
Itachi Uchiha awakening on Mogar (Supreme Magus SI)

Itachi Uchiha, the terminator of his clan, finds himself living in a new world. Whether it is reincarnation or taking over the body of someone else will only become clear as he navigates this unfamiliar life. This world is one of wonder, filled with griffons, dragons, phoenixes, and magic. What will happen when a ninja who brought peace to the entire Ninja World suddenly loses his purpose? How will he adapt to a place where mythical creatures soar the skies and magic is a reality? What will he feel when confronted with talking legacies and ancient secrets? As Itachi embarks on this new life, he grapples with his past and the weight of his actions. Will he find happiness in this fantastical world, or will he continue to live in guilt over his former life? Follow Itachi’s journey of self-discovery, redemption, and the search for peace in a realm unlike any he has ever known. Credits: All rights of Supreme Magus are held by Legion20. All rights of Naruto characters are held by Masashi Kishimoto. Image is copied and can be changed if requested.

sam0304 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 6: Samuel's Awakening

As Samuel continued to grow, several realizations dawned upon him. Firstly, he began to think of himself as Samuel, embracing this new identity in his adopted world. Secondly, he came to understand that this was not a mere illusion or genjutsu; he had indeed been reincarnated into a new body in a different world. This revelation shook him initially, yet he found a strange acceptance in the truth of his new existence.

Thirdly, the harsh reality sank in: he would not experience the warmth and belonging of a traditional family in this life. Reflecting on the women he vaguely remembered from his birth, he speculated that one of them might have been his biological mother. However, he harbored a grim suspicion that perhaps in his previous life, he had inadvertently killed the entire clan. Despite these unsettling thoughts, Samuel remained surprisingly composed. The lack of a conventional family did not disturb him as much as it might have others; perhaps, he reasoned, he had already faced such losses in his past life.

Samuel's contemplations were interrupted by the bustling activities of the orphanage where he lived. Nestled in the relatively stable Canra region, the orphanage provided a sanctuary of sorts amidst the turmoil of their kingdom. Here, he found solace in the routines and the caring nuns who looked after him. Alberta and Samantha, in particular, treated him with unwavering kindness, despite knowing little of his true origins.

As Samuel grew older, his unique insights and perceptive nature continued to set him apart. He observed the world around him with a keen eye, often pondering the complexities of human interactions and the broader societal challenges faced by their kingdom. While he lacked a conventional family, he found a sense of belonging within the walls of the orphanage and amidst the nurturing presence of Alberta and Samantha.; and other children at the orphanages

In moments of quiet reflection, Samuel wondered about his purpose in this new life. He felt a calling, a deep-seated desire to make a meaningful impact despite his young age. Whether it was unraveling the mysteries of his past or forging a path of his own in this unfamiliar world, he knew that his journey was just beginning.

With each passing day, Samuel's resolve strengthened. He was determined to carve out his place in this world, guided by the wisdom of his previous experiences and the kindness bestowed upon him by those who now stood as his surrogate family.

But he still had only on wish i.e. to live a simple and fulfilling life without the struggles he had faced before.