
chapter 18 Addison pov

I had gotten to school and met up with Amelia, who couldn't stop talking non-stop about the guy from yesterday she most really be into him, "are you into him"? is asked her , she looked at

me hesitantly and repiled "yes' , she replied "whoa I thought you were not a big fan of love at first sight' I teased her "no" she replied "this is love at first glance' she said while grinning from ear to ear, I just watched as she kept going on and on about the guy, soon she stopped in her tracks and turned back at me "you're coming to watch the basketball players tryouts right"? actually "no I have something's I'm gonna do so I'... what are those things she asked "I hope it has nothing to do with studying" she asked while looking at me intently trying to get and answer from me, I couldn't possibly lie to her because I'm not good at it. so I just gave in and agreed she hugged me excitedly and run off to her class I smiled as i shook my head and went to class.

Kevin's pov

I was so nervous about the basketball tryouts and also nervous about meeting Addison again, just then someone tapped me by my shoulder "hey man how are you doing are you ready for today's tryouts" he asked, "actually I'm....he cut me off "it's ok to be nervous just go there and do your best, pretend like no one's watching, then you'll be just fine" he assured me thanks men and btw the way don't forget to put your bad boy swag on because lots of girls are gonna be watching you he said as he winked and left. I took a deep breath as I headed for my class.

An hour and a half later the bell rang signalling for sports I went to the boys lock room and changed into my gear, after which I left and went to the gym room not many people were. there so I took a ball and began practicing. it's been so long since I played but from the way I was playing, I was pl pretty much still good at it all I needed was. little more practice and I would be a pro.