
It Started With Devils & Artefacts

WARNING: I write my fanfics from a phone and on move. So, there will be some spelling mistakes, plus English is not my native language. Though I have an editor this time so, it should be better. Chapter every Monday, Wednesday, Friday until it catches up with chapters in Discord SYNOPSIS: A genius inventor dies and wakes up in his younger self-body... Only that it wasn't truly his younger self, more like an alternative younger self from reality where supernatural is real. To make it even better he finds out that someone decided that he is the successor to Solomon and now he has powers to enslave devils... It's time to cause some worldwide chaos from one's garage! Tags: Neutral-Evil Mc (enslavement, selfish Mc), Harem (obviously), Inventions, tech progress, Sacred Gear creation, AU DxD universe (part of Dragon's Omniverse) This fanfic is a STEAMROLLER with the main focus being Mc progress and his technologies and how it affects the world around it. So, if you want drama, suspense, epic battles for no reason, this one is not it. Prologue 2k words, regular chapters 5k words ~~~ For advanced chapters (+5 chapters, 25k words) my pat: pat reon.com/DragonsFics OR Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics ~~~ P.S.: I do weekly voting on Patreon if you want more chapters for this fic (or other fics ) vote there.

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Traumatising a Sister

Athena! My Goddess!" Marcus swiftly embraced his beautiful future wife with a tight hug.

The Goddess of Wisdom tried not to blush. Still, she enjoyed the hug.

After the hug, Marcus looked at his father and sister.

"Apologies for not being at home for a couple of days. I have been busy with war." The Alchemist casually talked about the war.

"...War?" Marcus' father, with a baffled tone, repeated.

"Evil Gods are invading the Underworld since I am close to them, and Odin asked for assistance. I have deployed troops there."

"...Oh…" Roland was out of words. How randomly serious and absurd is that?

"Don't worry, I am close to breaking the deadlock." Marcus tried to ease his father.

"Good to hear. I do wish to talk about your other plans." Athena swiftly chipped in.

"Sure. Latia, be a good girl and introduce the newcomers to my father and sister while I speak with my fiance." Marcus' sudden request caught her by surprise, but she swiftly adjusted.

"A-As you wish."

"Hey! I want to hear what you have to discuss!" Lilian swiftly grabbed Marcus by his hand.

"...Don't be an annoyance, sis." The successor to Solomon sighed with annoyance.

"Not every day I have such an opportunity!"

"Have you ever heard about curiosity killing the cat?" Marcus commented he mentioned cats specifically.

Atalanta, in the background, twitched for a second. She is confident he is talking about her and her Goddess' group.

'That reminds me…how is Goddess doing?' The Lion girl pondered on that. She hasn't seen her Goddess for over a day.

Well, she is confident that Artemis is not dead. After all, this goddess is Marcus' prize, and he won't allow his prize to die.

"Yeah? But I am your sis! Not some random passerby!"

"Ugh…" The Alchemist groaned from annoyance before replying to her.

"You are right. I should place you on a rocket and send you to space." He commented with a joking tone.

"As if you can do that."

However, that joking smile switched to a smirk when he heard her reply.

"Are you sure about that? I can make Saturn 5 look like a matchstick."

"...Saturn 5?" She looked confused for a second.

"It's the biggest rocket in the world used for the Apollo programs between 1967 and 1973, standing around 41 metres tall. Honestly, I am still pissed that they named it after Apollo; it's not that they were sending rockets to the sun." Athena explained with a jealous tone.

Marcus smiled, hearing how his fiance knew all that.

"AND that is why Athena is my future wife!" The Alchemist went over and took his fiance's hand and proceeded to pull her towards a specific direction.

Marcus' happy voice made the Goddess of Wisdom try to control her smile. While Ares snorted internally, how hard Athena tried to keep her poker face. He is confident that Aphrodite would pay him a fortune to see pictures of Athena like that.

"H-Hey! H-H-He was serious?" While Lilian freaked out, realising that her baby brother was quite serious about sending her to space.

As the Goldman duo walked away with a pair of Greek Gods, the remaining girls were left with very confused Oldest Goldman.

"...So— I need a list to know who was with Marcus before and who just joined." Roland joked while massaging his forehead.

'I think we need a bigger house.'

[Making a list]


As this was happening, a girl was poking her head from the stairway. This girl was Meredith. Honestly, she was too terrified to show her face, especially when she sensed absurd dark power radiating from that black-haired, goth-like girl.


"Bro! I need to see your workshop!" Ares couldn't pass this!

"Hmm? Sure, let me show you my garage." Marcus changed his direction; they went towards the doors. By this point, Athena adjusted to his pull and held his hand instead.

They got outside of the alchemist's house and walked towards the garage.

'Secret entrance inside the garage or outside?' The God of War pondered on that.

"Aurora, lower the driveway."

The moment they were next to the driveway, a portion of it lowered, revealing the workshop.

"Sweat! I knew it!" Ares was happy enough to guess it right, while Marcus' sister just looked at this with a small, deadpan look.

Internally, she realised that this was SOO Marcus. Back when he was a kid, he used to play 'Dexter's Laboratory'. Now he has one.

As they walked into the workshop, the driveway elevated itself up, closing the entrance.


"Look at this." The Greek God whistled as he felt he was in a different world. His senses told him that even if he used all of his power, he wouldn't be able to leave this place simply because the walls were that sturdy!

"As expected, you stored your car here."

"Yeah, about that. Do you want to see a new function I added to it since my last visit?" Marcus asked with a slight smirk.


"Since you asked—" The Alchemist looked at his car." BMW break dance for me."

When he said that the car's front lights turned on, the car used its suspensions to jump before transforming mid-air into its robot form. It then started to dance according to hip-hop music it started to play on its radio.

"...Cool…where do I sign up for one? Do you take orders for products?" Ares was surprised; for a second, he didn't cross the idea that he could have a car for a transformer. He never connected those dots as he hadn't heard that Marcus had cars transform into robots since he only heard about Jet Fighters!

But now—

"Just message me after the war ends. I can change your cars into Transformers if you want." Marcus leisurely mentioned that as he motioned for his transformer to return to his car form.

With a nod, the BMW break danced into his car form.

"Sweat! I will visit the US in the meantime! Get that Truck and Camaro!"

"Heh, I wonder if Hasbro will try to sue you for having legit Optimus Prime and Bumblebee." Marcus knew which cars the God of War was talking about.

"HAH! They can try." Ares snorted before; at the corner of his vision, he saw something familiar.

"Hold it! Is that a—" The Black-haired God strolled to the side as he inspected familiar-looking suits stored behind a glass wall in one of the corners.

"Those are Gundam in the shape of Iron Man suits!"

"...Gundams?" Lilian parroted.

"Massive killer robots. With big guns and weird abilities." Athena explained to her.

"Knowing Marcus, they most likely have his perpetual energy reactor." The Goddess of Wisdom added some more bits to that.

"...Boys… and their toys." The older sibling sighed, hearing all that. This thing looks like something Marcus would do.

"...Boys indeed."

"...Hey…Do you have a legit Gundam?" Ares asked with a glint in his eyes.

"Not yet. I don't have ships for them. But, my assistant requested an upgrade to my current Airship since they are outdated."

"...Outdated? Marcus, they are not even a year old." Athena was baffled to hear that he called those things outdated! The paint job hadn't even dried yet!

"Well, war happened, and my airships reached the limit of their capacity. The runway inside the airship is getting too short. So either I redesign Starscream fighters, which I won't. They are far too iconic, or I upgrade the airships into legitimate spaceships."


Ares sagely nodded while the girls didn't know how to answer that.

Athena would comment on efficiency, but that's a minefield she doesn't want to enter.

She is smart enough not to touch men's toys.

The group walked past the BMW and the stored suits. The God of War noticed three floating crystals the size of an adult hand.

A blue, orange and red crystal was floating above a projector.

"What are those?"

"Hmm? Oh, those. Those are Lawmaker crystals. My next pet project."


"Yep, you will see them in action in the not-so-distant future." Marcus smiled while saying that.

"By not so distant, you mean in a couple of days?" Athena rolled her eyes while saying that.



A regular-looking Volkswagen stationed some distance from Marcus' home had two people inside it. These were agents from the CIA.

The Bureau of Intelligence from the USA has sent several undercover agents to figure out what was going on.

They have been at this for a while. One thing they are certain of is that something strange is going on in this country.

The news agencies simply can't locate the house of this teen. They simply can't. People reported that the address they are going to takes them to empty fields outside the town.

Others simply return to the capital city.

After some testing, they figured out that it was the van.

So the reporters tried to arrive in regular cars. After a single partial success, they couldn't locate the house anymore.

One thing for sure is that some sort of higher level of technology is being used, something they are unaware of.

They tried to approach his parents, but that was a dead route. It is even worse than trying to locate the house.

Regardless of what it is, they finally found a method to observe the house.

Like disguising as a delivery man, a mail carrier, police, or some other service person, a salesperson can't approach it; in a way, it's understandable why.

No one likes a salesperson who goes from door to door.

The logical conclusion is that there is some sort of intelligent system which messes with people.

But this system isn't THAT smart.

As long as they arrive with regular cars and don't leave their vehicles, the system won't do anything.



One of the agents lowered the window as he saw a beautiful girl with black hair and blue eyes looking at him.

"Yes, how can I help you?" The agent asked the girl.

"I would like to ask, What are you doing here?" Her voice was hypnotic. They couldn't stop themselves and started to talk.

"We—ugh—here to figure out who Marcus Goldman is and if any strange technology he has—ughh…"

"I see… Why don't you just forget about this meeting and drive away to your safehouse?" She sweetly asked them.


As the agent started the car engine, the girl placed something on the car before walking away.

The girl placed her hand on her earpiece.

"This is Field Agent 12; I have discovered bugs. The tag is set; you can proceed with the cleaning."

[Roger agent 12, sending team Alpha and Beta to clean the house.]

The commanding agent replied.

~~~~~~Meantime, In Marcus home~~~~~~


Latia pulled out her phone and checked the notification.

'Another one. This makes a fourth attempt at such proximity. These humans are figuring out loopholes in Realitus and Aurora's systems.' The blonde devil heiress frowned at this revelation.

There is no way she will tell any of this to Marcus; her boyfriend has too many things to deal with as it is.

Something as mundane as human special agencies is way below his radar.

The blonde proceeded to message the operatives to tighten their control over the town.

While security is absurdly powerful against the supernatural, the same can't be said about regular people.

Marcus has not developed technomancy to deal with the regular masses.

It never crossed his mind that he would need any of it.

As Latia pondered the lack of security towards the regulars, she received a message.

[Quinella: I checked the latest missions regarding the girls. As a Pillar, you have access to develop technomancy.]

'I do?'

For a second, the blonde looked surprised before summoning her console with an index finger stroke.

A familiar window appeared in front of her.

'Wow, I can use these even outside the base?' She was surprised about this.

'I should check the logs more often.'

For a second, she was embarrassed as she checked the console; her eyes eventually ended on something she had seen many times.

A command with 'Create' written on it. She never checked what it does.

This time, she pressed it.

Another window popped, and there were more options.

[Welcome to the Technomancy creation toolbar; select what you want to create:]










[Space Stations]


For a second, her finger hovered over the options.

'I can make space stations?'

She questioned that herself.

Without thinking, she pressed on it.

[Select which type of Space Station you wish to create:]

[Low Altitude]

[High Altitude]



'...Hmm— let's see…'

Latia pondered on this for a bit.

'I want to see the difference.'

The blonde devil beauty pressed on low altitude; she wanted to see what it meant. She has a general idea, but how will it affect the whole creation process?

[Low Altitude selected, allocating requested Technomancy]

A much larger window appeared in front of her. She saw an array of choices. It was a window with 3D structures. She could see Diamond Core Heart and various types of Cores, followed by automated assembly lines, rooms, habitat areas, defences, doors, windows, and all sorts of times of constructs.

This window was more like a development game than anything else!

"Latia? You can create things later!" Seekvaira hissed as she saw what her cousin was doing.

"We are with the Master's father!" The Agares Heiress whispered with a sharp tone.

"I know. I just realised that I can create a whole civilisation if I want to…" The blonde mumbled with disbelief. She then looked at her cousin. Her finger was slightly trembling.

"That sounds like a newbie gamer mistake. You should never miss a tutorial." Seekvaira teased her.

Latia looked at her with a slight, angry pout.

"Well, excuse me for not being THAT tech savvy!"

"...Right…anyway, it appears Master's father didn't see you not paying attention." The greenish-blond red-eyed Agares Heiress pointed out that Marcus' father was paying attention to Nyx, who was telling a story of some sort.

The devil duo are confident that the Primordial has a few good stories to tell. It's more like they are surprised that the Incarnation of Night is so well-behaved.

"I wonder how he would react to the fact that less than a day ago, Nyx was our mortal enemy?" Seekvaira, with a strained look, commented on that.

"That's probably why she behaves like that," Latia said with a pondering tone.

"Regardless, we have our objectives. The more his parents like us, the better it is for us." The Agares Heiress seriously reminded her of their goals.

"You don't need to tell me how to act like a devil."

As the Heiresses talked to each other in whispering voices, the silver-haired Dragoness in the background snorted. Gu Yuena found this quite amusing.

Why do this in a roundabout way if you can just go to the source?

'Well, most likely, they don't have confidence in their looks. Or that's a thing for beings whom Marcus didn't create. Do they have this thing that they approve of someone else?

How weird is that?'

~~~~~~Back to Garage~~~~~~

"So you want to discuss the Underworld?" Marcus sat down on the couch and pulled his fiance to sit next to him.

They were in the original living room just outside the first Workshop of Marcus, the very first room created by Venelana all those years ago. The very same room where the pair of blondes signed their life away. The same room where Serafall used to watch Marcus just tinker away those hours out.

Now, this room has a pair of Gods sitting and patiently waiting for the Alchemist to decide what he will do with the Underworld.

"Yes. What you said to me over that phone has freaked my family out." Athena, with a strained smile, nodded at him.

"What did he say?" Marcus' sister was curious. How she shouldn't be!? It's Olympus they are discussing! Something enough to freak out Gods themselves!?

"He is taking the entirety of the Underworld; I mean the entirety of it—all the layers. And I say just do it. As God of War, the spoils of war go to the victor." Ares casually nodded; he agreed with it.

And that is not his biassed view. His divinity approves of it.

"...Ugh…" Athena grimaced upon hearing that.

"...Did I just hear it right? You are planning to privatise the afterlife!?" Lilian exclaimed with shock.

"Precisely. Hades started all of it, and Olympus pulled it out when Nyx, Erebus and Tartarus joined the conflict. As it is, they have no right to it anymore." Marcus explained to her plainly. The names of those deities are old and have been worshipped for many generations. Lilian didn't even realise that Nyx was in her house right now.

"...I have nothing to say." She said that with a gulp.

"That's why I told you to stay with Dad and befriend my girls. Hell, you might learn something from those Valkyries and Nyx."


The Older Goldman sibling leaned into the couch and spaced out.

Good, she was out, and now Marcus doesn't need to explain every second.

"I know it's my uncle, but we are discussing the balance of the afterlife." Athena ignored his sister and continued to talk.

"And I have my Neo-Heaven system. I will recycle those souls." He revealed something they didn't know.

"...Neo-Heaven? Then you are planning to take all of the Biblical factions?" Athena's eyes widened. She didn't foresee that!

It made sense in a way. By the things she knows from her sister, who is in the Underworld at this moment, Fallen and Devilkind, by all means, are gone.

If they follow this trend, it leads to the angels, but if Marcus has a system of his own. It doesn't matter now. He can run the balance however he sees fit.

And that is just— unexpectedly—terrifying.

"Not my original intentions. The development of it came naturally. I needed this specific software for a few things, primarily for my soldiers and Biological Models. It just turns out it is good for Neo Gears and the flow of souls."

"...Right…" The Goddess of Wisdom mumbled to herself.

Only her fiance develops something which by 'accident' is good enough to control the balance of living and dead.

"That's fantastic, bro. Say— can you help me with my spartan brothers?" Ares slightly leaned forward and asked with a smirk.

"Of course. Can say no to that." Marcus grinned back.

"Though first, I need to conquer the surface of the underworld until I descend into the layers."

"That's fine. I can help you with that." Ares' eyes gleamed with a desire to wage war.

"Great, we can do that. Give me a few days; I need to arrange a few things, and then we can dive back in." Marcus agreed with a nod.

"I am coming with you." Athena chipped in as well. This is getting way out of hand, and she needs to be part of this. From the looks of it, she is the only 'reasonable' person in this group.

"Oh, is my Goddess can't leave me any more?" The Alchemist hugged the Goddess who was sitting next to him.

"Yes. I think it was a mistake for me to leave you." Her answer made him, for a second, be out of words. Athena's words had a bunch of meanings, but Marcus took it romantically.

"This is fantastic." He hugged her more tightly.

"Indeed, Ares, I want you to return to Olympus and make your preparations and tell Father what happened here. From now on, I will be with Marcus. Losing me because he failed to deal with my uncle is a fair exchange."

"Well, well, it appears my sister is quite a naughty girl. Running away from your home?" The God of War teased her.


Her agreeing like this and not falling for the tease made Ares frown in disappointment.

"Fine. I will do it." He nodded at him before looking at Marcus.

"I will leave AFTER I see your army."

"Of course, I wouldn't want it in any other way."


The group of four walked towards the stairs, which were at the side of the living room.

"I assume these lead to other entrance?" Lilian, who finally recovered from the shock, asked her brother.

"The original entrance behind the garage. While the stairs down lead to Automated Assembly Lines, Diamond Heart Core, and the maglev train station."

"...Maglev? You have a railway network?"

"... Throughout the country, yes." He nodded at his sister.

"...I don't even want to ask for details."

"Then don't."

They went downstairs and arrived at the station. Athena noticed the change at this place. The most obvious change is that there is a glass tube. The rails are different as well. The rails are in corners to the sides instead of running on the ground.

"...You improved the trains."

"Yeah, instead of two tracks, there are four now. They are all in the corners now. Basically, it's a squire in a circle."

"I can assume it's like this because you discovered something?"

"Yep. While I call it a maglev, it's no longer the case. While the train moves with electromagnetism, it emits gravity waves. Making the whole thing ignore the very reality it is part of. Not only is there no air resistance inside the tube, the very gravity is ignored." Marcus said with a happy voice. He finally did it.

He copied the trains he saw in Final Fantasy XIII's opening cinematics!

Not only that, but these tubes are way, way easier and faster to build than original tracks. They are in segments and can be laid under the water, in space, and even on hostile planets like Venus, where metals can melt just from being in the atmosphere.

The trick is that reinforcement mana flows through these tubes. Mana makes the tube absurdly sturdy, ignoring things like heat and even pressure to a certain degree. Well, for pressure, the Diamond Core Heart needs to be adjusted, as the amount of mana flowing has to negate the pleasure placed on the tube.

"...And is this thing top speed?" Ares asked with wide eyes. He ain't smart, but he likes his cars. He knows what air resistance is.

"It doesn't have top speed. It has acceleration speed; our baseline test is around 650 to 800 miles per hour. Within the tracks I have built, it can reach about 1400 miles per hour before it needs to drop its speed. All of that is just some rough tests. Once I have more space, like in Underworld, I can properly test it."

"...*Whistle* That's a lot of speed."

"...By rough tests, you mean you had your AI run millions of tests before allowing it to be used?" Athena's eyes rolled at him.

"Something like that."

As he said that, the new maglev slid into the station. It was soundless.

With a loud hiss, a portion of the tube opened, and the train's doors opened.

"Let's go."

Everyone entered the train. The interior looked slightly different from what Athena could recall. This time around, there are no windows because everything is see-through!

It looks like there are no walls or ground!

"...This— you are utilising your Realitus technomancy for the train?" Athena knew what this was. She is trying to keep up.

"Indeed. However, it's not the particles; it's crystallisation. The train is coated with Realitus crystals, allowing it to simulate anything. Windows are no longer needed, and in a sense, they are structural weaknesses."

"...I see. This is impressive. It's the same technomancy—" Athena tried to walk over and inspect the walls, but— she was feeling like she was walking in circles.

"...Wait, bro… this is the same stuff you build in my basement?"

"Yes. Now we can do this-" With a snap of fingers, the surroundings changed, and now they were in space, underwater, on a different planet; the changes were rapid and seamless.


While the Gods liked it quite a bit, his sister was having goosebumps and was questioning the reality.

A sign of a noob who never had previous experience with simulation tech.

[Next stop is the Space Centre. Mind the gap between the train and the platform, and thank you for using Garage Rapid Transit]



"Pfff, hahaha…" Ares laughed upon hearing the announcement.

"Do you honestly have to call it Garage Rapid Transit?" Lilian said that while holding her head. She is still feeling sick from that trip. Never did she think that she would feel sick from using a train!

"Yeah. I mean, it's not like we left the garage."


Athena grabbed Lilian's hand.

"Don't argue with his common sense. It's pointless since you won't win."


"Worst case, you will end up in space on a rocket bigger than Saturn five."

"...Fair point…"

Ares snickered hearing that; Marcus didn't even listen to that as he was several metres ahead and was looking forward.

The remaining three swiftly caught up. The sounds of footsteps made Ares' grin grow! What he heard was steps of marching!

The moment the group left the wide platform and colossal entryway, they saw a massive expanse full of soldiers and multiple parked airships.

On the horizon, there was a pillar which was stretching into the sky. It was under construction.

"...This is—" Lilian was out of words. While Athena paled, she remembered this place was much, much smaller, now it's enormous! It wasn't that long ago!

'His robots are working faster than ants. Is this what it looks like when a faction mixes magic with mathematics?'

"Bro! Where do I sign up?" Ares asked with a trembling voice. He was excited, elated! Hyped up! Ready for slaughter, prepared to end lives!

"Give me a couple of days. I still have to retrieve the Confiscator, my capital airship and leave one of these in my capital ship's place." He explained to him.

"I will send you a message; prepare your boys and armour."

"Sure thing!"

While the Gods didn't have that big of a reaction to this, Lilian was different. She realised her little brother was taking the whole 'Dexter's Laboratory' to the extreme! He is planning the world's domination!


With Ares returning to Olympus from the teleportation point in his underground house, the remaining trio returned to his home on the surface.

"I need to rest." Lilian swiftly retreated; she needed to digest what she saw.

"I think you invented a new disease," Athena commented as she saw it.

"Hmm? You think?"

"Post-Marcus traumatic exposure." The Goddess of Wisdom tried to arrange the words to make sense.

"...Very funny."

"It's the truth. It takes time to adjust to madness, which is your life."

"Then it's a good thing that my wife-to-be is a Goddess who can adjust to this life." He pointed out.

"Even we, Gods, have limits." Athena, with a twitchy smile, replied.

"I am sure your limits are far greater than regular people~" As he said, they entered the living room.

"Mark! This is amazing! I didn't, though. I will meet a Primordial today!"

Roland exclaimed with a happy tone. It appears Nyx does know how to behave when she needs to.

"That's great, Dad."

"Yep, so it's like—"

The older Goldman started to tell the stuff he learned from Nyx. Marcus' father had this uncanny interest in the world and its creation, so hearing from Primordial answered a few questions.

"Great, I will stay here for a couple of hours before going to Japan and then back to Underworld."

"Oh, I see. So you're going to be away for several days?"

"Maybe, it depends on the circumstances."

As he stayed in his house for several hours, he overheard Nyx talking about certain primordials, specifically the Sea primordial Pontus.

'Oceans huh…wait, didn't I use Scavenger yet!'

Marcus summoned his console window and turned on the global map.

He started to plot a course.

'There is Belfast's sunk location, then Bismarck's location. Then, we process into the Indian Ocean, where there is a massive amount of shipwrecks.

Musashi, close in the Philippines, then Taihou—


There are so many of them!

Hmm, since I can't collect them all, it would take too long. I should collect all Yamato's first.'

Marcus was looking over all the data available to him from the internet.

'What's this? Shinano was never found? The third ship?'

He frowned at this realisation.

'In that case.'

He went back from the map and went to Ars Almadel Salomonis' settings.

At this moment, the Apsos-class station was idle, so why not use it?

The alchemist entered the coordinates of Eastern Asia, close to the Philippines, Japan, and China.

The settings were for a metal pulse scan.


A massive space station close to 300 metres started to move; its enormous barrel moved and targeted the western Pacific Ocean.

The revolver system inside of it adjusted itself for a new objective.

[Calibrating targeting systems]

[Adjusting output]

[Space crossing sequences—Online]

[Loading scanning protocols]

[Targeting: Sunken ships]

As the barrel targeted the blue marble, the light started to flow through the construct, and the magic circles in the barrel began to spin.

The station gathered vast quantities of energy in the barrel.

Seconds later, a pillar of light blasted out from the barrel and rushed towards the planet at a strange angle, curving alongside the earth's curvature.

~~~~~~New Tech~~~~~~

Electromagnetic-Graviton Train

A successor to the original Electromagnetic train, it was designed to embrace the gravity waves; it was created with the idea for mass use in space colonies and the Underworld to cross large distances at rapid speed.


A transport for cargo, armies, and regular passengers, it comes with several variations.


Sacred gear alloy, Realitus crystals, electronics, soft materials for cushioning,


Graviton Wave Emitters: The train emits gravity waves to negate gravity. It's used to accelerate and stop; the train does not have brakes; instead, it uses gravity waves in reverse to stop nearly instantaneously.

The same technomancy is employed for passenger comfort.

Four-Rails Electromagnetic Accelerator: The trains have four engines per carriage for rapid acceleration; it employs magnetism since there is no resistance, and with no resistance, the train can travel at insane speeds. Its speed is limited by how long the track is.

Realitus Crystal Coating: The train's interior has a coating of Realitus crystals; the new technomancy allows unprecedented emulation of reality. The passenger can easily forget that he was on a train in the first place.


A.P.S.O.S- Class station 01 Ars Almadel Salomonis

270-metre-long space station (more than half of it is the barrel)

A.P.S.O.S stands for All-Purpose-Space-Observation-Station. By 'All Purposes', this station can cause mass extinction events to assist in building canals in any location on Earth or dimensions linked to Earth.

Or heal armies at the military front, send aid, or new gear.


Low Orbit Multi Purpose Space Station


Sacred Gear Alloy, Electronics, Diamonds, Glass,


Multipurpose Hexagon Diamond Rail Barrel (Outdated, waiting for upgrades): A barrel with six diamond rails, by all means, it's an enlarged version of the Deimos and Phobos barrel style. It has several differences as it allows to shoot not just beams but physical objects like cargo or even people. It was inspired by Bifrost from MCU.

When used for sheer destruction, the energy goes through over 140 mass accelerator magic circles, creating a force powerful enough to copy the meteorite's power, which wiped dinosaurs out.

Multipurpose Revolver System: Because of its enormous size, the revolver system can hold thousands of cartridges with millions of variations of distinctive energy.

Automated-Autonomous Space Assembly Lines: Superior version of regular Assembly lines. Since it is in space, there is no gravity, allowing it to build massive constructs.

Prototype Habitat Zones: Marcus prototype living modules for space life.

Prototype Hangar Modules: Ars Almadel Salomonis has an array of prototype modules which will keep future spacecraft.

Observation Deck: A flat room with Realitus projectors installed and created to experience space or observe Earth from thousands of kilometres away.

Aurora Network Tower: Ars Almadel Salomonis acts like a hub for Aurora 2.0 to reach any position on Earth, excluding Dimensions connected to Earth, to reach those dimensions, satellite dishes need to be built in those dimensions.

~~~~~~To be built ~~~~~~

S.P.B.A Space Marines Corp: Barracks and Creation Chambers for S.P.B.A Space Marines

M.G.M.I Corp: Designing quarters and testing grounds for Mechanical Infantry


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