
Chapter 1 (Part 5) = Nephilim's Eyes Glow

The sky darkened, and a powerful aura of dread enveloped the battlefield. One of the nephilim from the Dark Triad, towering and imposing, stepped forward. His voice, dripping with contempt, resonated across the desolate landscape.

"This earth no longer belongs to the inhabitants of man," he declared. "We are the Nephilim, the Dark Triad. We are more important than you."

Without warning, he lunged at Ayomide, who barely managed to parry the attack. The air around them crackled with energy as they engaged in fierce combat.

"Understand this, human," the Nephilim continued, his voice a sinister growl. "You die, and your seed forgets, but we do not. You betrayed your creator, and he has left you with us. You must obey and serve us. This is our earth now, and everything here will submit to our will."

"What the heck are you talking about?" Ayomide shouted, his confusion evident as he fought back with all his might.

The Nephilim's eyes glowed with a malevolent light. "Once we control this earth, we will complete our mission and take over all the stars of heaven. Our leader will not be like the Most High, but he will become the Most High. We will inherit the earth, then we will inherit the heavens."

With a swift motion, the Nephilim used his vibrational energy, creating a force so powerful that it dragged Ayomide towards him. Ayomide struggled, his body straining against the invisible pull.

"Tell your friends that we are coming for all of you," the Nephilim hissed, a cruel smile spreading across his face. With a flick of his wrist, he transported Ayomide away, leaving a chilling sense of foreboding in his wake.