
Lia, Sinta help Wulan

Lia who was shocked about the news when Wulan was pregnant, Wulan directly asked Sinta and Lia about helping Wulan take care of the baby.

Lia and Sinta just see each other with smiles, Wulan will ask again about the permission. Sinta and Lia don't say anything but a few minutes say I need to think.

Wulan gives a chance to think about both of them, Wulan which feels like a morning weakness decides to rest in the room. Instead of Nick in the house, still busy with the study magister. Even though I'm busy with the study, Nick still has time for me.

"Miko! , Congratulations to your father," Said Nick who is still busy studying.

" Nick, when you finish studying. you know very well now I will be busy with my wife and soon busy with my baby," Miko said with a smile.

"Please pray for me, because this situation is a little complicated and I think it needs a little miracle."

"By the way, are you still ok if you work with Jessica?" Miko said be careful.

"I don't know and pray for that."

Instead Jessica and Wulan hang out together in the morning. Jessica says anything about the feel now after Nick walks out. Wulan just can say it's ok to help Nick again, because Jessica really needs help.

Jessica just breathes so deep and hopes this situation can be better. meanwhile Wulan hopes this situation can be Wulan if something happens, because now Nick will be family.

Jessica feels this situation enough and forgets this situation. Wulan who is now Family with Nick asks Jessica not to do that, because Jessica may meet or something.

"Lan is ok, if I am not friends with Nick. I realize if I sometimes fight with Nick."

"Jessica I just give you advice, but you want to do like that it's ok," Wulan Said will still hope Jessica listens to Wulan advice.

"by the way, maybe you have an advice place for healing?" Jessica said with a scroll handphone.

"Jessica if you know the place but your heart and Think it's your problem."

"Maybe but I hope the best answer is the beach," Jessica said while looking for a hotel.

"Jessica, I don't know but I want to focus with study and this baby," Wulan said seriously.

"Yeah you are so busy and you should finish your study."

Meanwhile Sinta, which is now close with friends male. now busy with hangouts or something else. Both of them are ok but Lia which feels different, sometimes sees and sometimes follows both of them.

Lia, the guy who likes playboy but Lia doesn't say anything, Sinta knows about it but doesn't care about it. Even though both of them talk together and are now close.

Lia who now broke up with Brian, focused on the book store and tried to Bussines online. all ability Lia do it, because for help Lia from broke up.

Lia doesn't know how to be happy or else because this relationship is different from another relationship, so drama and Brian difficult to let it go Giselle.

"Sinta, you have homework or else?" Lia said it was busy with customers.

"Lia I am not a child, please understand me,"Sinta said with see Lia deep.

"Come on, I want you to finish this study."

"Lia I know but please let me understand what I want," Sinta said while leaving Lia busy with customers.

instead Miko is busy at the office, this day Miko is so hectic with the work and a lot of many clients which need help Miko.

Miko is sometimes busy and sometimes free, and then the project writes let it go Miko. I don't know what happened and this mood Miko likes roller coasters.

the project Miko this day made Miko go away from this city, this city is so small but a lot of people live here.

"Miko are you ready to move to another city?" the boss said with a touch body Miko.

"actually I don't know and I hope this job makes me a lot of many," Miko said with prepared tools on the table.

"I hope you can handle the new project here, but the boss wants you to grow up and so you have to move to another city."

"Thank you But this year maybe I want to holiday because my wife is pregnant.

The boss Miko is shocked and says congratulations but Miko doesn't have to choose, Next month Miko should move to another city."

Miko is happy the boss says congratulations but this decided to move to another city and still wants to discuss with Wulan.

Wulan says this news is confused and this day is so busy with studying etc. Wulan which so needs time for thinking finally thinks. Even though this situation is so hectic.

"Miko really I don't know because my head is so dizzy I think a lot of many," Wulan said with si down on the sofa

"Wulan thank you but this our family chances, next month or more we don't know," Miko said with this chance.

This situation is actually more than difficult with another but both of them are still thinking. All projects are so hard but this situation can handle Miko and Wulan.

meanwhile Giselle which spends time with Brian, now hangs out together. both of them work together again but Brian so pitiful. all in the brain a lot of many think about Lia.

"Do you still think about Lia?"

"Actually yeah but I don't know why I am still thinking about you, so difficult between you and Lia," Brian said with the blue sky.

"You still love Lia?"

"You are so foolish or you just test me?"

"No I just ask you and it's ok if you let it go," Giselle said with touch body Brian

Brian just think deep and hope this problem can handle, Brian actually can handle but still overthinking with decided in the future.