
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
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26 Chs

chapter 1

Pantings filled the room and the lights were turned off.

"Darren (sighs) please" my hands dug deep into his hair as I begged for my fill.

"Gwen" he called out to me like his life depended on it. Our bodies moved in sync like we were one.

"Darren" I cupped his face in my hands. I stared at his midnight eyes lost in his desire and maybe just maybe his love. I leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. A kiss that will implant something in his soul, a tear rolled down my cheeks I wasn't crying due to my aching insides I was crying cause this was the last I'd ever see him. "I love you Darren, with all of my heart"

He smiled at me and my heart melted his lips parted to say something, was he going to say same. I could feel my heart banging against my ribs, was he going to say it?

"I know you do" my body went pale but Darren didn't give me the chance to process a potential heartbreak. He continued to bang me.

A few minutes later

   I stared at the man who was sleeping soundly on the bed. He was an epitome of divine beauty, I'm really going to miss him.

I couldn't help but blush as I recalled what had just happened a while ago.

"Mom is definitely going berserk if she finds out I'm no longer pure" I chuckled

Deep down i had no regrets for what i did. Sharing a night with him was the only memory I would have left once he leaves.

  I picked my phone "shit!! Anna" my roommate in college had called me for a dozen times. I guess it was time for me to leave, I stared at Darren.

   How I wish I could stay a little bit longer if not forever by his side but no I can't I'm below his class. Well technically his age group. Afterall his younger sister is older than me.

He'd be looking for mature and classic ladies instead and I definitely knew I was none of the above. What could I do?, nothing.I was never good at faking or changing my personality so I accepted my faith as it was dished out to me.

I still love him though and that was one thing that would never change.

I loved him so much I willingly gave up my flower. It made me glad knowing Darren was the man who made me a woman, and this was a decision that I'd never regret.

Consequences come as it may, afterall what's the worst that can happen apart from my mother's spiritual sermon and my father's moral antics.

I got dressed,picked my things and quietly  left the room.

"Going home I see"

" German!!"I jolted in shock it was German, Darren's best friend. He is a blonde magpie quite good looking and is very kind. He always calls me his baby sister though I found it insulting I kinda liked it. I can't believe he'd be leaving also, Oh God my heart aches.

"He's sleeping and I don't want to disturb him so...,"I looked away before my emotions sell me out. "Just tell him I was here"

"Sure I'll do that" German had a smirk on his, " wanna tell me what happened in there" my face felt warm

"N-n-nothing" I stammered

"Really?" He was teasing me again. When he noticed I wasn't in the mood for jokes he smiled warmly "I'll miss you"

He stretched out his hands and hugged me. I mustered up a lot of courage not to break down like a crying baby.

"Me too" I pulled away slowly savouring this final moments with my seniors.

There was a momentary silence between us "so when are you going to tell him?"

I frowned at his question, I wasn't ready to answer this question. He knows how much this topic hurts me.

" Tell him what?"I pretended

" that you have feelings for him obviously" I looked away sadly" come on gwen you're no more a kid"

"He doesn't see me the way I do" I whispered sadly

German seemed annoyed

"You aren't sure about that" he defended

There was no need pumping my hopes up. I was way too young or so I thought. I mean I'm only 18 and he's 23, there's no way he'd ever think of having a relationship with me.

Tears filled my eyes.


"It's fine German" I quickly wiped my tears away. " it's okay I'm just happy that I had the opportunity to spend time with him"

"You make it sound as if it's the end of the world"I gave a jaunty smile "you can still call him you know"

"I'm not sure Jamie will like that"

He rolled his eyes at my words.

Just then my phone rang it was Anna again.

"I'm on my way" i turned to German,"I really need to get going Anna is waiting for me downstairs"

" let me escort you"he offered with a charming smile. I nodded and led the way. We spoke about trivial issues while we walked down the hallway.

   There was a car waiting for me outside the hotel. By the way the hotel is owned by German's family. It's the biggest in the country.

"Babe" Anna ran out of the car with a puffed up face" what the heck gwen I've been waiting for you it's past 12"

"I'm sorry" I apologized, German had an expression that I was very conversant with. "I lost track of time that's all"

Anna sighed before turning to German she cast her usual scrutinizing gaze on him before smiling seductively " and who is this?"

I rolled my eyes at her coy act

" this is my senior, German Dwagan"

Anna stretched out her hand for a hand shake but German didn't seem like he would do same any time soon. I nudged him a little bit and gave a questioning look

"Nice to meet you, Miss..."

"Annabella Brook" she smiled as they both shook hands awkwardly.

"Well looks like we're done here why don't we take our leave, right Anna" i interrupted Anna's imaginations, that's when she let go of his hand.

"Bye German" I smiled once more and gave him a quick hug.

German's eyes softened once he turned to me "bye baby sister".

I watched as the hotel vanished into the night. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I felt the distance between us grow more and more.Anna rubbed my back while I cried softly on her lap."goodbye Darren Everest"


9am that day

Darren rolled on the bed countless times his hands kept searching for her warmth. Her soft body but he couldn't feel her. He slowly opened his eyes and sunlight peaked through.

"Gwen..." He whispered

"She left a few hours ago" a familiar voice echoed in his head.

Darren frowned, how could she leave. He sat up and stretched his body.

"What's the time?" He dug his black wavy short hair with his hand.


Darren goaned in annoyance. Past 9 meaning only one thing. "She's upstairs isn't she?"

"Well, no but the helicopter is here to take you home" German stood up from the couch in front of the bed. He walked over to the door "you have less than an hour to get dressed so mister get up" he opened the door and walked out leaving Darren to his thoughts.

He has never had such a wonderful time in his life. His mind was clouded with nothing but Gwen. He felt an unusual kind of pain in his chest. He picked his phone immediately and searched for her number.

"(Dialing) the number you've dialed is not reachable at the moment please try again later" he's face turned ugly in an instant.

He quickly got up from bed and went to the bathroom.

After washing up, getting dressed and polished he stepped out of his room.

German was leaning against the wall opposite his room.

"Are you ready?" His friend asked while his eyes were glued on his smartphone.

Darren dialed Gwen's number for the 4th time but it still wasn't reachable.

"What's happening German?" He's voice had a hint of annoyance frustration and anxiety. Did she just clog him out of her life?. No she wouldn't not after what they shared last night.

"In as much as I would like to intervene in this matter, I also have been unable to reach her" German patted his back." It's alright maybe there's some network issue at the moment okay why not dial her number when we are back at the Villa.

Darren was about to protest when a man dressed like a butler and 2 huge bodyguards walked towards him and his friend.

" Young master Everest it is time to leave" the butler bowed to Darren and stretched his hands forward.

"Time's up, pretty boy" German snorted and walked towards the direction the butler pointed, then after Darren followed.


2 weeks later.

  It's been 2 weeks since Darren and my seniors graduated and my life has been miserable.Utterly miserable.

I always had the protection of my seniors against the bullying Jamie but now that they are gone my life is all  haywire. I'm constantly picked on, in the library, in the cafeteria, in the assembly hall, even in my room.

   Little did I know that was just the tip of the iceberg.I stared at the pregnancy test in my hands and all  I could see were 2 red lines. I bought 4 more packets just to clarify, still it's positive. I had one thing to say, HOW?!!!!!!!.

   God I saw Darren use protection and I had mine on,  so how I'm I pregnant. Is this some kinda of punishment from God because i did something bad.

   I had to think of a solution and quick. Definitely I couldn't rely on Anna cause she's an absolute chatter box, my secret would be out in less than a day.

  I sat down on the toilet seat thinking about my life and how it's going to ruin me. I couldn't afford to stop school when I had just 2 years left, but my dad could pull some strings and let me continue school even after having the child. But the main problem is my DAD.

  He'll literally make my life a living hell. Or should I get rid of the child.

"Shut up Gwen!!" I yelled in the toilet, how could I have thought of that. I don't know the first step in making part human not to talk of a full one. I'll never kill an innocent child.


"Gwen" Annabella knocked on the door."are you alright?"

No I'm not "Yes I am" I lied and quickly packed the pregnancy tests on the floor. I couldn't let her see even the wrap or I'm done for."I'll be out in minute, I'm just purging. I'm fine"

"Alright, I'm off to Lily's party, I'll be back tomorrow morning."


After she left I heard the door lock. "Oh God,Gwen what are you going to do?"

I picked my phone and scrolled through my contact list, there had to be some one who could help me out.

"Yes Francis"


"Hello Gwen what's up"

"Francis oh thank goodness are at home right now I really need to talk to you"

"I'm home right now but I'll be out in about an hour so..."

"I'll be there in less than 10 minutes okay just wait for me"

I hung up and dashed out of the toilet with my hands full of pregnancy tests.

If anyone could bail me out of this dilemma it was Francis.
