
chapter 15 Kevin's pov

whoa, it's really nice here I said to myself as o stepped down from the bus and took a very good look at the school Lakeview highschool was really something it's even more breathtaking in real life I was still admiring the school when someone tapped me from behind "hi" he said "hii" I repiled you new here? yh I said ok then my name is Zack nice to meet you ohh mine is Kevin I said nice to meet you too I can show you around if you want yh please I said immediately "thanks" you're welcome" he said and led me towards the school, we started off our your in the registration building where she signed me up ss part of the students in lakeview I was part of them now, he showed me to all the classes and also gave me a map to figure it out In case I got lost I was really enjoying the tour when my eyes landed on an angel someone I thought I'd never see, Addison I was still staring when Zack tapped me "hey are you ok"? what are you looking at he asked looking at my direction but this time No one was there ummm nothing thanks again I said anytime bro" he replied if you need anything you can always ask me others we are all friendly here as he was about to leave I suddenly blurted out "does any one named Addison attend this school "he look confused at first then he's eyes lit up like as if he he remembered something "yh there is one miss Addison but I don't really know her "I was so overjoyed I thanked him profusely he couldn't understand why I was thanking him so much so he just assumed it was for the tour and left I left for my first class. my first class was English it was the first time I was having English as a first period I always used to have maths in my old school I quickly remembered Jeff and wondered he was doings right now . soon our first three classes were over and it was time for lunch I didn't go for lunch immediately because I had to go to the principal to confirm my enterance into the school after that I went to the cafeteria in getting there I noticed there was a ruckus as I got closer I heard someone saying. couldn't you see where you were going you worthless girl? he said I immediately saw that the person he was talking to was Addison he was about to throw his plate on her when I swooped in and held his hand what's wrong with you men why are you behaving like a child it was just a mistake anyone could have done that including you and you want to hit a girl Yiu should be ashamed of yourself, stay out off my business he said and yanked his hands from mine after which he left I was so angry I didn't even realize Addison was still crying on the floor I helped her up suddenly she removed her hands from mine quickly "what are you doing here" are you following me now? she said in between sobs just stay away from me okay? then she left I was so sad I had lost appetite so I just left the cafeteria while others returned to they're food while murmuring of course.

Addison pov

I left the Cafeteria crying After I just got humiliated by the guy I once had a crush on or probably still do,I was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of that guy Kevin but why Is he here suddenly I heard to people talking isn't he handsome I heard he just transferred here from some school they said what's his name the other one asked his name is Kevin my eyes widen he was just transferred today and I called him a stalker addy I said as I hit my forehead head with my palms whay do you have to be so stupid I quickly ran back to the cafeteria to find him. but he wasn't there I left and went in search of him after a few minutes of searching I found him walking in . the hallway, Kevin I shouted not that loud so people weren't looking at me weirdly, but he looked at me and just turned back sad I ran to him and stopped him I'm sorry he looked suprided and turned to me for what for calling you a stalker I only just found out you were transferred I'm really sorry he smiled at me and said "it's ok anybody would have reacted that way" is it just me or is he style charming I quickly brushed off the thought friends again I said stretching out my hand he then smiled and repiled friends btw what's your full name he asked Addison Mel I replied you Kevin, Kevin whiites nice to meet you he said I chuckled and did the same nice to meet you I replied as we both walked down the hallway byo our various classes.