
Giselle and Brian

A few days later after Brian declined the declaration of love, Brian difficult to focus with the work. Instead Lia is so happy with the work.

Brian is now difficult to do something in the office, because Lia makes Brian want to try to make sure if Brian truly loves Lia and wants to do anything to Lia. The first time Brian feels like this, there are the girls declined, Giselle sees Brian look frustrating and confused in the office.

"Brian, I think you should learn to let it go Lia," Giselle said with a touch hand Brian.

"I don't know, when I let it go Lia. she's different from other girls. After I have moved on to you, I feel life and so happy with she's," Brian Said.

"Come on Brian, You can be happy without Lia," Gisele said with touch shoulder Brian.

Instead Lia and staff are busy meeting with clients, even though they are busy today. Lia is thinking about Brian because need help Brian.

Lia freezes when working, a few minutes still thinking Brian. 10 minutes Lia realizes if Brian comes and asks Lia why freeze. Lia suddenly asks Brian to talk in space.

Brian shocked and asks Lia to hurry up and talk about it, Lia sees Brian deep and Lia talks about this job last project because want to Brian change the city and Lia feels the need to grow up.

Brian freezes also thinking after Giselle gives advice to Brian. Brian suddenly asks Lia need time to think about it,Lia says thank you and goes to the space Lia.

While Wulan and Jessica again talk about Miko, now Wulan talks more than usual. Jessica is curious and thinks if Wulan looks likely trying to know more than Miko.

"Lan, actually what happened to you?" Jessica asks Wulan close to Wulan.

"I am ok just thinking about Miko, why want to meet with me and promote the books."

"He still wants to get your girlfriend."

"Oh my goodness, I don't know about it and I want to focus on studying."

"Really do you want to focus on studying?"

"Jessica, this time I am studying and I want to like Miko to have a side job."

5 days ago, Miko thought about the new chapter of the book. Trying to get inspiration in villages and interaction with local people.

Miko is trying to talk with local people, so a lot of people don't know if Miko writes the book. Instead people think of Miko students on campus.

Miko spent just 2 days before being promoted, So happy to do that. Even though this situation is about Miko which is about Wulan.

"Why are you so hard to say I am close to you," Miko said and saw the picture of Wulan.

"Hey boy, what are you doing?" village head said

"Oh, I just waited for my friend to reply to my message."

"Oh, try to call your friend."

"Oh no, I am a little busy this year and now it's just refreshing before going back to work."

Village heads just say it's ok to call your friend to make you better, sometimes you feel the need to calm down. Miko just freezes and thinks again village heads say.

While Brian suddenly met with Gisele and talked about Lia who asked to move to another city, Giselle was so happy with making sure Brian this good chance. Brian needs time to do that.

Brian and Giselle go back to each other, Brian sits on the sofa and thinks asked Lia. Inner Brian says it's so hard to do this but this is the best thing if Brian thinks deep, Brian finally thinks with close eyes and hopes the answer is the best.

"I think this is the solution for Lia but this situation I think is so hard."

A few minutes later, Giselle calls Brian and asks Brian about the answer Lia. Brian with confidence, answers and hopes this situation can be the best solution.

Giselle also asks who the next leader, Brian says still says Lia after Brian found the change leader here. Giselle is not happy with the answer Brian.

Instead Wulan who is curious about Miko, finally went back to focus for study. Wulan focuses and suddenly Sinta comes to the cafe with a tired face. Wulan asks Sinta to eat or else, Sinta just say needs to take a break.

"Your study busy schedule?" Wulan asked to take the ice tea.

"Yeah, and do you still not answer Miko?" Sinta ask

"Oh my goodness, why ask about Miko again, I am busy with studying so please understand me."

Sinta just smiles and suddenly opens the bag and then takes a text book also busy with studying. Wulan asked again but Sinta closed the ear to headphones Bluetooth. Wulan just makes hair Sinta messy.

Sinta screams and asks Wulan to say yes to Miko, Wulan directly say don't know and goes back to work. Sinta is busy with study, and suddenly gets a text message from another study acceleration.

The boy needs help with Sinta. Sinta is confused and doesn't care about it. Sinta just replied to the busy day and needed to take a break. Sinta is back to study, the boy replies again and says in front of cafe Wulan.

Sinta is shocked and directly asks Wulan to accompany Sinta meet with the guy and then ask the guy to go away.

"So you can go away?" Wulan asked with little fear.

"I just want to study together with Sinta," the guy answered.

"But I am afraid of you and I can handle this study."

"Ok I will go away if you want to help me," the guy asked Sinta.

Suddenly there are guys who look like gentle men, ask the customer to go away without requirements. Because the girl really is not comfortable with you. The gentleman customer says that and the destroyer has no chance to finally go away.

Sinta feels better after the destroyer goes away. The gentleman guy says the name Nick.