
Itachi Uchiha awakening on Mogar (Supreme Magus SI)

Itachi Uchiha, the terminator of his clan, finds himself living in a new world. Whether it is reincarnation or taking over the body of someone else will only become clear as he navigates this unfamiliar life. This world is one of wonder, filled with griffons, dragons, phoenixes, and magic. What will happen when a ninja who brought peace to the entire Ninja World suddenly loses his purpose? How will he adapt to a place where mythical creatures soar the skies and magic is a reality? What will he feel when confronted with talking legacies and ancient secrets? As Itachi embarks on this new life, he grapples with his past and the weight of his actions. Will he find happiness in this fantastical world, or will he continue to live in guilt over his former life? Follow Itachi’s journey of self-discovery, redemption, and the search for peace in a realm unlike any he has ever known. Credits: All rights of Supreme Magus are held by Legion20. All rights of Naruto characters are held by Masashi Kishimoto. Image is copied and can be changed if requested.

sam0304 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

A new Genius

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The first thought that came to Itachi's mind after using this spell was that now Byakugan use has been lost for treating the chakra points. Though Byakugan allowed long distance vision and ability to see chakra points, the spell given by Lith allowed the use of same method for treating the diseases. Though he didn't recognize much of medical ninjutsu though he was able to treat basic wounds due to his superior chakra manipulation, he still lacked necessary knowledge about human body.

His main hope for light magic other than avoiding fighting was to ensure that the disease of his previous life didn't take his life againin this life life. 

While Samuel was busy daydreaming he heard a voice stating 'Hold that thought'. The owner of voice was none other than professor Marth.

Later he saw professor Marth enetering with a man in his late twenties, with black hair and shades of silver. He was around 1.74 meters (5'9") meters high, with a slender build and a stubble.

Itachi noticed that this person was the strongest person he has seen till date but the his behaviour stating that No means no!" The dragged man screamed. "You cannot disturb me every time some stupid noble is about to die! Be it the King or his children, I don't care. If I spend another hour with all that paperwork, it will drive me crazy!" reminded Itachi of his Akatsuki members like Deidara, Hidan or Madara when he acted like Tobi. He was again dreaming about his ninja life but the suddenly smiled thinking that he had still not adjusted to his new life here.

How the war ended, who won, How is Sasuke, these questions still came to his mind whether he liked it or not.

Then he heard professors Marth angry voice stating "For the last time, no one is dying! Shut up and listen!"

Then he heard Lith explain his spell and its use stating "As I was saying, I would use this spell before sending the most valuable soldiers to the front to be able to recreate their original limbs if necessity arises. That would avoid all the side effects of the spell that you just showed me.

Also, in cases like this one, I would take the information from the remaining arm and use it to generate a mirror image to replace the lost limb. The left and right limbs are not the same, but the result would still be much better than this one."

"And that is not all!" Manohar chimed in, a crazy light had appeared in his eyes.

"We could even devise a spell that's capable of taking that information by itself, and generate the limbs accordingly! We could finally throw away all those useless templates, using only one spell instead of many."

Everyone was shocked at the idea. Manohar often disappeared without notice or acted like a tantrumming child, but that kind of madness was the sign of the true genius. He had been able to see farther than the spell's creator in a matter of seconds.

Manohar took out his communicator amulet, opening the connection with the administrative department.

"What's your name, kid?" He asked.

"Lith from Lutia, sir."

"Ah! I should have known it! Finally, another smart mage to talk to. You have no idea how hard it is for me. Only Marth and a few others are able to have a proper conversation, everyone around here is so stupid!"

"Harrumph." A voice from the communicator amulet stopped his ramblings.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot. Points assignation for the student Lith from Lustria for sharing a tier one spell. 1000 points."

"1000 points?!" Repeated the male voice from the communicator amulet in disbelief. UppTodat𝒆d fr𝒐m nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

"1000 points!?" Exclaimed almost all his classmates becoming green with envy.

"1000 points?" Asked both Lith and Quylla, that being for the first time in the academy had no idea if they were many or few.

"Yes, 1000 points! Is it so hard to understand?" Manohar was outraged by the academy having the gall to hire a clerk dumb or deaf if not both.

"I know it's too little..." He said apologetically to Lith.

"... but I can't give you more until I discuss it with the board. Also, you'll get compensation for each and every one of your suggestions. Good ideas are priceless in the research field. Be kind and graduate quickly.

I need more people like you and less idiots like this secretary, around these parts."

"Sir, the communication is still open." The clerk did a great job keeping his voice emotionless.

"I know it's open, you idiot. That why I'm telling you to get your ears fixed. I can't do nothing for your brain, but never give up hope. Magic advances every day by leap and bounds."

The clerk politely hanged up the call.

"How did you create this spell?" Marth interest was piqued. The idea was simple yet ground-breaking.

"He can save it for his biographer!" It was Manohar turn to drag Marth away by the arm. "To the paperwork, for the life on me! And then to the board! You do the talking, I don't speak stupids."

The gong resounded once more, marking the end of the lessons. After saying his goodbyes to Professor Vastor and to his three competitors, Lith walked away towards the Prize Hall.

Thus the lecture ended with everbody's focus on Lith while other students were filled with jealousy Samuel was happy to see to new talents growing up. Despite two lifetimes he had still never lived more than the professors here making him realize that he might be acting to old for his age. Suddenly the lecture ended ended and Itachi let with all the other student.


While leaving he again realized that academy is too big for comfort and walking and running from lecture hall was too much. His physical training allowed him to run long distances. While running Samuel thought of donating few of his new spells to the academy but this thought was overruled as soon as it came due to the fact that he would have to explain from where he got his knowledge.

He had already shown a new spell like Chidori and didn't want more attention to be focused on him due to him being an orphan without any teacher, Geniuses are respected but overly genius people become a target of envy. Thus he continued his walk not knowing his simple loner life will be ending soon.