
It Starts where it Ends

Athena_lovesyou · Action
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3 Chs

Something's Weird

I patiently wait in the hallway for the person who can duly give me answers to all the questions I've got in my mind right now. 


I'm not sure if the person who jumped in between was Alessandro or not, but my gut says he could be the one. But isn't that obvious to suspect him? like everyone would do that.


Suddenly I see him walking towards the boys' area, and I run towards him to make him stop. 


"I want to talk to you," I say, studying him closely. Indeed, he's handsome. more handsome than any other man I've seen until today. Even in school uniform, he looks fucking hot. 

He glares as I gulp. Verily murderous. 

The aura radiating from him, silently saying to stay miles away from him. 


Seeing him give no answer, i talk further: "Firstly, thanks for taking me to the hospital." He watches me patiently as I continue, "But was it you who also saved me?" 


"You were just unconscious on the road, that's all." After completing, he tries to walk past me, but the key word 'tries' I block his way again 


"But it was you" This time he decreases the distance between us, bends down to my level, and says, "It's just your illusion, come out of it, little girl" He simply smirks 


Wait what? 


Until I can react, he has already walked away by taking long strides. 



The fuck he was saying. 




"Stef, you look lost? Hey girl, what happened?" Emma waves in front of my face. 


"Nothing, Emma, I just went to talk with Alessandro, he was weird, you know, he told me it's my illusion, how can it be my illusion. I myself saw a bloody monster in front of me, Emma, it was seriously Infront of me and I cannot deny what I saw with my eyes, and he's saying it wasn't anything? "


"Calm down" she says patting my back. 


I'm confused. Why me? Those nightmares, then this. 


"Let's go to the club tonight. You need refreshment, Stef" 


I guess yes, I do need a refreshment. Too many school assignments.. 




"Wear this" Emma picks up a not-too-revealing bodycon dress, which i find fascinatingly perfect for me. I must say she has the best taste in fashion. 


Me and Emma are childhood friends, we grew up together, went to the same elementary school, and we're doing our high school together too. She's more like a sister to me than a best friend. to whom I can go whenever I want, without hesitation. 


"Stef, here, put some makeup on." She says, keeping a whole big, fat makeup kit Infront of me. 

I was never fond of putting on makeup because natural beauty is true beauty.


" Emma, No-"     

"I insist" She makes a puppy face.

Now i can't deny, she knows exactly how to lure me. 


I do my own makeup and keep it simple as I can. 


"Woww, Stef, you're looking gorgeous as hell, I'm sure today you'll attract all guys' attention." I look at myself in the mirror, and it does look nice. 


"come'on, you're looking pretty too" We admire each other for a few minutes before going out. 


We book a cab, and within 20 minutes, we reach our destination.


We get inside the nightclub, where we watch half the people drunk, of whom a few are dancing and a few are seeking sex, and the other half are either with friends, their partners, or their businesses. 


We grab a seat and order some whisky, though none of us have planned to get drunk. Soon, a guy approaches us, he doesn't look like he's drunk. But something in him is radiating, just like when a drug takes over a person. Something is weird. 


"Hi" he simply greets, and we greet back formally. 

He grabs a seat beside us. 


"Two girls alone shouldn't be coming into a club like this, you know." He smiles, taking a sip of the liquid he has in his hand. 


"Underestimating the power of women is something you shouldn't do." Faminine much, i reply to him with one raised eyebrow. 

Emma nods.


"I like your confidence."


"Me too, me too," Emma says agreeing with him. 


This girl is already drunk. God. 


"By the way, I'm Eric" he introduces in a polite manner. 


"I'm stefania and she's Emma"


Emma looks upon him with partly open eyes and grins 


"Demons are so handsome," she says, chuckling out. 

I get confused, but somehow i ignore it, she's drunk, after all. 


"Your friend is quite funny." Eric chuckles too. 


We spend two hours here when Emma does her best to annoy us, and now she is fully drunk, as are most of the people here. It looks like except  the workers, me and Eric, all are drunk. 


"Well, I guess we should leave it's already night" I say watching Emma pass out. 


"It's already night, yeah, I doubt you'll get any cab, allow me to drop you guys." He politely offers help. I think for a few minutes, then agree. That's true we won't get any cabs here at this time. 


We get in the car, and Eric drives it. 


"Elin high school, dorm," I say while he nods. After 20 minutes of driving, we reach. I thank him while getting out. He helps me bring Emma into the dorm. 


We laid Emma on the bed. 


"Thanks Eric" 

"Anytime, and can you give me some water?" He smiles, and I tell him to sit. 


I get inside the kitchen and fill a glass of water. 

"Eric, here you go-" I come out of the kitchen and find Eric nowhere. I look around but can't find him. 


"Eric?" I call out his name, and suddenly I hear someone growling. I run towards Emma's room and find her sleeping peacefully. The noise gets closer, I slowly divert my eyes towards the corner of the room. 




I watch a weird shadow linger. My heart skips a beat. I stay still with all the strength left in me. But soon it starts approaching us. 


"Emmmmmaaaaa, no no no emma wake up. Please wake up" 


And it's so close