
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 25: Mission Completed l

"Is this the place?" - Akira asked as they stood in front of a cave hidden in the mountains.

"That's right, according to the analysis of the Great Sage, there are 32 people inside," Shin answered Akira's question from the information provided by Rimuru.

"Stay alert and let's go in" - said Akira and walked in front of everyone and muttered - "Starsuit Liberation: Ulhim".

Once Olheim is freed, Akira's spiritual power surrounds his body and Akira's clothes change into a black and red tuxedo.

"Master, what is this?" - asked Alpha curiously, looking at Akira's star suit.

"An astral suit made of my spiritual power is something that only spirits can use, which gives me extremely strong defense," Akira explained the astral suit simply to the Alpha.

Although the star suit provided great defense for Akira, it was consuming his Spiritual Strength very quickly, so he had avoided using it until now.

At first, Akira thought that he was very strong, but after coming to this world, he discovered that he is weak compared to the real strong, and he needs to quickly extract Gilgamesh's strength.

According to Akira's current estimation, he could only be considered a slightly stronger mortal, but if he could obtain Gilgamesh's full strength, he should be considered a somewhat powerful person.

Fortunately, he had the Babel Gate, or he would have died fighting the bandits earlier.

Babel's Gate is an amazing skill that allows him to shoot Noble Illusions like a machine gun, sweeping away his opponents.

Unfortunately, her consumption of magic power was no joke, and he had to be careful not to let out an illusion noble of grade B or above, because it would drain his magic power.

Akira snapped out of his thoughts and refocused on the road as he carefully examined the surrounding logic.

Akira's caution was as natural as breathing because he had been stalked for 5 years in his past life day and night.

Even after settling for a few years when he got married, falsifying information, avoiding contact with his pursuers, and living a normal life, but after that incident, his whereabouts were revealed, and he could only escape with the corpse of his child and student.

"There are two people ahead," Akira whispered to the group upon seeing the two people's spirits.

Although he says he sees spirits, he is right and wrong at the same time because he cannot see a soul because it is hidden within the Spiritual Sea or the Spiritual Realm, whatever the name is.

But although the soul is hidden, it is linked to the body, and if the body is harmed, the soul is harmed. Akira, as a divine spirit, has the talent to see people's souls and the colors of souls.

Most human beings have a gray soul, which means that he is a sane and normal person with a few minor sins, while a child has a white soul, which indicates that he has not committed any sin and that he is pure without malice.

As for the criminals who commit major sins and the murderers who commit sin willingly and enjoy it, their souls tend to be dark purple and black.

There might be other colors but these were the only colors Akira knew.

And these two guards had purple souls, which meant they weren't very good people.

But Akira was not a person to judge anyone by the color of his soul but if he could use it or not he could use it and his soul color was definitely not good because he had committed many sins even though he had never seen the color of his soul before but he was sure that it was a purple color dark or black

But despite everything, it was a useful skill because no one could escape from it until now.

"Shido and I will sneak up behind them and finish them off in one fell swoop," Akira said, looking at Shido, who nodded in agreement.

Upon seeing Aimee Shido, a golden ripple appeared next to Akira and a simple katana emerged from it.

Akira picked up the katana and turned the slime Shido into a sword and they were ready to pounce on the guards.

"Now!!" - Akira commanded and used his skill {Silent Steps} and appeared behind one of the guards silently, and Shido did the same and used his movement skill and appeared behind the guard silently.

The skill {Silent Steps} wasn't just a skill that reduced noise when moving, but it increased lightness and speed and allowed you to cover a distance of 10~15 meters in a single step, making it similar to short-duration teleportation.

With a quick movement, the guards' heads separated from their bodies without getting a chance to realize they were dead.

"2 down, 30 left" - muttered Akira as he flicked the blood off his sword.


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