
chapter 16 Kevin's pov

I was so excited that I had finally met her I couldn't focus in class, I hadn't even realized the class was over until someone tapped me telling me the class was over I stepped out of the class walking into the hallway hoping to see Addison suddenly I bumped into someone, ouch can't you watch where your going the person shouted, I tried to apologize but she kept shouting as she was dusting her self up when she finally looked at me she stopped talking, I was so confused so I asked "ummm are you ok? but she's didn't reply she started smirking I was beginning to feel uncomfortable so just apologized and left that was one of the weirdest situation of my life. I suddenly spotted Zack and wave at him he waved me back as he was coming towards me " hey men hyd he asked" "I'm good" i repiled "so far the place is really nice" I added he nodded in agreement as he smiled "hey" he asked do you want to join the basket ball team you're good at it right he asked sure I repiled but why me I asked we really need a new member our star player is injured we really need to win this tournament he said rather desperately I reluctantly agreed but i wasn't sure I would do that well since it's been long since I played basketball, he took me to the Coach who signed me up and requested I come for tryouts tomorrow I agreed and left , it was time for my last class of the day which was literature so I bade Zack goodbye and headed for my class as I entered the class someone called out to me I looked up and it was Addison I smiled and walked to her "you take this class too"? I asked "yh she repiled it was last minute tho I just thought it will be good for application" ohh I see I repiled "yh so do you wanna sit or you just going to stand there" I quickly took the seat next to her and classes begin. about thirty minutes later the class ended I summoned up the courage to ask for her number so I tapped her "yes" she answered "can I get your number I mean since we are friends and all but you don't have to give it's fine if"... "yes" she caught me off give me your phone I was so surprised she would agree so easily she gave me back the phone and left I didn't even know when i started dancing and jumping when I realized others were starting at me I stopped and left there immediately.

I was so happy because I was going to share this amazing news with Jeff at least he won't think I made her up I smiled to myself as I left school.