
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 7: Fearless Xia Bing

"Hmm? Captain Wang, what's going on?"

Wang Meng's face was bruised and swollen, clearly indicating that he had been beaten up.

"Damn it, someone dared to bully my classmate Chen Pi?!"

Chen Shu had a righteous look on his face and instantly summoned a golden slime.

"Goo goo."

The golden slime growled 'fiercely'.

It was already a Level 1 Contracted Spirit, standing at a height of three meters,

resembling a 'pile of feces' in appearance, with no combat ability,

which was indeed the case.

"Chen Pi, the Beast Taming Regulations of Hua Country state that you cannot summon a Contracted Spirit at will. Go back to the classroom first."

However, Wang Meng's expression changed and he hurriedly spoke up to stop him.

"Bullying my classmate in broad daylight, does the law still exist? Does justice still exist?"

Chen Shu was filled with righteous indignation and temporarily put away the Contracted Spirit.

Just then, a student from the Beast Taming Class Three suddenly appeared beside them.

He was dressed in a white T-shirt and had dyed his hair a striking green.

"I'm the one who fought him, any problems? I'm willing to accept the outcome of a bet, that's the rule of the Beast Taming Class."

Zheng Yi smirked and looked at Wang Meng.

"The lower-grade Beast Taming Orbs for this month belong to me. Remember to hand them over obediently,"

"Xiao Wang, I'm not targeting you. I'm saying that the Beast Taming Class Five is all trash!"

Wang Meng clenched his fists, a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.

"This green-haired brat is so arrogant?"

Chen Shu couldn't help but think and was prepared to step forward.

"This is the territory of Beast Taming Class Three, so go back first," Wang Meng pulled Chen Shu and returned to the classroom.

Chen Shu gave Zheng Yi a fierce glare but ultimately refrained from acting impulsively.

"Why did you end up fighting with him?" Chen Shu asked.

Based on his understanding of Wang Meng, he didn't seem like someone who would pick fights.

"We have always had conflicts. Every month, we have a Beast Tamer competition, and if you lose, you have to give the Beast Taming Orbs provided by the school to the other person."

"Beast Taming Orbs? Why haven't I heard of them?"

"The top three in each monthly exam will receive a Beast Taming Orb."

"No wonder I didn't know..."

The two of them supported each other back to the classroom.

Several boys surrounded them, expressing their concern, saying, "Meng Ge, are you alright?"

Clearly, everyone was familiar with Wang Meng's monthly competitions.

"What a useless guy! He has lost three months in a row."

A cold voice rang out, and a girl with a ponytail spoke disdainfully.

She was wearing a white dress, with fair skin and a petite figure.

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl walked out of the classroom.

"Who is she?" Chen Shu looked puzzled.

"She's Xia Bing, the class monitor of our class," Wang Meng whispered, already accustomed to her tone.

As the class leader, losing three consecutive competitions had brought criticism not only from their own class but also from other classes.

While they were talking, a student suddenly shouted.

"Big news! Xia Bing is going to challenge everyone in Beast Taming Class Three after school today!"

"What's going on?! Is the class monitor so assertive?"

"Beast Taming Class Three has 24 students, and even the weakest among them is a Level 3 Beast Tamer."

Wang Meng's expression froze, and he sighed.

"Sister Xia is helping me find a way out. It's all my fault for being useless and unable to defeat Zheng Yi."

"Do you think she can win?"

Chen Shu looked at Xia Bing's empty seat with surprise. He hadn't expected this girl to be so fearless, directly challenging the entire class.

"Xia Jie used to be in Beast Taming Class One, but due to special circumstances, she was transferred to Beast Taming Class Five. She definitely has the strength, but Beast Taming Class Three is not to be underestimated," Chen Shu said, rubbing his hands together, feeling a hint of excitement.

"In the afternoon, let's all go and cheer for her. If she really can't win, we'll fight together," he suggested.

"Agreed!" The students of Beast Taming Class Five instantly united, expressing their desire to witness this battle.

The clash between the two classes stirred up the whole grade, and even the teachers knew about it, but no one tried to stop it. While it would be unacceptable for students in regular classes to engage in group fights, who said anything about Beast Taming Class? They fought against each other, not against civilians, right?

Just then, the bell for class rang.

Xia Bing, dressed in a white dress, returned to the classroom. Fang Ke also walked in and looked at the students below, distributing the test papers.

"In the last test, the top three scores were Xia Bing, Wang Meng, and Li Zixuan," Fang Ke announced, taking out three white orbs that brimmed with abundant spiritual energy. It was the lower-grade Beast Taming Orbs provided by the school.

Unlike other potions, these orbs could directly enhance the beast-taming power within one's body and were extremely useful. However, they were equally expensive, worth tens of thousands each and not available on the market. Only schools with official backing could obtain them.

For academically excellent students, the annual tuition of tens of thousands was definitely worth the value.

"Xia Bing, be careful this afternoon," Fang Ke said.

Fang Ke intentionally gave a few remarks, indicating that he was already aware of the challenge.

"Teacher Fang, it's alright. We'll all go and watch," Chen Shu confidently replied.

"That's good then. Chen Pi, you don't need to go, to avoid any danger. Just study your academic subjects honestly," Fang Ke advised.

Chen Shu: "??"

Am I not the protagonist? Without my battles, can they even be called battles?

The day quickly passed by. At first, Chen Shu intended to study his academic subjects since the college entrance examination also included cultural courses. However, lacking any foundation, he became drowsy as soon as he saw the textbooks. Within a few minutes, he unconsciously dozed off.

Ding Ling Ling!

A crisp bell rang, and Chen Shu instinctively woke up.

"School's over..."

At that moment, the atmosphere in the class instantly changed. Xia Bing, carrying a blue backpack, was the first to step out of the classroom. The rest of the students followed, heading to the school's Beast Taming Pavilion, where there was a dedicated arena for competitions. Apart from the two classes involved, students from the other three classes also came to observe.

The competition area quickly became crowded with nearly a hundred people. In the center stood a massive platform, the battleground for contract spirit fights.

"Xia Bing, I admit that you're powerful, but I didn't expect you to be so foolish, challenging our entire class. Are your three Beast Taming Pearls ready?" Zheng Yi crossed his arms, a mocking expression on his face.

Those three Beast Taming Pearls were worth thirty thousand each, a true gamble. Even students from the Beast Taming Class wouldn't be so extravagant.

"Quit the nonsense!"

Xia Bing's face was full of disdain as she instantly summoned her contracted spirit.


A completely blue ice wolf appeared, measuring two meters in length. It exuded a frosty aura that instantly awed the entire arena.

"A Level 5 Beast Tamer?!"

The spectators below exclaimed in astonishment.

A Level 5 Beast Tamer was already considered a top student in the Beast Taming Class, worthy of being in the top ten.

"No wonder you're so confident."

Zheng Yi's face showed embarrassment. As the class monitor, he was only a Level 4 Beast Tamer.

"Don't panic. We have over twenty people. Even if it's a battle of attrition, we have enough to win."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Yi summoned his contracted spirit.

An undead skeleton wielding a bone knife instantly appeared. Two green flames hung in the eye sockets, giving it a terrifying appearance.

Although they were called Beast Tamers, the types of contracted spirits were extremely diverse, not limited to just monsters.

Zheng Yi's skeleton belonged to the undead category, while Chen Shu's slime was a special category.