
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 53: Did You Apply Crane's Crown Red to Your Lips?

"Little Chen, I owe you my life!"

Suddenly, Lao Deng leaned in and said seriously.

If it weren't for Chen Shu summoning the slime at a critical moment, he would have been a corpse by now.

"Is it a big deal for me? Of course not. It's just a small effort. Is there a big problem as long as I'm around? Definitely not."

Listening to Chen Shu's self-questioning and self-answering, Lao Deng felt strange, but he acknowledged Chen Shu in his heart.

Although the other party seemed unconventional, he was able to stand up at critical moments.

Suddenly, the windwing eagle in the sky let out a soft chirp, and an invisible wind blade descended, instantly killing a green-eyed snake on top of the tree above their heads.

The power of the skill was evident!

Along the way, with the protection of the windwing eagle, they encountered no more crises.

However, they also failed to gather any herbs from the dimensional space.

"We'll stay here overnight and return early tomorrow morning!"

Although it was highly likely to strike it rich in the Qingyuan Forest, they should try not to stay too long, or they would inevitably encounter some terrifying creatures.

Chen Shu's mouth watered as he took out the wild boar meat and set up his barbecue rack.

"We're in for a treat today."

Chen Shu spoke, his gaze fixed on the large tree above.

Everyone looked over and saw a massive beehive hanging from it.


Zhou Shi furrowed his brows and commanded the windwing eagle to go and investigate. Eventually, they learned that it was just a slightly larger beehive inside, not even considered a fierce beast.

The contracted spirits mobilized and removed the beehive, resulting in the death of all the bees inside.

"Let's make some honey-glazed wild boar meat tonight!"

Soon, the tantalizing aroma reached everyone's nostrils, and their eyes instantly filled with anticipation.

More than twenty pounds of wild boar meat was shared among the group, leaving their lips and teeth fragrant, and they couldn't help but savor the taste.

"I'm telling you, Xiao Chen, you should just go directly to the Beast Chef University. You'll definitely be better at it than being a beast tamer!"

In the current world of professions, there were all sorts of unique occupations. The Beast Chef was specifically responsible for cooking various wild beast meat, and long-term consumption could even enhance the attributes of contracted spirits. It was considered a decent and high-end profession in society.

Chen Shu shrugged and said, "Forget it. You're burying the future of a legendary beast tamer. Besides, my buddy Zhang Dali is much better at cooking than me."

He did learn from Zhang Dali, and compared to culinary skills, Zhang Dali was truly outstanding. He even won the championship in the chef competition of Nanjiang City.

After chatting for a while, drowsiness set in among the group.

Zhou Shi spoke up, "Rest early. The night watch order remains the same."

Everyone returned to their respective tents, leaving Chen Shu and Lao Deng to guard the campfire.

As night fell, silence enveloped the surroundings.

Chen Shu lay by the campfire, gazing at the clear night sky, his gaze deep and contemplative, as if pondering the meaning of life.

"We might have overdone it with the wild boar meat and honey tonight... A mistake..."

Lao Deng suddenly spoke, breaking the silence, "Xiao Chen, you should only be seventeen this year, right?"

"Huh? What's up? Envious that I'm young?" Chen Shu spoke with a wild grass in his mouth.

Lao Deng chuckled and suddenly said, "About the same age as my daughter..."

"You're not trying to introduce your daughter to me, are you? Love is the biggest taboo in an adventure, you know!"

"You, kid, why do you always act like you're at a disadvantage? I simply wanted you guys, who are the same age, to communicate with each other."

With that, Lao Deng took out a mobile phone and opened a photo.

Chen Shu glanced at it and stood up, saying, "Lao Deng, one should have a conscience. Are you trying to repay kindness with enmity?"

"???" Lao Deng's face darkened.

Are you putting on a show? What the hell do you mean by repaying kindness with enmity?

"Most importantly, you said your daughter is about the same age as me?! That's going too far."

Chen Shu also had a speechless expression. The little girl in the photo was wearing a red scarf and holding a certificate in her hand with the words 'North City Elementary School, Nanjiang City.'

Do you really think I'm blind?

"Cough... She's about to enter junior high, and you're in your final year of high school. Aren't you both going to the same school?"

"Forget it..."

Chen Shu had a face full of speechlessness. You're really something, Dad.

Just as he was casually chatting with Lao Deng, an unexpected option appeared before Chen Shu's eyes.

[Option One: Roll to the right for five meters to dodge the attack, completing the reward: Contract Spirit's speed +5%]

[Option Two: Believe in your Iron Head Skill and use it to withstand the attack of the Earthquake Bear, completing the reward: Beast Tamer level +1]

He looked momentarily puzzled, as if having doubts, but the next moment, he reacted.

Suddenly, Chen Shu kicked his leg, sending Lao Deng flying several meters away, while he himself rolled a few meters using the force of the rebound.

A terrifying giant palm struck exactly at Chen Shu's original position.


A bear, blending into the night, roared fiercely, exuding a savage aura.

"Help! The Black Bear Spirit is here to steal the kasaya!"

Chen Shu screamed at the top of his lungs.

The others who were just falling asleep instantly woke up and quickly emerged from their tents.

A clear whistling sound rang out, and the Windwing Eagle also reacted, launching a Wind Blade that instantly inflicted heavy damage on the Earthquake Bear, leaving it in a critically injured state.

Although the Earthquake Bear was nearly three meters tall and looked extremely terrifying, it was just a level-nine savage beast.

"Xiao Chen, Lao Deng, are you okay?" Zhou Shi walked over, asking with concern.

Chen Shu and Lao Deng shook their heads, indicating that they were fine.

But at that moment, Chen Shu's expression changed, and he said in surprise, "There are more of them!"


With the help of the campfire and moonlight, the group could vaguely see the emergence of several black bear figures surrounding them.

Zhou Shi shouted, "Enter battle mode!"

Everyone summoned their contract spirits, and a fierce battle was about to begin!

"We clearly spread the excrement of the Savage Beast Lord, so why did it attract so many Earthquake Bears?"

Suddenly, Chen Shu thought of something, licked his lips, seemingly savoring the taste, and said, "It's probably... because we stole the honey."

I received a notification about the signing contract two days ago and submitted the documents. Now I'm still waiting for the result.

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