

yiwha, was a girl born without the love of her mother, maybe it was because her mother wanted a male child, instead of a female child but her prayers were not answered. poor yihwa only had one wish, which was to get the love of her mother, so she decided to dress like a boy, and become phat, her late older brother, and to her surprise the loving eyes her mother never gave her when she was a girl, her mother gave her being phat. years passed and yihwa lived on as a boy, until one day she interviewed for the spot of the newest secretary of the newest CEO of the Gun industry, but was shocked see that her new boss was the little boy who kissed her years ago and her childhood crush. will yihwa be able to hold her desire to have him, or will love turn her whole world around find out in "TURNS OUT I AREN'T GAY AFTER ALL."

Sharon_Rose18 · Urban
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4 Chs


coming out of the elevator was Gun, he wore a crazy looking shirt and jeans. he wasn't concentrating on where he was going, he had one hand rolling his box, while the other with his phone.

he came out of the airport to see Mr. Kun with six cars waiting for him, then a smirk appeared on his lips.


the Gun mansion was more like an estate, they had over twenty five houses there, that was were all the whole Gun family and relatives lived. Gun's family's house was located in the left side, while the Gun family main house was located in the middle.

the house belonged to Gun's grandparents, since they were both the real Head of the family.

entering into his house, Gun felt a little chilly. well it has been over One and an half decade since he saw his house so it felt a little weird and different to him.

he was welcomed by almost thirty maids and lined up in fifteen in each side. they all greeted him all together and he just walked pass them.

in the door was Gun mother, she was a woman in her early Forty's. she was a litt plump but we'll shaped, she had shot brown hair and beautiful blue eyes, she was a dark blue grown with her golden accessories. Gun couldn't help but smile, even in her old age his mom never gets tired of glowing.

coming in Gun gave his mom a big hug, he was really happy to see her, "ooohh Ma, I have missed you alot."

" awww, baby mama have missed you too."

"Ma, who are you calling a baby. I'm not a baby.."

"well to others, you are not a baby but to me, you will always be a baby."

"ok, ok.. enough baby talk, let's go inside I'm famished."

"well good thing, I asked Aunty Bo to cook all your favorite dishes for you..( chuckle )."

Gun was served different dishes, he ate so much that it could come out off his nose.

seeing her son eat so much made Mrs. Gun so happy, "look at how thin, you are don't you usually eat back there."

"Ma, it not that I don't eat well, it's just that tye food there is different from the food here, ok."

" ok, ok eat slowly."

" oh, really thanks Ma you are the best."


After Gun was done eating, he went towards his room.

his room was huge, like a suite. it had a huge bed and a dressing table, don't forget the bathroom, it was really white and it smelled like peaches, he was really happy that he was back to Don city.

after showering, he unpacked his box and started arranging his stuffs, when he saw aunt Bo, Walk into his room.

Aunt Bo, was the Gun family butler, she was like Guns mother, she literally raised him so she was his best friend.

"Aunt Bo, aww I have missed you Soo much."

"oh, young master, I have also missed you alot."

"how have things been here while I was gone."

"well everything has been normal, but now that you are back home, I'm sure things will become more fun."