frown on my face slightly ease.

'I don't want to be a nuisance'

I thought to myself. Standing up properly and no longer holding on to the doorknob but I could still feel some small headaches.

"Is the Princess back?"-Diana

I finally look at the knight and ask him a question. I could say that he has the looks. I'm sure some noblewomen have an affection for him.

"Unfortunately, Her Highness hasn't come back yet but Her Highness acquaintance is here"-Knight

The knight responds to me politely, smiling gently as he took a step back which I'm grateful for.

I'm the type of person who gets uncomfortable when someone is just 2 or 3 steps away from me.

'Yet I don't feel uncomfortable if Princess Scarlett is just an inch away from me…in fact, I feel comfortable when she's near me, just like when it comes to my family'

"Yo~ are you okay Diana?"-Letty

I flinch when I heard Lady Acer's voice that came out of nowhere. When I turn around, I saw her face just a few inches away from mine.


I immediately step back. I could feel my heart beating uncontrollably. Maybe it's because she and Princess Scarlett have the same face and name that I unconsciously feel comfortable in her presence.

'But wait! What did she just call me? And where did she come from?!'

I thought to myself. I didn't hear the door getting open and I didn't see her coming from the corner of my eyes.

As if she appeared out of thin air.

"It's "Lady Diana", Lady Acer"-Diana

I corrected her way to call me while narrowing my eyes and rubbing my temple.

I saw her smiling affectionately at me which made me astonished. The longer we look each other in the eye, the more she smiles at me affectionately to the point that I'm seeing hearts in her eyes.

Am I hallucinating?!

""Lady Acer"? call me Letty instead Diana"-Letty

I saw Letty, I mean Lady Acer places her hand on her chin and tilt her head then let out a charming smile.

'I'll describe her smile as charming since she and the Princess have the same face'

'Hearing her calling me "Diana" with the same voice as Princess Scarlett made my heart flutter a bit, although hers much more mature than Princess Scarlett's voice'

I thought to myself while covering my heart. I couldn't help but think of Princess Scarlett's smiling face.

"So?? Do you agree?"-Letty

Lady Acer's words snap me back from reality, I look at her and saw her even smiling more charmingly.

"N-no and call me "Lady Diana""-Diana

I stutter a bit as I refuse her word then insist on changing how she calls me.

"Hey, Old Hag"-Scarlett

We heard the Princess's voice but we didn't see her until the window just across from us shattered and we saw the Princess jump to the window without worrying if she was going to get hurt by the glass.


Princess Scarlett landed on the floor perfectly, her feet sliding on the floor as she balances herself.

Princess Scarlett stays at her position for a moment, looking at us with her eyes narrowed before clicking her tongue.

"Stay away from her, don't you have a wife!"-Scarlett

Princess immediately walks toward us and pushes Lady Acer, standing in front of me as if she's shielding me from Lady Acer.

What is funny for me is that I thought that since Princess Scarlett and Lady Acer have the same face, I thought they would get along but I guess that's not the case.

"I do have a wife but…"-Letty

Lady Acer respond to Princess Scarlett with a smile, she looks at me as she said her word.

"I don't condone cheating Lady Acer; you have a wife and I don't want to interfere with your relationship with your wife"-Diana

Before Lady Acer could finish her sentence, I abruptly stop her and spoke. Clearing up any absurd thoughts that she might think.

'I don't want to be killed by some jealous wife'

I thought to myself, looking at Lady Acer with my eyes narrowed in wariness on me.

"Ah no, you misunderstand me~ I will never cheat on my wife"-Letty

Lady Acer looks at me in shock hearing what I said to her and laughs as she waves her hand, cheerfully responding to me.

"Anyway! Lady Diana, sadly I can't find her but don't worry, I'll send a group of knights to find her"- Scarlett

Princess Scarlett suddenly spoke which I'm grateful for but when she informs us of her news, I couldn't help but feel sad.

Even though Kyle and I don't interact much, I still care for that child and other children.

"Your Highness, if I may…is it alright if volunteer for finding the child?"-Knight

After Princess Scarlett spoke, the knight to my right suddenly spoke and request Princess with a firm look in his eyes.

"You're Knight Lieutenant Oscar, right?"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett looks at the knight and asks him with a smile on her face. Tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, Your Highness"-Oscar

The knight immediately responds with a gentle smile on his face and kneeled, he places his hand on his chest with his head down.

"Alright, you can choose your team but just take 5 people"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett didn't hesitate to agree to him and presented her five fingers as she inform Sir Oscar.

"Thank you, Your Highness,"-Oscar

Sir Oscar's face brightens when he heard what Princess Scarlett said, he looks up with a wide cheerful smile and even his eyes brighten.

"Good, now go to the other knights, there's still somethings to clean up"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett cheerfully nodded her head while her hands folded together, looking at Sir Oscar and then at the window where you can see the knights taking care of deadly assassins.

"Yes, Your Highness"-Oscar

Oscar nodded his head cheerfully before going out through the broken window and going to the other knights.

His action made me stunned, I immediately look at Princess and Lady Acer and saw that their expression didn't show any sign of anything shock as if what Sir Oscar did was normal.

'There's a door here!'

I couldn't help but silently let out a sigh and complain to my mind but immediately gave thinking that it was useless.

"Anyway~ are you okay Lady Diana? I feel that the blood outside is too much for you, how about you rest for now?"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett turns her head toward me and suddenly asks me questions with a worried look and tone on her face.

"…Yes, can I rest with you Princess?"-Diana

Although I hate being a nuisance to everyone here but I couldn't help but be dependent on Princess Scarlett.

She's my light.

"Alright! Let's go somewhere to rest and I have something to talk to you about!"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett cheerfully responds to me and stretches out her hand toward me with a big grin on her face as if she's going to talk about something interesting.

I didn't hesitate and place my hand on Princess Scarlett's hand. I was about to take another step forward when Princess Scarlett stops and look at her back, I followed her gaze and saw Lady Acer silently following us.

"Don't follow us!"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett slightly raises her voice to Lady Acer and sticks out her tongue, pulling her lower eyelid with her other hand. Like a child.

Lady Acer just smiles at Princess Scarlett and stops her tracks, no longer following us.

Princess Scarlett gently pulls me forward. We walk a couple of steps away from Lady Acer and when we're a couple of meters away from her, Lady Acer spoke something I don't understand but it seems that Princess Scarlett understands what she meant.

"Stop pretending"-Letty

Lady Acer was still smiling but the gentle tone of her voice disappeared like there was no happiness you can find in her tone. It's hard to determine her emotion through her voice.

Lady Acer's eyes narrowed in delight and let out an amusing smile before her smile turn into a mysterious smile.

Princess Scarlett flinches at Lady Acer's words, she turns her back to look at her and lets out a mysterious smile like Lady Acer.

I don't know why but I felt that Princess Scarlett at this time is different. I think somebody would be scared when they saw Princess like this because you won't expect the mischievous Princess to let out an expression like this.

But for me, I think it's interesting. I don't feel scared at all.

'Maybe something is wrong with me?'

Princess Scarlett's smile faded and turn her back, she pulls me gently and headed towards a secluded place.

I glance at Princess from the corner of my eye and saw her expressionless, like the smile that appeared earlier didn't happen.

"Is something wrong?"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett notices me looking at her and turns her head toward me to look at me with a gentle smile on her face as she wondered why I'm looking at her.

"No, I just wondered how you and Lady Acer got along with each other as if you met each other before even though you said you recently met her"-Diana

I wondered and ask Princess Scarlett with a slightly confused look on my face, looking straight into Princess Scarlett's gentle red eyes.

"Maybe because we're like the same person"-Scarlett

Princess let out a chuckle before answering my question. Her eyes turned even gentler when she chuckles, smiling sweetly before she looks away and looks at the scenery outside the window.

"I see"-Diana

I muttered to myself, looking at the side of Princess's face. Not knowing what she's thinking.

We continued to walk with our hands linked together for a couple of minutes before Princess Scarlett stop walking.

"Close your eyes"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett leans forward and whispers. I could see her face up close some of Princess Scarlett's hair touch my face making my face itchy.

Princess Scarlett's sweet voice penetrated my ears and her breath hit my face causing my face and the tip of my ears to redden.

I could feel my face and ears heating up.

Probably because I didn't respond to Princess and looked at her face with a dazed look, Princess Scarlett's hand appeared in my sight and it became close and closer until her hand cover my sight.


I called out her name in a question, wondering why she covered my sight with her hand.

"Close your eyes and I'll let go of my hand"-Scarlett

Princess said to me gently as if she were speaking to a child.

Since my sight is blocked by Princess Scarlett hand's, all of my other senses increase. I could hear Princess Scarlett's breathing, smell her fragrance and hear Princess Scarlett's small movements.


I mumbled, a little daze after I smelled her fresh fruity fragrance. I unconsciously close my eyed and after closing my eyes, I feel the heat of Princess's hand leaving my face and feel slightly lost.


I heard let out a chuckle and before I could respond to Princess Scarlett, I felt a hand on the back of my legs and my back.


I let out a shriek when Princess Scarlett carries me like a princess. I clung to Princess's neck and tightened my grip, afraid of falling.

"Pr-princess?! Wh-what are you doing?!"-Diana

I yelled in panic with my eyes still tightly shut. I put my forehead to Princess's shoulder, afraid of her looking at my flush face.

"Don't worry, we're going to my secret place"-Scarlett

Princess reassured me with her gentle voice. Even without seeing her face, I could still imagine her smiling gently as she looks at me.

This is embarrassing


I like it.

[Author's note]

Check out my Ko-Fi if you like to support me!


and just so you know, i don't reread my chapters but hopefully in the future i'll reread them if i have enough time

Get a room please…and Lady Acer here a.k.a Letty, don’t ruin their moment especially since you have a wife! I’m watching you….

Anyway! Thank you for reading this chapter and have a nice day!

The person …..

Silv3rRos3creators' thoughts
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