
Itai shoukan : Painful summon

Ryouta matoi who was in a paralytic state all his life was released from the hospital and finally goes home, only to find he had a sister , but had lost his memories of her, after regaining his memories and when no one seems to remember her, he takes it upon himself to look for her. but before he could he got summoned to another world were he is to become a fugitive.

Miyukikurogane · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Karte 17: Battle starts again

"Ok everyone it's about time", Ryouta tells everyone it's time for them to take action, a man who had kept mute, suddenly walked in front of him and with a proud smile, he said "Blackie, you became a real man". It was James, and he seemed to be pleased with Ryouta's behavior since, it was a natural reaction to anyone who witnessed Ryouta's show of determination. Ryouta gave the man a conceited smile. The plan was progressing as it should the group that would head out with Ryouta were chosen to fit his strengths and weaknesses, the three individuals that would support Ryouta were, a man in his sliver cloak, which matched his silver eyes and white hair and a hood made from strong fiber with a pouch in each of his legs, the pouch was filled with strange cards like objects. Felix Rugroad a mage with exceptional abilities, he was a 5th tier mage and his primary magic was spirit guide and light magic, he was a man with an awkwardly self-absorbed personality but was deemed a criminal after he injured and nearly killed a small group of people in a market in Ou- topos, he was sent to this island afterwords. Another criminal who was to support Ryouta was a man whose appearance was anything but graceful, he had the stench of booze surrounding him choking all who came near, with his dark blue hair and golden eyes, his chin covered in unkept and poorly trimmed hairs, he wore a black shirt with armor strapped on, and he had a cape weirdly tied on his back. Reurig Fordson, he was a skill's user but could use 6th tier magic unlike dare, but the man look like he was a bar fly capable of accomplishing nothing as he held his liquor close to his chest in an attempt to show how much it mattered, information about his crimes before being sent to the island was something he refused to give out. The final companion that had joined Ryouta was a beautiful woman, her body was toned to perfection it was obvious even through her black clothing and light revealing armor which seemed to expose a large area of her cleavage, her hair was deep crimson, her red eyes were art worthy of a museum and her confidence was immense. Martha scarlet, she was an outstanding support magic with both healing and combat magic, she used 4th tier magic, and she is skilled enough to heal severed limbs, and she uses earth and holy magic. The woman had a lot of pride, as her confidence in her powers and beauty were almost terrifying. The four were heading out to the ports, Felix and Martha, were to take care of the guards on the ports except for the one closest to Geraint because he had to kill at least one guard for their plan for Ryouta to be a criminal to work. Reurig and Ryouta were to subdue the knight Geraint.

「 Back at the group hall」

Shiva was hiding in a spot about 45 meters away from their territory awaiting the threat that was Nacht, while the others were battling other criminals from several groups, they were calmly defeating groups after groups. The plan was to not attempt to play the battle Royale as normal, instead await different groups attacks and once Luna would return from her mission later on they would use the information gotten to launch an attack of their own to various groups, this was a method devised by their very capable leader Clement Engrossia. "James back the rear up they have an injured person", Dare had told James as the groups attacking and fight not only their group but themselves as well began to cause damage in a much wider scale, "Barrier‼︎", James had raised a 7th tier barrier on their base, and they fought against the opposition.

Nacht whom Shiva, patiently awaited his Arrival, had finally shown up, Shiva jumped out on him as he approached the group hall, then she used illusion magic to make him stop in his tracks, thinking he had already arrived, but Nacht had already noticed something was wrong.

He took numerous steps back before taking a giant leap as he burst through shivas line of sight. He broke free from the illusion through sheer will power. As the light from the night sky emanated throughout their surroundings, and its beautiful light had bounced off Nacht's sword glimmering, the beauty of the sword was on display for all to see, As the silence between the man who was intoxicated by the beauty of his sword as well as the surrounding and Shiva herself, grew to be unbearable. The man broke the silence, "A beautiful night, is it not", Shiva's eyes widen, and she hesitated as the man had broken out of her illusion magic with that much ease. "Monster, you don't even have one single feeling of guilt even after the number of lives you've taken", the man smiled as if all the animosity Shiva felt was rather pleasant, "The frightened face you're making miss is rather conspicuous, that it is, it would seem I have scared this little flower, I hope it would not wither and die, that I must say". Shiva made no effort to keep listening to man's words of concern. " I have frightened the flower, and I'm yet to give my name, how barbaric of me, that I was, my name is Nacht, I don't possess a family name, that I don't". She paid little to no attention to the man's rhetoric. "Shiva Cresto, displeased to make your acquaintance". The man tilted his head in a weird manner, looking confused, it seemed Shiva's perception of him was terrible, "now i don't understand how you would be suspicious of me, we have not met before yet you act in such a way unfit for a lady such as yourself, uncanny, this suddenly act of distrust would be best described as Uncanny, that it would". She noticed the man had been talking for an extended period of time, it would seem he had been stalling, "but for what purpose"?, Shiva asked herself in an attempt to decipher the meaning behind his stalling. She came to a conclusion, "regardless the reason, I have to act now, this person is dangerous", she decided to deliver the first blow, interrupting the man's speech," 4th tier magic, flame spears". A barrage of spears made of fire attacked Nacht.

Nacht exhales, in a manner that was to show disappointment, "after a rude response now this, a rather uncouth behavior for a lady, that it is". The man dodged each spear as if he were dancing whilst showing intense swordsmanship as he cut some of the spears, Shiva hurried through the smokescreen the spears had created in an attempt to blindside him, she jumped up and used a whip made of magic she cast prior, to finally deal a heavy blow on the man. The sounds of battle had finally reached the ears of the others, Dare orders them to take the weapons they had and head towards the scene.

Sorry I took a week break, I’ll be release more this time. Thank you and pls continue to support me

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