
Italian Diavolo’s Payback love

L_Mendez · Fantasy
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1 Chs

My Mafia Łøver


Isabella Russo, a girl who came from a troubled and broken home. Her father would try to sell her and beat her while her mother would tell her how useless and how unloved she was. Her mother and father would love drugs and money more than her. Isabella is currently 17 living in Sicily, Italy. She works at a strip club down in an alley way. The only way she can eat is by earning her own money by working. The strip club is usually only allowed for people who the owner knows personally and won't complain to the police. The club has a lot of girls from the ages 16-18. Although if their under the age of 18 the guests cannot touch the employees without permission or consent. Isabella's club owner is Sergio Romano better known as the most powerful mafia leader in Sicily, Italy. He grew up in a family who didn't show him much love and affection except for his mother. His father would sleep around with most of the women and would get himself involved with the wrong mafias. One day his father got involved with the wrong mafia and they wanted payback. They came to his house and wanted to kill him. They thought his mother was Sergio's father and shot her. Sergio saw the whole thing and never involved himself with that mafia anymore. Now the "Italian male," is rivals with the "Italian diavolo." Sergio is going to get revenge and payback if that's the last thing he does. Sicily, Italy has a lot coming for it.