
It Might Be You, My Darling [Volume One Completed]

Which SECRET will you keep for the rest of your life? She wakes up without a recollection of the other night's event. Krishna was horrid as realization hit her one morning. She had a one-night stand with a stranger! Why did she end up in the bed naked, pain searing all over her body, and no sight of her companion last night? As she could not comprehend what happened to her, memories of last night disappeared without a trace, whereas memories from the distant past resurfaced and muddled her head greatly. ‘What is going on? Why do I remember nothing, but I could recall some events during my childhood?’ What mystery surrounded that night, and she could not fathom being in an unfamiliar place without recollection? ~ “I want you to break up with him!” said the dude, who appeared out of nowhere. ‘The audacity of this man?’ She was pinned to the wall, and the crazy guy yelled this in her face. “What are you talking about? Do I even know you?” she snapped, glaring at the stranger. ‘Who is this guy? I don’t know him at all!’ She only wanted to enjoy the vacation she won over the lottery. However, she was being attacked by gorgeous men out of nowhere! “Who are you?” another man who blocked her in the hallway asked. “Huh? Isn’t I the one supposed to ask you this question? Who are you? I am certain we have never met before.” Even though she snapped at him, the man seemed confused by her answer. “Is that so? Then? Why do you keep appearing in my dreams?” Krishna was rendered speechless. ‘I thought this joke was outdated! Someone has still had the thick face to use for advances!’ I think I’m going crazy one of these days! First, I was mistaken for someone’s mistress. Now, I am somebody’s girlfriend. Maybe tomorrow, I will become someone’s wife. Great! How ironic would that be!? ~ Chapter Release Schedule: TUESDAY - THURSDAY - SATURDAY (This book is under massive editing.) Warning: The story is in slow-paced/slow-burn progress. If it is your cup of tea, then welcome! So, I'm hoping you'll still like it. ( ^ ^ ) The novel uses the first person in the beginning to know our characters and 3rd person's pov in the rest of the story. Enjoy reading! [Book Cover is AI-Generated by Me]

Elise_Elleneth · Urban
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75 Chs

The Dress and Her Facade (One)

Being tightly embraced by Stella, Krishna was bewildered about whether to return the warmth the former had shown her.

After dinner with Camilla last night, her best friend warned her that Stella is not simple and she must be cautious around the latter, which confused her.

"What's wrong?"

Stella noticed her quietness. As she did not react, confusion was written on her face, wondering. Thus, Krishna snapped and returned to her senses. She then forced to smile, concealing the doubt in her chest.

"I... I met a friend last night, and I had drunk too much, so I didn't return to the city..." she told Stella after she regained her senses, praying she would believe her and no longer inquire.

"Last night? A friend?"

On the other hand, Stella seemed to fall into a daze after casually glancing at Florian.

Last night...

Driving out from the villa where Camilla and his cousin Alec stayed, Florian floored the gas, and his Lamborghini shot like a rocket into the dark road in the middle of the night.

It only took him twenty minutes, and he returned to the hotel. He marched straight toward Stella's bedroom and opened the door without knocking.

Stella, who is currently having FaceTime, was startled.

"You're back." She immediately regained her composure and beamed. Then her attention returned to her phone screen, and she said with glee. "Daddy is here! Would you like to speak with him?"

"Yes, mommy, pretty please!"

The little girl on the other end of that video call was delighted by her mother's announcement. She requested in a coy voice.

Florian, who came with a dark face, softened and parted his lips into a smile when Stella faced the camera at him.


"Hello, princess." Florian was cut off when Stella tiptoed and kissed him on the lips.

In front of their daughter, they gave her a picture of a happily married couple. Thus, he let Stella act intimately with him. Although disgusted, he had to endure it when their daughter was watching.

Florian clenched his fists inside his pockets and remained to smile at his daughter. On the other hand, the little girl was elated seeing how sweet her parents were.

"Daddy, why did you leave mommy alone in the hotel? She said she was lonely as she missed you so much."

Listening to his daughter's complaints, Florian concealed the displeasure flash in his eyes. He would have long strangled Stella for planting such a scheme on their daughter's head if it weren't for their daughter.

"Princess, you know Daddy has many things to do. Aside from piloting the biggest plane in the world, I am managing a big aviation company. It is why I am often away and cannot accompany your mommy. Well, this is what I often say to your mom. She shouldn't follow me because I cannot put up with her capriciousness."

As still young and innocent, the little girl didn't fully understand the depth of his statement. All she kept in her mind was that her Daddy worked hard every day.

However, listening from the side, Stella shoots Florian a murderous glare. Her chest heaving up and down from frustration with the excuse he came up with.

'My capriciousness!?'

Florian sounded like she was to blame for why she felt sad and lonely, craving her husband's attention and longing for his touch and warmth.

Stella's hand on her side turned into a ball, digging her long fingers into her palm. 'Don't you dare plant bullshit into my daughter's head! Otherwise, you'll regret it!'

Unbeknownst to Florian, Stella was cursing him inside her head. She loved him with all her heart, but when it came to their daughter, she would not allow him to put a picture in her head that she was losing her sanity, the reason she behaved like a lunatic.

The talk lasted for another five minutes. Florian bid farewell to his daughter with an excuse he had a virtual meeting with their European partners; thus, he had to go.

Sadness is exhibited on the little girl's face. Despite that, she nodded and smiled, understanding her Daddy's work.

Her Daddy brought her to the company a few times, and she witnessed how busy managing a big company is.

"Alright, Daddy. Good night!"

After a few more exchanges of goodbyes, Florian hung up and returned the phone to Stella.

"How dare you lie to our daughter this way!?" Stella could no longer remain silent. Now that the call had ended, she didn't suppress her anger toward her husband.

Florian shot a razor-sharp gaze at her, undisguised by his disgust. "Shut up! If you weren't behaving, maybe I have an ounce of sympathy left for you. Listen carefully, Stella. I only put up an act in front of our daughter because she was still young to understand why her parents got divorced."

"What do you mean by your statement? Were you still thinking of divorcing me? In your dream! I would never let that bitch become a part of the Graham family!" Stella gritted her teeth as she bellowed under her breath. Seething with anger, she clenched her hands tight on her sides, and she could feel the pain in her palm after her long nails dug in. However, it didn't compare to the pain in her heart.

Florian did not care about her. Even if she exploded in anger like a volcano, he would think she was only babbling bullshit. Even so, it didn't stop him from grinning ear to ear, yet the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Huh." Florian scoffed, ignoring that her face had become ugly. "You dreamed you would remain part of the Graham family. Sooner or later, I will file our divorce. And by that time, I assure you that the court will take my side."

His voice sounded nonchalant, but every word that came out of his mouth was like a double-edged sword cutting through her heart into pieces.

"What are you planning? Are you going to make up a story against me?" Instead of seething in anger, Stella chose to look pitiful; thus, she softened her voice and squeezed a tear so that she would look helpless—more so to appear powerless.

Seeing how she changed her temperament so fast, the light hostility he felt toward Stella that night had increased.

His mouth twitched as he sneered in his heart. 'Those crocodile tears!'

Florian could no longer stand her drama. He had no tolerance for watching the mother of his child throwing tantrums and fuming nonsense. What he desires is to leave that place as soon as possible.

'I better look for another place to sleep tonight!' Since his cousin Alec has arrived in the country, staying in his villa and spoiling the couple's wild night is inappropriate.

After making up his mind, Florian turned around and headed to the door, slamming it shut.

Stella shuddered when she heard the door closed with such force. Although her husband plastered an exasperated expression on his face, she still ran after him.

"Where are you going?" Stella caught up with Florian. She grabbed his arm and queried him. "Are you going to that woman?"

The latter lowered his gaze and looked at the fair hand on his arm. He didn't disguise his disgust when his nominal wife gripped his elbow.

"It's none of your business whenever I go!" he said after successfully snatching his arm.

"Florian!" She called again, but her husband turned deaf and left the presidential suite.

She is tempted to follow him outside but has pride in herself. She was born into a noble family and has always been a princess. Even though she loved Florian that much, she would not let outsiders witness her weakness in front of that man.

Recalling what happened last night, Stella blinked and concealed the hatred that was about to explode inside her chest.

'Florian! Just watch me destroy that woman! I will make sure that she has no face to show soon!'

She recollected herself and snapped her head out of a daze. She smiled at Krishna, despite how she envied and hated her.

Krishna is wearing a bodycon halter dress that displays her olive skin tone long-legged.

Stella may deny it, but the former exuded such sex appeal that she, a woman, thought she was too attractive in the eyes.

"Krishna, what do you think of my evening gown?" Concealing the jealousy in her heart, she made a graceful turn and showed off her slender back.

Yet, before Krishna could fire her prepared flattery words to the woman, someone spoke behind her.

"Stella? Why are you wearing that dress?"

"Don't you reserve this dress for me?" Stella replied coquettishly. She even spoke loudly while she cast Florian a meaningful stare before her gaze moved toward Krishna.

"No. I reserved it for Krishna."

Krishna glanced over her shoulder after she heard George's answer. Although George had mentioned it many times, it shocked her to witness how the latter questioned Stella with a displeased tone.

She eyed George curiously, and then something was awakening within her chest.

'I almost forgot! George loves Stella! And he is using me to help him separate Florian and Stella as he thought I was Florian's mistress. But why did this man kiss me last night and this morning? Not only that, he even sleeps in the same bed as me!'

At that very moment, her head has even muddled up. Once again, she had the crazy realization that the way George had treated her in the passing day was probably because he was up to something.

"Stella, that dress is for Krishna. I specifically chose it," George patiently explained.

Meanwhile, as Krishna's thoughts drifted away, Stella was shocked that George was treating her coldly.

She was in disbelief that he had another girl he seemed to pamper other than her from now on.

"What do you mean, George?" All of a sudden, as she felt humiliated, her eyes began to spark with tears.