
Wulan and customer

After Wulan and the customer get the number, Wulan intensely talks together and discusses the book. A few minutes later, Wulan realized if the customer is a writer who spends almost every day writing in the cafe & bookstore Wulan.

Wulan is so happy and makes a feeling to start from being a newbie writer. Finally Wulan knows the name is Miko, Miko writer with genre romance and diligence for publishing the book.

Miko and Wulan are close to talking about writers, sometimes spend the time talking about genre writers. Instead Leo spy in behind Wulan , after knowing about Miko Leo tries to search for a bad attitude Miko but so far Leo has not yet gotten the want to bad attitude.

"What are you doing Leo? " ask Jessica with curiosity.

" I am spy Wulan and Miko, the guy which changed the number,' answer Leo

"Why did you do that, realized Leo wulan doesn't want to be with you."

"I am trying to be the best Jess? '

"I know but you should realize you don't have a chance," says Jessica with touch shoulder Leo.

Lia now has time for lunch together with Brian, but a few minutes later Lia realizes about Wulan which is talking Brian and makes us curious.

Brian who sees Lia silence just touch shoulder, Lia realizes and finally Brian and Lia lunch together. Both of them are talking about work and one minute topic change, talking about the love of life.

Lia who is curious about the love of life Brian finally knows about it. Lia just listens to the story seriously like Brian secret admires with the girl in the senior high school but finally Brian tries to be a secret admirer. Brian decided to let it go as a secret admirer.

"How about you , Lia?" ask Brian to see eyes Lia deep.

"I never have a relationship, busy graduate college and trying to help Wulan to be an older sister with responsibility," said Lia with drinking ice lemon tea.

"Why can you be focused , sometimes women are so difficult to be focused on."

"I don't know maybe destiny," answered Lia suddenly.

While Sinta is busy with studying suddenly there are boys seniors coming to the class to introduce Sinta.Sinta don't want to introduce them because Sinta wants to focus on studying.

After a girls senior bullying Sinta, Sinta decides to be an acceleration class and wants to graduate from senior high school.

One week ago, Sinta searched for acceleration and Sinta asked the administration office, while Sinta asked if there were other students asked too.

"Sin, after school what do you want?" ask friends Sinta to see Sinta busy with books and stay at the table.

"Study at the cafe my older sister, do you want to join?" ask Sinta to see the friend.

"Oh, ok but may I invite my friend?"ask friends Sinta.

A few minutes later Sinta finished school and hurried up to the cafe. While going to cafe Wulan, best friend Sinta takes other friends.

Best friend Sinta introduced other friends, the name Shandy. looks like a Korean boy, High may be 184 cm and white skin but he's like a blaster.

Shandy goes to the cafe while taking a bag with laptop, Shandy directly sits down and Wulan suddenly closes Sinta and asks Sinta about the boy.

Wulan is just curious and asks deep, Wulan also asks the best friend which Wulan thinks is close. Sinta is confused with Wulan because Wulan has felt different from Sinta.

Sinta just needs Wulan trust in Sinta, Wulan is also trying to trust even though they worry.

"Ok Sinta , but you don't want to tell the name of your best friend Sinta," asked Wulan with a touch shoulder Sinta.

"Oh my god, I forgot to tell the name of my friend?, sorry Lan."

"She's Annette," answer Sinta later.

"By the way, I see a form for acceleration Senior high school, really do you want to go to college soon?" ask Wulan seriously.

"Yeah, I am bored of school, I want to be free and help you with independence."

"Why bored?, senior high school is fun and free?, just enjoy the moment Sinta," advised Wulan with the new customer who came to the cafe.

While Shandy talks with Annette, Instead Sinta is busy with the study. A few minutes later, Sinta finished and asked Annette purpose Shandy for what.

Annette finally honestly says if Shandy is looking for a girlfriend. Sinta directly decides to ignore Shandy, Annette wants to talk more but Shandy suddenly stops Annette talk and if Sinta says no yeah no.

"You taking here just want to see your friend studying?" ask Shandy to Annette.

"Come on and you say want to get it the heart to be your girl friend which you say to me type

"I know but it is not a girl with a hard word to be a women carrier woman," says Shandy to Annette.

"What ever you want but I don't want to help you more, I'm bored and tired listening to you looking for a girl.

"Annette I know I am wrong but I am your cousin so, please help me."

"Do you know so well and listen to me please," asked Shandy which is following Annette.

"I don't know Shandy, I'll handle your problem," says Annette with hurry up and go home.

While Wulan is busy with the customer, suddenly Leo comes face mad. Wulan doesn't care and suddenly asks Miko to come to the cafe now.

A few minutes later, Miko came and asked what happened with Wulan. Wulan explains the problem with asking Miko to deceive to be boyfriend Wulan.

Miko is confused but Miko sees the situation with little understanding, and finally wants to help. Leo is difficult to understand but the position is true.

Finally Leo goes back home with disappointment, Leo mad and all things in the Office broken.

"All because Miko, I know how to get the Wulan come back," says Leo with mad.