
Busy day

A day in my life, Wulan Azahra Putri Bussines women cafe and bookstore. Wulan has two young sisters Amalia Rizki Amanda and Sinta Nur Indah. After our parents pass away Amalia responsibilty life the sister etc.

Today Wulan wants to go to the cafe because there are meetings with new clients, but Lia wants to talk to Wulan for just 10 minutes.

Wulan tried to explain the schedule today but Lia little pushed Wulan.

"Please Lan, just 10 minutes I want to talk today?" said Lia with touch Wulan close.

"lunch time talk?" answer Wulan

"I need today and just 10 minutes so I have interviews at the office today. I need your prayers for today I get the job."

"Omg, I don't know about that. I am so busy with this meeting,"said Wulan.

"I know, you have to do the best for our lives etc."

"Don't say that, I just do like our parents," said Wulan with a hug Lia.

"So, you need help to go to your office or else? , tell me now."

"No, I can do it but I just need your prayers for me."

"if you need anything call me," said Wulan in a hurry to go to meetings.

A few minutes, Wulan meetings with a client which is a good friend at school some years. Jessica Andita, Jessica with a panic attack. Wulan will be confused and think big with Jessica.

Jessica knows about that and tells me anything about the problem. Wulan knows about it but doesn't understand Jessica if something happens when the guy knows or realizes about it.

Finally Wulan needs time to think of a request for Jessica to meet the crush, and then Jessica feels better decided on Wulan and wants to wait for the answer.

"Thank you so much Wulan about your help to me, really I don't know who can help me about this problem. after this we will meet ok," said Jessica so easily.

"I'm still thinking and I don't know if I want to help you or not."

"I believe you can do my little ask," answer Jessi with an open laptop and try presentation.

"But Jes, why did you reject the guy. when I heard from you. the guy was a nice person and worked hard."

"He's not my type and I don't want to spend time with him."

"Jessica nobody is always your type sometimes you will get it is not your type."

"Back to meetings lan, so you agree with me if the concept is like my office or you have an idea?"

"Yeah it's ok, I just give you rent a place for introducing your company platform digital writer."

"Ok I will tell my boss and I will send you reports to my boss," said Jessica with a close laptop and hurry up.

Wulan with a dizzy situation, mad and confused with these problems. first time blind date, and then Wulan back to home.

Sit down on the sofa in the living room with massage forehead slippers, one minute Sinta joins the sit down sofa with Wulan.

Sinta asks Wulan what happened with her, but Wulan just answers need time. Sinta is curious about the answer but Sinta doesn't care and focuses on studying.

Wulan is still dizzy with the problem, Lia comes from interviews. Lia the same with Wulan looks dizzy but Lia likes to know what happened with Wulan.

"Lan, are you ok?" said Lia with a hug Wulan tight.

"I am not ok, but I need time to explain it." answer Wulan's change to the room.

"Lan, take care of your time."

"Lia you coming home, what happened with Wulan?" asked Sinta which is to eat chips on the sofa.

"Something happens I think, I hope we can support Wulan, so pity Wulan almost 33 she's still single."

"Don't say that, maybe Wulan has a crush."

"Who? I know Wulan is always busy with bookstores & cafes, and I don't have time for a relationship with the guy."

Place Jessica, Jessica meets with the guy who wants to introduce Wulan. He's active in asking more Wulan but once again wants to make sure Jessica really doesn't want to know more about the personality of the guy.

The guys Leo, he's staff on office father Jessica. He's a good man and just one man from the family. The family wants to be married and have more than 2 kids.

Leo and Jessica do like this because they don't have to choose, and then no have more time looking for other women. In the last minute think before Jessica's meeting with Wulan, Jessica has this idea.

It's so hard to decide this solution, because Jessica knows very well about Wulan, who still wants to focus on the sisters. So, as long as the sisters need Wulan and Wulan as long live Wulan wants to help the sister.

"Once again thank you for helping me Jes, even though I don't know the future. She wants to be my girlfriend or more than." said Leo with a vape.

"Me too Leo, I feel better and I hope there is little happiness for my best friend Wulan."

"Before live Wulan very struggling and I feel you will look like so pity but she's lucky can do like she's want to be Bussineswomen." said Jessica with remembered when was school with Wulan on Senior high school.

"Ok I will be waiting for your progress about Wulan, thank you and I hope you can find your husband soon," said Leo with a go to car.

10 years ago parents Wulan

"Darling, don't do that," said Mother Wulan with a baby Lia which is still 6 months and Wulan has Elementary school.

"Mom, when is Lia like my mother still with us right?" ask Wulan to see mother's eyes.

"Pray for mother ok," said Mother Wulan.


"Lan, what happened, are you ok?" ask Lia and Sinta at the same time which is listening to Wulan scream in the room.

"I was dreaming about my mother when I was a child."

"Oh you missing mother, do you want I am here with you?" ask Lia to take water.

"Whatever you want," answer Wulan while trying to breathe.

Beside that, Sinta will be crying when the mother comes to dream Wulan.