
Itachi in Solo Leveling

Itachi Uchiha of the sharingan is no more after his ascension to the Pure Lands...or so you thought. Find out what happens to the world of Solo leveling when it's meet the the Uchiha prodigy

Lway20 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs



I don't own solo leveling or Naruto


"Uh... Huh?"


Itachi stood on the roof of a building directly opposite the hospital room of one Mai Kazama. He had a blank expression on his face watching the slow rise and fall of Mai's chest with his enhanced vision. 'It was my hubris and complacency that caused this to happen. There has to be a way to fix her poisoned mana system. Kinjo told me that they had to put her in a medically induced coma for the time being to find treatment for her,' thought Itachi.

The coma was the only thing slowing the poison down enough to keep it from reaching her heart and killing her. After the fight with Tanaka he made his way here to clear his head and calm himself down, using his newly acquired erasure skill to make sure he wasn't followed this time.

'Draw Sword guild want me to join their ranks? I defeated Tanaka regardless of whether or not he acted of his own free will, he'll still likely report that to his master. If that happens I should be prepared for a more drastic approach to gain my cooperation. I'm not interested in any of the attention that comes with being apart of their guild, but... If there's a chance I can use them to save Mai, shouldn't I take it?' Itachi internally debated the pros and cons of joining the most powerful guild in Japan.

In the world of dungeons there are many miracles to be found in them. Most of the time they provide a hunter with powerful artifacts to influence one's power and status, but sometimes there objects capable of doing wonders for everyone else. Mana crystals that are abundant in the gates are one such example of this as their unique energy are a sustainable and eco-friendly power source for the whole world's power supply allowing the world to move away from burning fossil fuels to generate power for their machinery and factories.

Itachi thought that maybe such a miracle laid in wait for someone in of these gates. But Itachi wasn't someone that chased blindly for something that didn't exist, but he looked at the logic of the situation at hand and adapted accordingly. 'There is more of a chance of finding what I'm looking for in a high ranked gate, than a low ranked one. If I accepted the offer from Draw Sword I would be able to enter high level dungeons and gain access to the likely powerful items that lay within them. Considering I got a useful rune stone ability from my first A-rank dungeon it shouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to be able to gain a powerful healing artifact as well,' Itachi let out a chuckle as he thought this.

"To think I would rely on dumb luck... Oh, how far I've fallen," Itachi groaned out loud, but he knew there was a higher chance of obtaining such an item in B to S-rank gates.


The atmosphere felt very tense as Itachi walked down streets that were totally deserted. The only people he could see for blocks were police officers and members of the Japanese military.

Corpses belonging to monsters were strewn across the street, along with destroyed cars, and buildings with cracks in their walls. Itachi quickly surveyed the area and realized what had happened... A Dungeon break had occurred.

Dungeon breaks were rare in the well-established Hunter system in place, especially since Japan had the most advanced system in Asia, but they did occur. 'A gate must have appeared and escaped the daily gate sweeps of the association...' Itachi realized quickly as he walked through the deserted streets.

When a dungeon break occurred, soldiers from nearby bases were dispatched in order to buy time for hunters to arrive and settle the problem. Their guns were ineffective against monsters, however, in order to help civilians evacuate the area someone had to sacrifice themselves. In layman's terms they were nothing more than canon fodder.

Itachi frowned heavily at the thought of people being forced to sacrifice themselves for the good of the country's citizens, it hit very close to home for his liking and so he wanted to put an end to the violence quickly.

He saw a soldier not to far from him searching the area for any other potentially injured civilians or soldiers in need of medical attention.

"Excuse me, but do you mind showing me where the dungeon break occurred?" Itachi asked the soldier politely.

"Huh? What are you doing here, kid? You should have evacuated with rest! Didn't you hear the broadcast?" the black haired soldier chastised Itachi.

"I'm a hunter and I need you take me to the monsters," Itachi said having no patience to argue with the soldier. The soldier paused for a second to digest Itachi's words and then got a confused look on his face.

"But you're a teenager?"

"So?" was Itachi's immediate response to the soldiers accusation. He rolled his eyes at the attitude of the soldier and walked past him aiming to find the monsters himself. "Nevermind."

"Hey! Where are you going?... Huh?" the soldier shouted as he went to grab Itachi's shoulder, but grabbed nothing but air instead. He saw a black figure leaping into the night air.

Itachi had a serious look on his face as he leaped on the rooftop after rooftop to arrive on time to defeat the monsters he just sensed. His long hair whipped in the cool night air with his sharingan active, ready for a battle against multiple dangerous monsters.

Soon enough, he arrived to the scene of multiple Green Orcs terrorizing the hunters below.

"Archers! Cover my six!"

"I need backup over here! These bastards are overwhelming me!"

"Where's the healer?! I need healing!"

"We aren't doing anything to their numbers! Damage dealers, do something!!"

It was clear to Itachi that these hunters were dispatched in haste by the Association, because they were hopelessly outmatched in terms of power. Green Orcs are usually high B-rank dungeon monsters. They were doing considerably well taking into account that they were probably all C-rank hunters going up against high B-rank to A-rank monsters.

'I'll have to step in quick, otherwise they'll all be killed,' Itachi thought as he activated his sharingan and leaped into the fray.


He caught the descending axe of green orc with one hand before it cut, the pretty black haired healer, in half. "Sorry... But I'm going to have to put an end to your killing spree," Itachi said softly as he glared up at the green orc's shocked face.

It made a confused noise as he side kicked it into another orc, preventing another hunter from being killed.

"Ah... Thank you for saving my life!" the petite woman exclaimed in gratitude.

"Hn," Itachi just grunted not sparing her a glance as his scarlt eyes swept the area.

[Fire Style: Grand Fireball Technique!]

Itachi spit out a giant ball of flames straight at the two green orcs he had caught off guard. They were completely consumed by the flames before they could retaliate with an attack of their own.

"Yes! Reinforcements have arrived!!"

"Let's fight back! We can't lose here!"

"Finally the high ranked hunters have arrived!"

Itachi heard the renewed confidence of the hunters he saved, because he had killed two monsters they were struggling with with ease.


Itachi completely disappeared from the sight of everybody around him. All anyone saw were green orcs getting sliced up left and right, one by one, by an invisible force.

He reappeared once again on the other side of the battlefield with two bloodied kunai in each off his hands. He was sweating profusely whilst breathing heavily as if he had just ran a marathon.

At that same exact moment all the green orcs in the vicinity keeled over dead leaving hunters and soldiers like shocked and flabbergasted trying to process what just happened.

"What happened to all the monsters?"

"They're all dead! But how?"

"It was that guy over there, wasn't it?"

The archer of the group said, pointing at the 178 cm tall frame of a long ponytailed hunter in the distance. He was wearing a high collar navy, long-sleeved shirt with matching black pants as well as a strap on his right leg. He carried two bloody knives in his hands, clutching them in a reverse grip. His back turned to the group obscuring his face from view, but they didn't need to see his face to know that he was a big deal... They could all sense it from the powerful magical presence leaking off of him in waves.

"Is everyone alright?" Itachi asked the group of hunters behind him. He titled his head to reveal a handsome face with two long hairs that hung near his cheeks, and two long pronounced tear troughs under his eyes that complimented his face quite well.

One thought rang in heads off everyone as soon as they saw his face and that was...

'He's just a teenager!'