
It Started with a Bra

Warning: Contains adult content! Jack Wilson, the owner of the world's famous lingerie brand 'Inner beauty' is the neighbour of a beautiful girl named Eva, who is new to the neighbourhood. What happens when the courier service by mistake delivers Eva's package to Jack? Jack opens the package only to find a pair of lacy bra inside it. Ever heard of a romcom story, revolving around a bra..?? ;)

Alaheeza · Fantasy
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263 Chs


"Hello, I am here to eat everything that you have cooked, including the cheese burger." The girl sat down on the chair of the dinning area, which was situated right in the middle of the living room and kitchen. The gigantic marbled glass, was engraved with several designs, while the falling lights from the ceiling above was highlighting the table beautifully.

The butler smiled happily and placed everything in a trolley, briging it towards the table. He then one by one started to place each item on the table, with much excitement.

"Wow!!! These dishes look so amazing!!" The girl was stunned looking at the several cusines the man had placed before her.

Soon the girl was already taking a big bite of the cheese burger and side by side eating the baked cheese rice with much satisfaction. "Yummm!!! This is so good. Dad sure has sent nothing but the best for me." The girl smiled taking another big bite of the burger, now serving herself some sushi rolls.