
Itachi Uchiha awakening on Mogar (Supreme Magus SI)

Itachi Uchiha, the terminator of his clan, finds himself living in a new world. Whether it is reincarnation or taking over the body of someone else will only become clear as he navigates this unfamiliar life. This world is one of wonder, filled with griffons, dragons, phoenixes, and magic. What will happen when a ninja who brought peace to the entire Ninja World suddenly loses his purpose? How will he adapt to a place where mythical creatures soar the skies and magic is a reality? What will he feel when confronted with talking legacies and ancient secrets? As Itachi embarks on this new life, he grapples with his past and the weight of his actions. Will he find happiness in this fantastical world, or will he continue to live in guilt over his former life? Follow Itachi’s journey of self-discovery, redemption, and the search for peace in a realm unlike any he has ever known. Credits: All rights of Supreme Magus are held by Legion20. All rights of Naruto characters are held by Masashi Kishimoto. Image is copied and can be changed if requested.

sam0304 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Cursed Objects

Lith rose his hand.


"I can understand most of the items I saw in the Prize Hall, and link their properties with the six elements. But I don't get how Warp Steps and dimensional items work. What element do they belong to?"

"Excellent question. The answer is: to all of them. The only force that can bend space and time is gravity. Powerful Forgemasters of the past, discovered that air and earth magic are the bare minimum to create such powerful gravity.

But to stabilize it, to make such items not only reproducible but also to allow fine control over them, all the elements were required. It's a field of research that has never gone dry, there are still so many things to explain."

This talk made Samuel remember about the scrolls in his previous life. An average-sized scroll is small enough that several can be carried at the same time, either in a flak jacket or in a pouch In addition to writing on scrolls, ninja use them to summon creatures, people, and items, making transportation easier and providing more options when on a mission. Some techniques can also be stored in scrolls.

This made Samuel realize that his previous life knowledge could help him in this situation, as spell holding rings, dimensional rings are just completing the tasks of the scrolls. This decision made Samuel thanked for his mission to look for orochimaru as his lab contained all the Uzumaki scrolls and jutsus which allowed him to learn almost all the seals of ninja world.

While he thought of scrolls, he never under the reason behind their existence. Why only specific symbols worked and why did others not?

But his thought process was short-lived when Professor Wanemyre proceeded to explain how they would manage the rest of the course. She wouldn't allow any of them inside the training hall again, until they had learned the theory behind forgemastering.

Having students messing around with magic circles was too dangerous, since high density mana was highly volatile and could cause huge explosions, if not controlled properly.

After that, they would need to memorize all the basic runes and how to combine them, until being able to produce all the basic enchanted items.

Only those who passed all the tests would be admitted to the fifth year, learning how to add multiple properties to a single item.

While the lecture was ending unknown to all a small object suddenly entered the hall and reached Lith's leg and later turned into a ring.

While all the people ignored the same, it was caught in eyes of Samuel who looked towards Lith and then decided to not pry further in front of all the students

While all the students went here and there Samuel went towards the library to pick up more knowledge about this world and that's where he met Lith interacting with librarian.

"I'll borrow these books, please." He said.

The clerk was shocked by the amount, it was more than the average person would borrow in a whole year.

"Sorry sir, the max allowed is three books at a time."

Samuel went towards Lith and stated, "He can borrow books on my student id right?"

Lith turned around surprised to see Samuel here.

He shrugged the shoulder and said, "No need, I can issue these books later."

Lith clicked his tongue, picking the book for Solus and a tier four spellbook each for the War Mage and Battle Mage specialization.

Samuel decided to ignore the same and went towards the librarian asking if reading hall was empty and picked up 2 books titled – History of garlen continent and other being mysteries on Mogar.

While the Book on Continent mentioned about three countries on Garlen, including Gorgon Empire, Griffon Kingdom and Desert.

The other book was much more interesting as it talked about undead, Red mother, living legacies and cursed objects. Cursed objects are called Living Legacies. They actively seek cursed objects to enslave them to their will. Living Legacies would never help their masters; they only wait for their captor's destruction to regain their freedom and find a victim they can subdue. Abominations and cursed objects are like minded - they seek slaves, not companions.

Cursed objects are designed to eventually fuse with their host, sharing both their mana signature and life force, making it impossible to distinguish between the two.[25] A cursed object is more vulnerable as long as they are connected to their host. Any wound the host receives would badly affect the relic's mental state and drain its energy.[

This made Samuel realize that object on Liths Hand might be living legacy but Lith Didn't appeared to be mind control.

Deciding its his chance to meet someone who used spirit magic, Samuel entered Lith's room and knocked on outside.

Lith already irritated about not being able to borrow books was angered on hearing the knock but still answered.

When he saw Samuel, he was about to close the door but stopped when he heard his next words.

"I saw your ring moving it's a cursed object."

Lith was initially shocked and his eyes showed the same surprise, he was thinking his next steps what to do but was further shocked by next words when he heard Samuels next words.

Samuel seeing Lith's hand added, "I have informed three people that I am visiting your dorm so it's best you don't try anything outside."

Lith invited Samuel inside with a smile.

Inside Lith expression changed and he asked Samuel, "What do you want?"

Seeing Lith raging emotions he asked, "First of all is it the cursed object or Lith speaking?"

Lith was about to loose his temper but controlled himself and asked "What the hell is cursed object and my ring is not cursed?"

Seeing the discussion not going anywhere, Samuel dropped another bomb, "I am also user of true magic like you."