
Itachi: I got reincarnated as the 879th demon King

In a twist of fate, the legendary shinobi, Itachi Uchiha, meets his demise in the Narutoverse. However, instead of an afterlife, he awakens in a fantastical world as the 879th Devil King, a position of immense power and responsibility. This new realm, known as Eldoria, is a land governed by Human, demons, and celestial beings, and it stands on the brink of chaos.

Cordel_Lawrence · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter Six: The assassination attempt ( part 1)

This story switches between narratives, is done in segments, and will sometimes be taken from the character's pov (point of view). Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this story.


 Itachi: Reincarnated as the Demon King.


Chapter 6: The assassination attempt ( part 1)

A week had passed since Itachi's coronation, and he was now officially the Demon King. He peered out of the carriage window and asked Yuki, "Do we really need to travel with a hundred knights?"

Yuki responded firmly, "As the Demon King, you need to be well-secured at all times, my lord."

Suddenly, the carriage jolted as if it had bumped into something. Itachi felt the impact and was concerned. Yuki assured him, "Don't get out of the carriage. I'll go and check."

After a few minutes, Yuki returned to the carriage and reported, "It was a dead horse, seems like it died not too long ago."

Itachi asked Yuki about the remaining travel time, and Yuki looked at her bracelet before responding, "An hour, my lord."

Finally, after an hour, Itachi and his escorts arrived at the Eastern Kingdom, heavily guarded and beautiful. Itachi observed the people and shops as they passed through the kingdom.

Duke Dragan's palace lay on the edge of the Eastern land, and they eventually reached a magnificent 50-bedroom mansion. In front of the mansion, a beautiful garden adorned with crystal roses and butterflies welcomed them.

A man appeared before the carriage and asked, "Who are you, and why are you here?"

The carriage driver replied, "This is the Demon King's carriage."

The man inspected the carriage and noticed the group of knights behind it. He cleared his throat and shouted, "Open the gates."

The palace gates began to open, allowing the carriage to enter the Dragan's palace. One of the knights opened the carriage door, and Itachi stepped out.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, my lord," Duke Dragan greeted Itachi as he and his family welcomed them at the main entrance of the palace.

Itachi replied with a nod, "Likewise."

The Duke proceeded to introduce his family, saying, "This is Ashley, my wife, my son Marz, and my daughter Rosemarie."

Rosemarie greeted Itachi with a respectful bow and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you again, my lord."

Itachi responded warmly, "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Duke Dragan offered to escort them inside the palace, Itachi and Yuki followed him and his family.

"It's a beautiful place you have here, Duke," Itachi remarked.

"Thank you, my lord," the Duke replied.

Inside, the Duke called for his head maid and introduced her, saying, "This is Aara, she's my head maid."

"Aara, please show them to their rooms for me," the Duke instructed.

Aara agreed, "Yes, sir," and led Itachi and Yuki to separate rooms.

Itachi requested, "I would like for Yuki to stay in my room with me."

Aara acknowledged his request, saying, "If that's what you wish for, then I shall arrange it, my lord."

The head butler signaled to Aara that it was dinner time. Aara then led Itachi and Yuki to the dining room.

Yuki pulled out a chair for Itachi, who took his seat, and she joined him around the table. Servants brought in a variety of food and desserts, setting the stage for a sumptuous meal.

As they began to eat, the Duke asked Itachi a somewhat surprising question, "When are you getting married, my lord?"

Itachi, caught off guard by the question, nearly choked on his food. He laughed in response, saying, "Not now, Duke."

Rosemarie observed Itachi's reaction and couldn't help but smile. Itachi noticed her smile, and she quickly averted her gaze, pretending as if she hadn't been looking at him.

"Dinner is finally over," Itachi remarked as he and Yuki made their way back to their room.

Yuki expressed her surprise, saying, "I can't believe you requested for me to stay in your room, my lord."

Itachi, feeling tired, simply ran and flopped onto the bed. He replied, "Let's get some rest, Yuki."

The next day, Duke Dragan challenged Itachi to a sparring match, and all of the Duke's top knights gathered to watch, chanting in support of their leader.

Itachi entered the training grounds and questioned the Duke, saying, "Do you really want to fight me?"

Duke Dragan responded, "I need to see if the Demon King is as strong as they say."

With determination, Duke Dragan dashed toward Itachi and swung his sword. Itachi managed to dodge the attack, but his jacket was cut in the process.

Itachi commented, "You're fast."

Duke Dragan continued to press the attack, but Itachi skillfully dodged each strike.

Duke Dragan then unleashed a fiery attack, "Let's see you dodge this! Fire Magic: Flames of Hell!"

"My lord, watch out!" Yuki shouted.

"If I remember correctly, the goddess gave me the power of all the elements." he thought to himself.

Itachi: "Water Style: Water Wall!"

Itachi swiftly stopped Duke Dragan's fire attack and countered with one of his own.

Itachi: "Fire Style: Great Ball of Flames!"

Duke Dragan, surprised, muttered, "What? He can use fire magic too?"

Some of the knights began discussing this unexpected turn of events.

Duke Dragan decided to charge up his power and released a strong technique, shouting, "Fire Magic: Sea of Flames!"

Yuki couldn't help but worry as she observed the battle unfolding.

Itachi, however, remained calm and focused. He closed his right eye, concentrating on the approaching sea of flames. With determination, he invoked, "Amaterasu - Infinite Black Flames."

The black flames engulfed Duke Dragan's sea of flames, consuming them entirely. Itachi then teleported behind the Duke and swiftly kicked his feet off the ground, sending him stumbling forward.

Yuki hurried to the training field and declared Itachi as the winner of the sparring match.

Yuki then asked about the black flames technique, but Itachi simply patted her on the head and teased, "Not telling."

The remainder of the day was spent discussing land expansion and trade agreements between Itachi and Duke Dragan.

However, that night, an assassin attempted to attack Itachi. Yuki swiftly intervened and killed the would-be assailant before he could get anywhere near Itachi, ensuring his safety.