
It Might Be You, My Darling [Volume One Completed]

Which SECRET will you keep for the rest of your life? She wakes up without a recollection of the other night's event. Krishna was horrid as realization hit her one morning. She had a one-night stand with a stranger! Why did she end up in the bed naked, pain searing all over her body, and no sight of her companion last night? As she could not comprehend what happened to her, memories of last night disappeared without a trace, whereas memories from the distant past resurfaced and muddled her head greatly. ‘What is going on? Why do I remember nothing, but I could recall some events during my childhood?’ What mystery surrounded that night, and she could not fathom being in an unfamiliar place without recollection? ~ “I want you to break up with him!” said the dude, who appeared out of nowhere. ‘The audacity of this man?’ She was pinned to the wall, and the crazy guy yelled this in her face. “What are you talking about? Do I even know you?” she snapped, glaring at the stranger. ‘Who is this guy? I don’t know him at all!’ She only wanted to enjoy the vacation she won over the lottery. However, she was being attacked by gorgeous men out of nowhere! “Who are you?” another man who blocked her in the hallway asked. “Huh? Isn’t I the one supposed to ask you this question? Who are you? I am certain we have never met before.” Even though she snapped at him, the man seemed confused by her answer. “Is that so? Then? Why do you keep appearing in my dreams?” Krishna was rendered speechless. ‘I thought this joke was outdated! Someone has still had the thick face to use for advances!’ I think I’m going crazy one of these days! First, I was mistaken for someone’s mistress. Now, I am somebody’s girlfriend. Maybe tomorrow, I will become someone’s wife. Great! How ironic would that be!? ~ Chapter Release Schedule: TUESDAY - THURSDAY - SATURDAY (This book is under massive editing.) Warning: The story is in slow-paced/slow-burn progress. If it is your cup of tea, then welcome! So, I'm hoping you'll still like it. ( ^ ^ ) The novel uses the first person in the beginning to know our characters and 3rd person's pov in the rest of the story. Enjoy reading! [Book Cover is AI-Generated by Me]

Elise_Elleneth · Urban
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75 Chs

Her Scapegoat?

"I am your wife. Is it normal for me to be here and anywhere you are?"

After hearing the woman say this, my feet were nailed to the floor. What does she mean? The news struck me. It made me realize Camilla was only a mistress.

Is it why she was afraid that I would meet her boyfriend? They were in a relationship that was forbidden. 'Please tell me that the man you kissed has a twin brother.'

I wanted to ask Camilla because she hated men, who are cheaters after her older sister Cecil committed suicide when her husband cheated on her.

We were in high school by then, and Camilla witnessed how her parents were devastated by the incident. Cecil hangs herself while her two children watch her, and she is pregnant when she commits that. Such a traumatic experience for innocent lives.

Thus, I could not believe that Camilla allowed herself to be someone who destroyed somebody's marriage along with life. That day—Camilla and I raced against time to arrive at Cecil's home and stop her plan to commit suicide, but we were too late. I saw Cecil's body hanging in the storage house.

Thus, I would never believe that Camilla could do this. I know I am in denial because I was there.

"What are you doing?" There was a rough voice that sounded above me.

At first, I thought I was only hallucinating. But my nostril caught a pleasant, manly musk, which somehow became familiar. My feet were rooted on the floor; thus, I turned my head and gaped at the man towering over me.

It was George, and I could not make out a suitable expression. I wanted to phone Camilla and query her. I'm still shocked by what I learned. However, would she talk to me? She will even avoid seeing me.

"Answer my question!" he yelled at me, and I was annoyed.

'Is he narcissistic?' I don't need to guess. He is a proud man who thought everyone would bow to him. This was our third encounter in just one day. And with all the incidents, we bumped into each other—I was in such a situation.

"Wow. And you dare to glare at me?" the man twisted his lips upon saying this. He acted like I was a fungus the way he scanned me from my head down my stiletto with disgust. His sharp glare was like a knife cutting me through. Under his scrutiny, my hand trembled with annoyance.

Gladly, I was carrying a red purse where I could vent all the emotion that filled my chest. 'Who the hell is this guy? What did I owe him?'

I was already frustrated with Camilla, and now this man was getting on my nerves.

"Are you mute?" he asked me in a tone of mock.

That's it! And my patience snapped out. I was gathering my courage to counter this man and beat him until he turned into a pulp. But Camilla's boyfriend and wife noticed us.

The couple wrinkled their foreheads while staring at me, and then their gaze moved to the man next to me. I wanted to dig a hole to hide, but it was too late.


"Florian..." George forced a smile and nodded at the man named Florian. "Please excuse us. You can carry out your conversation."

It appears that they knew each other very well, but George left the scene hastily. But he is not alone. He was dragging me!

"Let me go! Don't touch me!" I was struggling to get free from his grasp. But George tightened his grip on my elbow.

"Stop struggling! Don't make a scene!" He warned me, which annoyed me.

'And who makes a scene? Isn't he?' This man absolutely irritates me.

When we reached a cross hallway, he pushed me to the corner and pinned me on the wall. George was towering over me even though I was wearing a four-inch stiletto; I had to crane my neck to look at him.

"What are you doing!?" I gritted my teeth, restraining my voice not to shout while my palms were pushing him, but to no avail.

Instead, he even shortened the small gap left between our bodies. Thus, I could feel the warmth emitting from his body.

"I could not believe you have such a thicker face to show up!" George screams in my face. But he ensures to control his voice not to attract other guests' attention passing by in that corner.

"Do I even know you?" I was utterly confused about why he was angry at me. Our first encounters are entirely coincidental but by the third time? It was he who approached me! Moreover, my question seemed to annoy him, as I could tell he was clenching his jaw to control his emotion.

"I don't know you, but I know Florian! He has a beautiful marriage to Stella before you seduce him!"

'Seduce him? Who?' I heard it wrong, probably. But the dagger look George throws at me helps me to process the entire scenario. Today is the first time we have met. George mistook me for Camilla. But why would he have the thought? Why did he think I was Florian's mistress? I tried to digest George's accusation. But I could not find any answer.

"I don't know who Florian is..."

"Stop denying it! And don't you dare pretend you don't know Florian! What a gold digger!"

My ears buzzed when George sneered at me, followed by insults. My gaze darkened, and I wished my glare was daggers to stab this man!

"I'm telling you the truth! I didn't know him!"

My teeth were gritting in anger. However, I don't know how to explain better and defend myself from George's accusing gaze. 'I am innocent!'

But the look on his face. He would not believe whatever I said. Instead, I understand a little now. However, George never accepts my defense and continues accusing me.

"It's no use even if you will deny it! I saw your text conversation with Florian! You told him what suite you would stay in, so Florian booked the room next to you. Then you could easily sneak into his room!"

I look at George, utterly shocked. The plot he had in mind was exceptionally great! Cannes producers and directors should make it to the movie! 'This is crazy!'

So he was telling me that everything was a setup? Camilla is staying in a presidential suite. Then, Florian was staying next door. And George found this out. So now I'm thinking...

Is George who contacted Stella to follow Florian in this city to catch him cheating on her? And is it a coincidence that I was now staying in that suite?

Recalling earlier, George's company came from the hotel suite across mine. So? Is George purposely occupying that hotel suite to stalk me?

But my biggest concern broke my heart. 'Camilla, did you deliberately set me up?'

I don't want to think that I was in such a situation. It confused me if it was a mere coincidence that I got involved in Camilla's affair.

But what if Camilla intentionally dragged me into this city to become her scapegoat?