
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 32 : Akira's True Character

"From this moment on I will live for myself and revenge will be just the thing I will do while living my new life to the fullest" - Akira muttered with new resolve as he felt his strength grow exponentially.

"..." - Akira closed his eyes and felt the changes taking place in him.

Akira felt his physical and magical power greatly increase, and he even felt his magic power become purer and denser.

In addition, he felt that his head was clearer and more stable, so that his Spiritual Strength leaped powerfully, and he obtained information about two new skills.

The first is called the king's aura, as its name suggests it is a kind of superior pressure released by the king who rules everything in his kingdom.

The other was the clairvoyance possessed by Demon King Solomon from Fate go, allowing him to see past, present and future.

"Status screen" - Akira muttered with obvious curiosity in his voice.


{ personal status }

Name: Akira Nefuji

age 16

Gender: male

Race: Divine Spirit

Sub-race: Human

Template: Gilgamesh - Progress: 50%

Title: The embodiment of the King of Heroes, the favorite person of the Goddess of Fortune

Category: none

Breed: None

Contracting Spirits: None

Active effects: none

Agriculture: none

Halo: none

[basic abilities]

Strength: E

Agility: E

Endurance: E

Intelligence: E

Luck: Max

{ skills }

[Babylon Gate - Level: Al-Aqsa - Type: Active]

[Status Window - Level: Maximum - Type: Active]

[Manipulation of Lust - Level: Maximum - Type: Active]

[Weapon Master - Level: Maximum - Type: Passive]

[Golden Rule - Level: Maximum - Type: Negative]

[Cooking - Level: 75/100 - Type: Passive]

[Housework - Level: 20/100 - Type: Negative]

[Basketball Mastery - Level: 32/100 - Type: Passive]

[Mastery Acting - Level: 72/100 - Type: Active and Passive]

[Silent Steps - Level: 70/100 - Type: Active and Passive]

[Physical manipulation - Level: 71 / 100 - Type: Active]

[Poison Mastery - Level: 70 / 100 - Type: Active]

[Weapon Concealment Mastery - Level: 73/100 - Type: Active and Passive]

[Hide Presence - Level: 76/100 - Type: Active and Passive]

[Disguise - Level: 70 / 100 - Type: Active]

[Drawing Mastery - Level: Maximum - Type: Negative]

[King's Aura - Level: Maximum - Type: Passive and Active]

[Clairvoyance - Level: Maximum - Type: Active]

[Extreme Magical Energy - Level: 1/100 - Type: Passive]

[Extreme Magic Resistance - Level: 1/100 - Type: Passive]

[Extreme Vitality - Level: 1/100 - Type: Passive]

[Extreme Stamina - Level: 1/100 - Type: Passive]

[Extreme Durability - Level: 1/100 - Type: Passive]

[Extreme Agility - Level: 1/100 - Type: Passive]

[Extreme Feedback - Level: 1/100 - Type: Passive]

[Spiritual Power {Ancient} - Level: 1/100 - Type: Passive]


"Huh, looks like my strength has broken through to the next stage" - Akira murmured upon seeing how the description had changed from superhuman to formidable and from formidable to ancient.

"Now it's time for you to become whole," Akira muttered softly. "Zavkiel."

tik tak*

An ancient golden-colored clock, with twelve Roman numerals and different gears constantly moving, appeared behind Akira and his clothes changed into a black and red tuxedo. The golden inorganic clock in his left eye began to move counterclockwise.

"Yod" - Akira mumbled and pointed his flintlock at number 10 (X), and from there a dark crimson cloud came and entered the muzzle of the gun.

Akira pointed to his head, then pulled the trigger and shot himself without hesitation.

After shooting himself, Akira begins to retrieve his body's memories from his birth in this world.

Akira fell unconscious with a slight smile as he recalled his memories that he was afraid of.

It's true that Akira was afraid that he would forget his child and his student and live happily after retrieving these memories, so he didn't even try to retrieve them and ignored Zafkiel's existence until now.

But now the knot in his heart has been resolved and he is no longer afraid of change because he is sure that he will not forget his son and his student and certainly that woman he wanted to kill even though he no longer cares about her that much.

after two hours .

Akira woke up after sleeping for two hours and remembered all his memories except for the memories from before he was 3 years old.

For some reason, even using Zafkiel, Akira couldn't access these memories and there seemed to be a very strong seal on them.

But Akira decided to ignore it for now because it wasn't that important.

"But this sub-system is very suitable for me" - Akira muttered with a sadistic smile at the thought of playing with the heroes to dry them of points.

True, this was Akira's true personality, someone who doesn't care about anything, but is a sadist who enjoys seeing others suffer.

Akira didn't know if his personality was affected by the time he was in the union or what personality he would have had if he lived a normal life but he didn't care because that was Akira.

After a while Akira stopped thinking about it because he was too lazy to think too much about something he didn't care about, then got up and headed to his room where Mashiro was sleeping to wake her up because it was time to go to Chihiro.


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